Anyone still play WoW?



  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    I play on Windrunner/Darrowmere, Alliance side. Been bored out of my mind lately, and would really like to find a nice raiding group (even if it's just flex, I'm a little undergeared still). My battle tag is Tiru#1166. My main is a DPS DK, and I've got a resto druid too but I don't play him much these days.
  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    i do! subscription till my birthday (early feb) then i plan on quitting again.

    i play on hellscream, horde side. OG!

    oh and i tinker between hunter (liant), priest (syln), monk (meina) and shaman (masuka)

    playing on timeless isle, they throw loot at you. see a dusty treasure chest on the ground? oh hello there, 496ilvl helm.

    i just want to make some engineering mounts/toys then i'm out.
  • ♚SuperHeather♚
    I do I do I do!!
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member

    playing on timeless isle, they throw loot at you. see a dusty treasure chest on the ground? oh hello there, 496ilvl helm.

    Indeed. Unfortunately I'm at 527 and gaining slowly. Everyone wants 540 min. for normals, which is reasonable. Just difficult to get there when I don't even have a reliable flex group. :-\

    I also have terrible luck when it comes to loot, haha. I had blue bracers (450 ilvl) for months, despite opening every TI chest on 4 toons, spending 40k on Kukuru chests, and doing LFR and a little flex when I could. Finally some 483s cropped up on the AH and that's what I'm wearing now! I've still never seen plate timeless bracers. I'm cursed!
  • parias1126
    parias1126 Posts: 64 Member
    I quit about a year ago and haven't seen a reason to re-up. I probably will with the new xpac.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Just realized that I haven't logged in months and probably missed "Long, Strange Trip" yet again. Every year I manage to miss the same couple of holidays. Stupid mounts.

    Anyhow, Horde/Duskwood. I play every class, most are to 90 now. About half are raiding LFR at least. I do mostly retro stuff tho; solo BT for a shot at glaives for my rogue who is mogged as a demon hunter and grind obscure rep on my main, or farm recipes in Karazahn, etc.
  • gtdattitude
    gtdattitude Posts: 216 Member
    I logged in today after a long hiatus and I feel very lost and left behind, and the guild I'm in Fell apart while I was gone...

    I didn't check my horde toons yet
  • strongestgirl10
    strongestgirl10 Posts: 26 Member
    Yep, playing all clothies (ranged FTW) on both Kilrogg (Alli) and Perenolde (Horde). Both servers have a robust economy where I farm mats and make a killing on the AH to buys toys, mounts and battle pets. I <3 carebears.
  • Adrasteis
    Adrasteis Posts: 110 Member
    Yup! 15 toons,9 90's and 1 horrible journey later to get stupid Legendary Cloak....and still going strong. Horde and Ally on Arthas =)
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,094 Member
    i plan on playing tonight new years eve, havent played in a month or so. i have 5 paladins, and a few others, on silvermoon, all alliance. i'm almost to 90 on one of them. i like to play by myself, mostly doing gathering and quests. i'm a boring player, but i like it. i dont raid, i tried once and everyone got mad at me. i have no idea what i'm doing.

    i like to start new toons, so if anyone wants to start up on a new server, i'm game. i could step out of my little cocoon and play with other people. (just dont get mad at me if i make mistakes lol)
  • transer42
    I'm still playing, mostly on Farstriders (alli and horde). Not adverse to creating other toons somewhere else, either. I'm a bit bored lately....
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    My fiance and I have JUST started playing WoW.

    She's liking it...I'm finding it very boring so far....absolutely no story or plot.
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    Joe, how far are you? Are you reading the quests? There's so much lore in WoW! I know it's a little disjointed now because of some of the revamping that was done, but there are still a ton of great stories as you level. You'll run into the same characters in different level brackets, too, so ya gotta pay attention!
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    My fiance and I have JUST started playing WoW.

    She's liking it...I'm finding it very boring so far....absolutely no story or plot.

    /40000 years of lore

    /no story or plot

  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    My fiance and I have JUST started playing WoW.

    She's liking it...I'm finding it very boring so far....absolutely no story or plot.

    /40000 years of lore

    /no story or plot


  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    Let me story or plot that is actually something I care about.

    It's the first RPG I've played where I don't care one bit about anything that's going on. The game just doesn't make you care about....well...anything at all. I know I'm in the minority regarding this, I've got friends that have been playing for 7 years....I really don't see how.

    The plot is not strong enough for me right now.
  • tayloryay
    tayloryay Posts: 378 Member
    It might help you to do some outside reading. A lot of the really good stories are in the higher level content, or outside the game entirely. Go have a look around, read about some really big characters like Arthas Menethil, or Jaina Proudmore, or Thrall, or Garrosh Hellscream. I don't know if you're playing Alliance or Horde, or what area you're in, so I'm not sure what to tell you to look for.
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,761 Member
    I'm a Drenei on the Alliance side, my fiance is a Night Elf on the Alliance side.

    Right now, I'm helping Ashenvale fight the Hoarde.

    To be honest thought, I'm really not that interested in the WoW lore to do any outside reading. If the game doesn't hook me without having to do all kinds of extra outside stuff from the game, it's not going to be sticking with me for the long haul.

    I'm keep hearing that once you are able to do the expansions it will get a lot better...but I think I have a long way to go.

    Stormwind may be my next destination.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    My boyfriend and I just started up again! I started a new Warlock that is a human/alliance in Underbog! When do you all play? I usually play later at night after work around 8PM EST.
  • chickidee87
    chickidee87 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm a late nighter too. Rerolled on a new server and now have an 83 tauren druid on Area 52. Was sick of my old servers and no moolah to transfer faction AND server. Honestly, I'm so sick of leveling I wish I HAD transferred, but deleted my old characters (was raging and thought I'd quit... big surprise, I didnt!)