need support:(

I have just started in this journey to get the sleeve...i want this so badly but my family Is not backing me up in this decisión. They aré afraid of the risk......I was told today i need to lose...9-14 lbs before they even think about scheduling the surgery...


  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I'd be worried if they were't afraid for you. My mother, (I'm single so she was my surgery support person) was a bit freaked as the date grew closer. I took her in to meet with the nurse coordinator which made a world of difference for her. If you value your family's opinion, make an effort to help them get educated. It may not change their minds, but may help them deal with your decision in a more positive way. As for the 9-14lbs, High protein, low carb is your friend. I was also required to lose between my consult and pre-op appointment. I lost 13 lbs in 2 weeks on: protein shake for breakfast, protein shake or quest bar for lunch and a dinner of grilled chicken with veggies. You can DO this!
  • connorsdad07
    Lost of water, walk as much as you can, and yes HIGH protein w/ low carb meals and you should loose that weight pretty fast!
    I've lost 50lbs following these simple ideals.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    The less you weigh by time of surgery the better. All surgery like this carries a 1/500 chance of death even if you were perfectly normal. It is a reality. You have to weigh the risk with the reward. My risks of not seeing my child grow up had become my reality so surgery was the lesser risk for me. If you want this for you you will be able to lose the weight. The surgery is not a cure for your food addictions. It is only a tool. Identify your Kryptonite foods and remove them from your life. For most of us that is processed carbs-pizza, pasta, breads, chips etc. you might as well get rid of them now because if you think will be able to keep them after surgery you would be mistaken. Many people have had wt loss surgery only to go back to their old way of eating and gain it all back. Try to get your family to go with you to a seminar. They are invaluable in educating you. Good luck!
  • Ksh1055
    Ksh1055 Posts: 248 Member
    My Mom said she was surprised that it took me this long (7 years) and that if anyone would have told me 7 years ago that I would gain twice my normal I would have laughed in their face. My immediate family are all on board and will be as supportive as they need to be.

    On the other hand my daughter was not on board and thought all I would have to do is get up and exercise. Once she talked with Grandma she changed her mind. I also forwarded her the Emmi (video of gastric sleeve from pre to post) so that she could see for herself what the facts are. She is on board and supportive, but I know she has high reservations over the risk that I'm taking.

    I was worried about losing the 10 lbs. pre-op that my surgeon requires, but I was put on New Directions products 10 days prior to surgery,drank lots of water and lost the weight. The products are high in protein, you have your fiber and I also had an exercise bike that I used 4 or more times a week for 20-35 minutes. Tomorrow is my surgery and as of my appointment this a.m. had lost 14 lbs.

  • randiwoods1
    randiwoods1 Posts: 24 Member
    I agree with some of the prior posts. The way to get your family behind you is to lay out, very clearly, the risks of you NOT having the surgery - diabetes, knee replacements, hip replacements, heart disease, heart attacks, high blood pressure, stroke, etc. Be very graphic.

    Yes, this surgery has risks however, no more than the heart bypass or other surgeries that you may need in the future if you don't get the weight off.

    It's great that they're afraid for you - it means they love you. However, if you can show them why they should be more afraid if you don't have the surgery, they'll back you up.

    The idea of showing them some videos is a great one to clarify what you're trying to achieve. Your doctor should also have materials that address why "just exercising more" doesn't work for everyone.

    Maybe they're also worried about how it will affect them - if you're the main cook in the family, maybe they're afraid that your eating restrictions will be theirs. Or that you won't have the time to spend the way you spend it today. Help them to understand that the more you love and take care of yourself, the better you can love and take care of them.