Your number one piece of Marathon advice



  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    If your race has a pace group close to the time you want to finish stick with them. Most pacers are experienced and will help you meet your goal. Depending on the size of the race you could have a dozen people in the pace group which allows you to chat, discuss your training, and any one of thousand other things that don't involve how much mile 22 sucks. If your race doesn't have pacers set a speed limit for yourself and don't break it (see post directly above for the penalties for speeding)
  • dorianaldyn
    dorianaldyn Posts: 611 Member
    My biggest issue is always about fuel... during training I was just fine with the 20 miler, but when it came to race day, the fueling that worked for the 20 miler didn't work for me for the full. I should have consumed more and I should have consumed sooner than I did.

    There is no shame in walking if you need it. Walking can breathe new life into tired legs; can reset a bad attitude.

    Even if you're feeling like crap, smile. Sounds silly, but it can really work improve your outlook. Encourage your fellow runners - a little bit of encouragement might mean the world to them and I don't know about you, but helping other people always adds a little spring to my step.

    Other than that, the most helpful thing for me is to break it into smaller distances. A marathon is really only a little farther than 5 5-mile runs. 5 mile runs are easy, right? I'm constantly doing mental math and breaking distances down like that ~ for whatever reason, it helps me a ton.

    You will do GREAT. I just know it.

    As an aside - during my first marathon, even when I felt the lousiest, I never doubted my ability to finish. And, since finishing was really my only goal, I was pretty happy throughout. During my third marathon when I was battling some painful hamstring issues, I nearly quit at the half way mark. One of the big reasons I didn't was because I'd bought a $1 poster before the race. That $1 made a huge difference because I couldn't have the ONE race poster that I had be for the race I didn't finish! Ha!
  • MSRunner23
    This is what hitting the wall looks like on a Garmin.

    Split Time
    1 06:04.2
    2 06:12.1
    3 06:06.5
    4 05:58.5
    5 06:01.9
    6 06:20.0
    7 06:09.3
    8 06:21.7
    9 06:15.9
    10 06:17.1
    11 06:20.3
    12 06:17.0
    13 06:21.4
    14 06:17.4
    15 06:25.6
    16 06:22.0
    17 06:41.8
    18 06:28.9
    19 06:35.9
    20 06:53.5
    21 06:48.8
    22 07:21.1
    23 06:39.3
    24 07:41.7
    25 07:32.7
    26 07:44.7
    27 02:03.0

    I'd bet a dollar to a doughnut that the bolded splits are primarily responsible for the bonk.

    You'd probably come out on the right side of that bet. Plus, the last 5-6 miles were mostly incline, which certainly didn't help. I'm taking another stab at the same race (minimal course changes) on Saturday. Hoping to run a little smarter / faster.
  • KateRunsColorado
    KateRunsColorado Posts: 407 Member
    Great post! I was actually thinking about posting something similar (1 week to go until my first!).

    Question - how do I know what a good pace to start out at is? Because I've been doing all of my long runs at just under an 11 minute/mile pace (around 10:50 to be exact), but everyone says you run faster on race day. So should I start out at the same 11 minute pace? Or go for 10:30?

    Ideally I'd like to run the marathon at around 4:30 (which would be 10:18 pace). However, I am also telling myself it's okay if I'm closer to 5 hours! It is my first after all.
  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    Ideally I'd like to run the marathon at around 4:30 (which would be 10:18 pace). However, I am also telling myself it's okay if I'm closer to 5 hours! It is my first after all.

    If that were my goal I would try and keep my mile splits between 10:00 and 10:30. It is tough to hold *exactly 10:18* for 26 miles; you may want to err on the side of caution and stay closer to that 10:30 time and then try and pick it up for the last 10K.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    You'd probably come out on the right side of that bet. Plus, the last 5-6 miles were mostly incline, which certainly didn't help. I'm taking another stab at the same race (minimal course changes) on Saturday. Hoping to run a little smarter / faster.

    Is there a wrong side to a bet of a dollar to a doughnut? :D
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    While this doesn't really qualify as "advice", I just want to say that the marathon itself was far easier than the training for me. Maybe I didn't run the fastest time, but I really enjoyed myself because I focused on finishing rather than worrying about my time and most importantly, I also concentrated on soaking in the whole experience. Ok, I was beat to death when it was over, but I honestly can say that I enjoyed every second of the race.
  • ColorfulWeirdo
    ColorfulWeirdo Posts: 113 Member
    I have two pieces of advice:

    1- Unless you are trying to qualify for a world record, and are going over 13 minute miles, don't worry about the time that you finish in. I know for me that if I can focus on how I feel instead of what the clock on your wrist says. If you have a mile that takes 9 minutes, and the next mile takes 11, who cares- no one. You're out there, you've trained, and you've done enough. Don't let it get into your head.

