What are everyone's weight lose plans?

Ginger_Gal Posts: 18 Member
Well, it was a long winter break and apparently I ate everything under the sun. But what can you do? Just pick yourself off the buffet table and move forward. I was wondering what plans everyone is following. What has worked for you and what hasn't? I have found for myself keeping a tight reign on my calories and avoiding my trigger foods like the black plague, Some people can cheat here and there and be fine. Not me. I think of refined sugar as my heroin. Just say no. No I would not like a wafer thin slice of cake. No we can't put ice cream in the shopping basket. Not even the nasty kind, Mama will still eat it.

The next 3 days while my body detoxes from lack of sugar will be rough. I've already warned my husband and children that I will be a tad bit grumpy this week. Husband said he was glad he is going out of town on business. Let's all pray for my children, they have no business to escape to.

Can't wait to hear from you guys.


  • Hello! I am doing a mix of MFP and WW. I have done WW so many times that it's just what I keep going back to. I use MFP to log my food and then use my WW calculator to convert to Points. I know it's just a mind thing, but I hate counting calories for my fruits and veggies when on WW they are "free"! LOL!

    My goals right now are to lose 25 pounds by May 10 (my brother's wedding) and then I would like to lose another 20 by September 14 (that's our next Disney Vacation). The most weight I have lost in the past 13 years was 20 pounds almost 3 years ago. I was on WW. When I quit, I gained it all back plus another 10 pounds.

    I have been gaining and losing the same 4 pounds for months now. I can't seem to stay motivated. I LOATHE exercise but know it's vital to losing weight. I just need to find something that I can do 5 days a week for 30 minutes. I am not about to pretend I can do anything more at this point. I also need to stop snacking and eating out so much.

    We have been to Disney World 6 times and only once was a semi happy with my pictures. Every trip I say I am going to lose weight and I don't. Not sure how many more trips to Disney we have ahead of us so I would really like this trip to be special and be confident in my pictures.

    It always amazes me how I can want something so bad but not do anything about it. It doesn't make sense and that's why I truly think obesity is a disease. If it was as simple as "quit eating" I think I would have been able to do it by now.

    Good luck to everyone out there! I really hope this is all our time!!
  • fluffychick73
    fluffychick73 Posts: 19 Member
    Logging what I eat is such an important thing for me! Once I stop doing that I just go downhill. I am going to try to get in some sort of workout everyday, even if it's just 30 minutes on the treadmill, I'm going to do something. Also I am trying to spend my calories on foods with nutritional value and not just empty calories. My goal is not so much to lose weight as it is to fit into a certain size of clothes and feel comfortable with the way I look. I know that together we can do this!!
  • Ginger_Gal
    Ginger_Gal Posts: 18 Member
    I quit smoking 13 years ago and it was easy. You know why? I could just not have a cig. But with losing weight it's harder. You have to eat, and when you are overly hungry your brain makes bad decisions. I'm trying to stock up on healthy snack options. Quick things that are good for me.
  • AndyRogan
    AndyRogan Posts: 195 Member
    I want to lose another 50lb this year, but not sure how likely that is with a WDW visit in May.

