Checking in...

Welp, the challenge has officially started. Some of us started yesterday and others started today.

We even have some new members. A few days ago we had 64 and now we are at 98.

So many have posted their CW, GW (after the challenge) and UGW. Thank you, thank you!!!!

How is everyone feeling today? Any NSVs (non scale victories)? Any set backs or challenges? How's the water in-take going?


  • jenn7129
    jenn7129 Posts: 15 Member
    Going as usual today except I have been so completely swamped at work I haven't gotten all the calories I usually get in and didn't get to go on my morning walk break. :( It's okay though, I will just catch up through the rest of the day. Happy Losing!!
  • Dawn810511
    Dawn810511 Posts: 98 Member
    I'm sore all over from my Jillian workout yesterday. She kicked my butt! LOL. But I started this Jan 2nd and lost 4 lbs already. YAY! Water intake is great. I had one glass of sweet tea today but no soda so far. :)
  • holdthemustard
    I have had next to no sleep and I woken up with a cold. Not a happy jan here this morning:(
  • k_mcwhinnie1
    First day for me today, and its only now that I am logging everything that i have realized how little water I have drunk today so will try and focus on that tomorrow. Went slightly over today as tried a new recipe and used too much oil but can change this for next time we have this meal :)
  • lilmidnightwolf
    lilmidnightwolf Posts: 39 Member
    I'm feeling good..Trying to stay warm in this cold weather.
    Water in take is going well today and will tomorrow since I have off due to the weather but after that I'm not sure how I'm going to do it cuz then I'm going to have to pee a lot and won't be able to due to I can't leave my class as much ....What to do?!
  • beverley770
    beverley770 Posts: 17 Member
    First day back to work today, after a lovely 2 week break. For some reason couldn't sleep last night so am quite tired, but happy with Diary and exercise :-) Really making a conscious effort to drink more water-6 cups today, plus the water in my coffees :-)
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    I've been such a good girl! That's a victory in my opinion, before I found this I'd have given up by now. I don't mind water, so it hasn't been tricky that part I just get complacent, it's good tracking them so I know I'm getting it. I used to forget to drink anything some days :s
  • kblount10
    I never realized how much food I've been eating. Seeing how many calories I have left for dinner really motivates me to go to the gym and get a really good workout in!
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    It's been good so far! I was so busy today that I didn't eat as much as I needed to until it was late in the day. Although I was active and under my calorie allotment, I still want to focus on getting my macros right. The carbs and protein were too low, and the fat was too high. I did get my veggie and fruit servings in, though, so I'm happy with that.
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    I never realized how much food I've been eating. Seeing how many calories I have left for dinner really motivates me to go to the gym and get a really good workout in!

    It's true that a lot of people misinterpret the amount of foods going into the body. I had a packet of barbecue sauce today that I thought "Hm, even though it's small I'd better add it," and that little thing is 50 calories! I usually used 2-3 of those with that particular meal, and that is 150+ calories going in without me even thinking it was anything much. It definitely puts it into perspective for you.
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    Excited about starting the day but haven't been able to work much on keeping up with my goals :-( Scratched my cornea above the pupil today on my left eye and boy, does that hurt! I'll have to catch-up with my food & exercise dairy tomorrow. Gotta' keep up!
  • jenabee610
    jenabee610 Posts: 29 Member
    Things have been going pretty well. The biggest challenge for me has always been tracking what I eat. I tend to not track water though because I usually drink a lot during the day. My hydroflask is with me at all times. As far as tracking the food goes, I have been going on a 6 day streak which is awesome cause I used to track a day here or there. I am determined to see that streak number get up into the 90s by the end of this challenge. Will be tough, but I think I can do it.

    Thanks for checking in, Mel. Keeping us accountable!
  • deeksha_s
    deeksha_s Posts: 79 Member
    I'm sore all over from my Jillian workout yesterday. She kicked my butt! LOL. But I started this Jan 2nd and lost 4 lbs already. YAY! Water intake is great. I had one glass of sweet tea today but no soda so far. :)

    That's great. I have been thinking of reintroducing Jillian into my schedule again.
  • boulevardMto180
    Going as usual today except I have been so completely swamped at work I haven't gotten all the calories I usually get in and didn't get to go on my morning walk break. :( It's okay though, I will just catch up through the rest of the day. Happy Losing!!

    Hey Jenn, were you able to catch up throughout the rest of the day?
  • boulevardMto180
    I'm sore all over from my Jillian workout yesterday. She kicked my butt! LOL. But I started this Jan 2nd and lost 4 lbs already. YAY! Water intake is great. I had one glass of sweet tea today but no soda so far. :)

    Dawn, I have a serious love/hate relationship with Jillian. I'm sure most of us do lol. Congrats on your loss so far. Keep up the good work!
  • boulevardMto180
    I have had next to no sleep and I woken up with a cold. Not a happy jan here this morning:(

    HoldtheMustard (I love your name btw lol), being sick is THE worst, whether it be January or July. Good thing about it is you wont be sick forever. I wish you a speedy recovery.
  • boulevardMto180
    First day for me today, and its only now that I am logging everything that i have realized how little water I have drunk today so will try and focus on that tomorrow. Went slightly over today as tried a new recipe and used too much oil but can change this for next time we have this meal :)

    K_mc, I love the positive attitude. I agree with you regarding logging everything. I couldn't believe all of the empty cals I used to take in. I didn't realize it until I joined MFP. A snicker bar VS a healthy meal that would sustain me for several hours. Logging was always a struggle for me. But one of my goals is to not lose my logging in streak.
  • boulevardMto180
    I'm feeling good..Trying to stay warm in this cold weather.
    Water in take is going well today and will tomorrow since I have off due to the weather but after that I'm not sure how I'm going to do it cuz then I'm going to have to pee a lot and won't be able to due to I can't leave my class as much ....What to do?!

    lilmidnight, this really is a tough one. I say drink what you can while @ work and try to make up for it once you're home.
  • boulevardMto180
    First day back to work today, after a lovely 2 week break. For some reason couldn't sleep last night so am quite tired, but happy with Diary and exercise :-) Really making a conscious effort to drink more water-6 cups today, plus the water in my coffees :-)

    Good job Beverley w/ your water intake!
  • boulevardMto180
    I've been such a good girl! That's a victory in my opinion, before I found this I'd have given up by now. I don't mind water, so it hasn't been tricky that part I just get complacent, it's good tracking them so I know I'm getting it. I used to forget to drink anything some days :s
    So glad you haven't given up, Sassy! Keep up the good work!