January 5th P90X3 Workout

Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
I hope everyone is surviving the second coming of the Ice Age, or as the climate change alarmists like to call it, simply a minor hiccup in the data that proves the world will burn up in 2100. Yesterday was supposed to be The Warrior and today was supposed to be a 10-mile run. I "could" have swapped the two out so I could run in 43'F (6'C) weather, but I could tell my body and legs were not ready. If anything, my body was telling me a needed, heaven forbid, a rest day. So I did absolutely nothing Saturday except watch football, cook several meals for the upcoming week, and cooked a batch of Welsh cakes for my friend's family. I've never made them for my friend, but apparently they are a huge hit with her mom and one of her daughters. I say only one of her daughters because unless the other returns home in time she will only be able to savor the smell left behind in the plastic container and nothing else.

How tired was I? I slept more than 10 hours last night and did not wake up until 7am. For those of you who don't know me, my body is so in-tuned with waking up at 5am for work that I NEVER wake up after 6am. I guess my body was trying to tell me something.

So, how is the weather here on Sunday? Let me share a couple of images:


Needless to say, I am NOT going outside for a run today. So rather than test my physical endurance in the Arctic air, I did The Warrior and burned 455 calories. Then I decided to turn on the latest episode of Big Bang Theory I had DVRed and ran in place for 30 minutes. My FitBit says I ran 1.5 miles and my heart rate monitor says I burned 350 calories. Not bad for someone who does not own a treadmill, eh?

Later tonight, depending on how I feel, I plan to do Total Synergistics. I'm mad I am only halfway through my goals on my FitBit mileage and steps and am determined to hit those marks.



  • AngDenSti
    AngDenSti Posts: 184
    I've been sick for two days so no workouts for me. :( My throat has never hurt so bad and I'm hoping that by tomorrow I feel much better. It's unseasonably cold in Texas too which is making it hard for me to stay warm. I can't wait to feel normal!!
  • AngDenSti
    AngDenSti Posts: 184
    Btw, how do you post pictures here?
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Btw, how do you post pictures here?

    If you have a link to your photo, such as on Flickr, Google, or wherever, you do the following:

    <img> link to photo </img>, except change the "<" for "["

    Get well Angie, and I've seen first-hand what Texans consider cold. LoL

  • buckette70
    buckette70 Posts: 2 Member
    I am new to P90x3. Does anyone know how to log my calories burned for this exercise? I am having trouble.