Before pictures

msmarlette Posts: 18 Member
Have you taken yours? Will you be?

If so, what will you be wearing?

Include your head in pic or not?

Using your cell phone camera, which means the pic will live on your phone or what?

Obviously, I've got a few logistical questions. I want to take mine tomorrow. I guess in my bra & panties. Won't include my head & will need to use my cell phone. Better not lies that phone!


  • h3lisab3thm
    h3lisab3thm Posts: 5 Member
    I took a before picture yesterday, but will probably redo it tomorrow. The one I took I am wearing a black spaghetti strap shirt and underwear. Bra and Shorts would probably be better. I will be taking it with my phone, then emailing it to myself so I can save it on my computer and delete it off my phone. I lose my phone way to often to want to keep that on there haha.

    More important than pictures, in my opinion, I took measurements yesterday, That was depressing but necessary.
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Ughhh. I took pics and measured. And it took for ever to delete off my tablet lol.
    I am wearing a sports bra and black underwear. It is scary stuff!! Posed front, side, back
  • chickidee87
    chickidee87 Posts: 63 Member
    I'll be wearing a bra and undies. Taking them tomorrow, as well as my mother (we're losing together). Will be using a digital camera and including head (I want to lose this second chin so bad!)
  • I took several today in a sports bra and shorts with my cell phone. They will remain stored on my phone until I see progress and become comfortable enough to post them. I cropped my head out because my hair wasn't done. I will continue to take pics during the challenge and throughout the rest of my journey, until I reach my GW.
  • lilmidnightwolf
    lilmidnightwolf Posts: 39 Member
    My BEFORE pic is on my page..You're welcome to go see it :smile:
  • CulturedCowgurl
    CulturedCowgurl Posts: 136 Member
    I took some before pics in a fitted tank top. Oh the I did not suck in the tummy just let it all hang out. I will also save and post along with my AFTER pics. Just too embarrassing right now.
  • msmarlette
    msmarlette Posts: 18 Member
    Well I took some. They aren't the best. I may try again tomorrow. I couldn't bear (bare :-) it anymore. They're on my cell phone but I put the cell phone directly in front of my face & took the pic thru the mirror.

  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Lol "bare"

    Ugh, I'm sooooo embarrassed I let myself get so huge!
  • jgablin
    jgablin Posts: 23 Member
    forgot about the pictures... they def help in the weight loss. i keep a picture of me, when I was a better weight, in plain view so I see it every day and remember what my goal is.
  • jgablin
    jgablin Posts: 23 Member
    Tara, don't be so hard on yourself!! You're here now doing the challenge!!! Pat yourself on the back for taking that huge step!!!
  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 62 Member
    I actually set up a proper camera on a tripod and used the timer to take mine. I figured the pictures should represent what other people see, and nobody I know views me with a rakish angle in a mirror or from the end of my outstretched hand.

    I think I might re-shoot it today or tomorrow though, because I took the original at night (poor lighting) and with a semi-cluttery background.

    Not that I'm aiming to look good (I'm only wearing a pair of athletic shorts, and trust me: there's no way to make that into a pretty picture); I'm just anal-retentive about photo technique LOL.