    My first challenge is walking 50miles in January.
    Also to add weights to my routine.
  • My goal right now is to eat healthier and start becoming more active. I have a lot of weight to lose and I know it is going to take a while so I am just trying to do this in a way that helps me the most in the long run.
  • I would like to lose about 25 lbs and get toned and defined. It's a hard process though. :smile:
  • ashviator
    ashviator Posts: 2 Member
    I want to lose my baby weight and get healthier for my baby's first out of the womb Disney trip :smile: We are going at the end of May...he'll be 10 months old.
  • pluckypaleo
    pluckypaleo Posts: 50 Member
    I have over 100 pounds to lose. I have tried a bunch of different "plans" but nothing has stuck with me. This time I have adapted a lifestyle change. My Husband and I went Paleo on January 1st. It is not easy being an avid disney goer and having this lifestyle. We have been packing food instead of buying at the parks. However The Land in EPCOT has a great walk up restaurant that has healthy choices. Since making the change, I feel amazing! I have lost 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I can't wait to see where this lifestyle change takes me. Good luck everyone!
  • I would love to loose 30 lbs by our trip in Sept!!??? that would be awesome--I am around 304 right now.
  • crochet145
    crochet145 Posts: 1 Member
    I joined a gym last January. I managed to lose 30 pounds by April. I quit going in May when my Monkeys got out of school. Summer was crazy for us! I joined again on Wednesday, and realized I had gained 14 of the 30 back. So I"m back at it again. We are going to Arizona in June and Disney at Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to (and by that, I mean I WILL) be down at least 40 pounds down by June 1. That will put me below 200 for the first time in 8 years. Goat number two is to be down another 45 - 50 pounds by Thanksgiving. I refuse to be Pooh sized on this trip. I want to FINALLY take a picture with Baloo where we're not roughly the same weight. :-)
  • Geekygal85
    Geekygal85 Posts: 37 Member
    I have been doing weight watchers since June 2013 and have so far reached 20lbs gone. But then the holidays came around and I have been bouncing the same 5lbs around and wanted to get past that point. That's why I have now joined My Fitness Pal as an added way of keeping track of how I'm doing. If I go from my starting weight, my overall goal was to lose 120lbs. As of my current weight I only have 99lbs to go!!
  • CheekyRunner
    CheekyRunner Posts: 105 Member
    My plan is to lose another 20 before my next WDW trip. I am going to honestly log my foods daily on MFP and keep hitting the gym, running and going to zumba classes. My graph at the end of each day should look like 20% protein, 25% fat and 55% carbs. I have been doing this for a couple of months and it is working for me. The weight is coming off at a nice pace and my body is starting to tone up.
  • My goal is to lose 50 pounds. On January 2, my blood work results came back slightly high, so the doctor told me to do low fat cholesterol and low fat. I decided to try MFP after my son lost 30lbs staying within 1500 calories. I am adding the treadmill during the winter, but in the summer my sister and I walk outside 2+ miles, 5 days a week. It's been a slow process, but I'm here for the long haul this time!!
  • I'd like to lose 50 by the time we go in October. I'm at the highest I've ever been without being pregnant so it's time for a change! Doing the deluxe dining plan while in Disney never helps either!
  • Marlynx2
    Marlynx2 Posts: 6 Member
    I hope to lose 40-50 lbs by my WDW trip in August. My first step was getting back on track my logging my calories with myfitnesspal. My second step was joining a learn to run clinic. I'm going to go out 3x a week. Healthy eating and exercise will not only help me lose the weight, but I'll be healthier and fit.
  • pbass1
    pbass1 Posts: 9
    I find that logging is my "key". I have to stay within my limits or else here comes the dreaded "binge". I have done good on MFP. I have slipped the last month (or so) but find I can come back to this lifestyle because its really just eating in moderation. Hopefully, I'll lose another 15 lbs by the summer.
  • I need accountability - I fall apart every time I stop my food journal. I finished the Tower Of Terror 10 mile in October and just let everything go... Need to lose the weight I let creep back on. Running would be easier if I lost those 15 pounds and then took off an additional 25. I want to run the Wine and Dine in November and then do Coast to Coast in 2015.

    I signed up for a 5k today so I am hoping that will start the cycle of goals..
  • Slimming World for me, and at the moment it is working, put on a lot of weight due to medication. Now been off these meds for 2 years so the side effects should be out of my system, hoping to get back to my pre med weight
  • I definitely need to be more active. I have a sedentary desk job, but it can be stressful, so when I get home - after I cook dinner I am in no mood for exercise. This dreadfully cold and snowy winter does not help, I prefer to walk outside than on the treadmill. I also have to watch my sweets intake - I LOVE them unfortunately :ohwell: . Logging my food has really shown me just how much sugars I am eating. I have already gone longer with this than I usually do, logging my food becomes a hassle. I really want to keep with it this time. I turned 40 last Sept and really want to stick with a more healthy lifestyle, not just diet for an event (although our next WDW trip IS incentive :wink: )
  • I'm doing slimming world, would love to lose 4 stone by my next Disney trip...