    2- Speaking of your head. YOU WILL HIT A WALL. It may be at mile 7, it may be at mile 13, it may be at mile 20, it may be at all of the above. You will get over it. Everyone out on that course with you will hit that wall- so you'd be weird if you didn't. Have something ready to get yourself through. Think of the hugs from your four kids, think of all the chocolate you can eat at the end, think of the bragging rights or whatever it is that will get you through and keep going.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    all great stuff! bookmarking for May
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    2- Speaking of your head. YOU WILL HIT A WALL. It may be at mile 7, it may be at mile 13, it may be at mile 20, it may be at all of the above. You will get over it. Everyone out on that course with you will hit that wall- so you'd be weird if you didn't. Have something ready to get yourself through. Think of the hugs from your four kids, think of all the chocolate you can eat at the end, think of the bragging rights or whatever it is that will get you through and keep going.

    With this, I don't agree, unless you and I are defining "The Wall"differently. Hitting the wall occurs when the body runs out of glycogen. This doesn't happen to everyone, it depends on their fitness and how well they execute their plan. I've run 4 marathons now and I hit the wall in the first one and came really close in the 4th one. The middle two, no wall, no way.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Late to the party, but here are my top three marathon tips (free of charge - as always):

    1) Don't go out too fast
    2) Don't go out too fast
    3) Don't go out too fast

    As others as said, of course you feel great at mile 3, 8 and 14. But you need to "make an investment in your future" so you can still feel good at mile 23 without the wheels falling off.

    Just be realistic about your marathon pace based on your training.
  • mitchyinge
    this thread makes me feel scared

    wish I hadn't told everyone I was preparing for a marathon
  • bert16
    bert16 Posts: 726 Member
    2- Speaking of your head. YOU WILL HIT A WALL. It may be at mile 7, it may be at mile 13, it may be at mile 20, it may be at all of the above. You will get over it. Everyone out on that course with you will hit that wall- so you'd be weird if you didn't. Have something ready to get yourself through. Think of the hugs from your four kids, think of all the chocolate you can eat at the end, think of the bragging rights or whatever it is that will get you through and keep going.

    With this, I don't agree, unless you and I are defining "The Wall"differently. Hitting the wall occurs when the body runs out of glycogen. This doesn't happen to everyone, it depends on their fitness and how well they execute their plan. I've run 4 marathons now and I hit the wall in the first one and came really close in the 4th one. The middle two, no wall, no way.

    Totally agree with Carson here. I'm two marathons in and have yet to make the wall's acquaintance. This is why race nutrition is important; and why I said don't be afraid to take on calories/carbs early and often (consistent with your long runs, but remembering you've got an extra 4-6 miles (assuming you ran 20-22 in your long training runs)). But there is certainly no requirement to hit the wall. Frankly, even if you mean a mental wall, I've also avoided that, too. I trusted in my training and went in knowing I could execute; on race day, I just carried out the plan.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    The number one piece of advice?

    SLOW DOWN! :laugh:

    If you feel like you are going way too slow during the first 20 miles, then you are probably doing fine.

    The goal for the first marathon should be to finish in one piece. It takes years to develop the fitness necessary to race a marathon.

    The mantra that I have used for two marathons that weren't relatively flat was "Manage the effort, not the pace" to keep me from becoming fixated on what the Garmin is telling me. The marathon is ALL about fuel conservation. The idea is to run out of glycogen as you cross the finish line. If you go a little too fast, or expend too much effort to maintain your pace going up a hill, you could run out before the finish. This is "the wall". To avoid this, I tried to concentrate on maintaining a consistent level of effort through the elevation changes.

    This. 100% true. also, eat something.
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    I have never been as excited. Great information out here. Also bookmarking this one for May! Congrats to all and enjoy.
  • legallyblonde916
    legallyblonde916 Posts: 43 Member

    You should actually start off just slow enough that you worry if you're going too slow. Run at that pace the first 6-8 miles, then pick it up a little for your overall goal marathon pace, and if you've got anything left in the tank after 20, kick it up a bit more.


    Good luck!
  • CathOh
    CathOh Posts: 72 Member
    Different sort of advice (that doesn't apply to just marathons, and I'm sure you've only figured these out in your previous races):

    1. Don't forget to smile for the cameras.
    2. Don't cross the finish line looking at your garmin. Nothing is more annoying than a nice finish, with photographic evidence showing only the top of your head.
    3. Thank the volunteers and the people who cheer you on along the way.
  • Marlene_33
    Marlene_33 Posts: 211 Member
    This is all great information! Actually making more excited about my first full in March. Thanks everyone!!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    This is all great information! Actually making more excited about my first full in March. Thanks everyone!!

    You running LA? Great choice for a first timer! It will be my 7th time running LA, so hit me up if you need any info.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    If you know how fast you go in other races then you could use a calculator. There are loads online that take into account your time for say a half marathon for example and then calculates.

    However, I did this and found my projected time to be unrealistic given I was a first time marathoner. I ran my pace of 7.20/mile for around 17 miles and then my legs went (I wasnt particularly out of breath mind you) a bit and ended up about 15-20 minutes behind my anticipated time. I suppose that will improve over time....

    But for my first one I wonder how I would have done if I felt a bit slower.