FIRST POST? Time questions.

I am such a slacker, I cannot believe no one else has posted yet. Well, I will get ya started.

Challenge started Wednesday and I have been running around like a headless chicken since the dawn on the 1st -- trying to get ready to leave town for WDW.

How are you incorporating the challenge and making the time?



  • lisame1017
    lisame1017 Posts: 8 Member
    Haha I just joined the challenge today, maybe I should look into these workouts :)
  • selvoski
    selvoski Posts: 1 Member
    I'm still trying to work out my challenge and cardio routine and have found I need to break it up through-out the day. My body does not want o wake-up much earlier than 4:50 AM.... I start work at 7:30 AM. By the time I get home, I find myself running around trying to accomplish other tasks. I'm trying to focus on jumping back into my work-out routine as soon as I get home, before I get pulled into other directions.
  • Still trying to work it out. Can get in most of the challenge before leaving for work just have to work in my cardio and the rest at night.
  • I've been doing it in the morning when I wake up so that way life doesn't get in the way later in the day. I have to confess to skipping the burpees though...
  • I've been doing modified burpees until I can get arm and core strength up.
  • Just started the challenge today - still need to do my burpees. This is one tough challenge!