First Check In

Leisalynn84 Posts: 113 Member
Hello everyone!

Thanks for joining the group! Let's start by checking in. List your starting weight, height,current weight, and ultimate
goal weight. Then your birthday and goal weight for your birthday.

Mine is SW:193
Birthday 9/9
Hoping I can hit my ultimate goal weight by September!

I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!


  • tonyalenore
    tonyalenore Posts: 58 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I actually will be turning 31 this year, on January 17 (less than 2 weeks now!), so I hope you don't mind me sneaking into the group :)

    Birthday: 1/17

    With my b-day being so close I don't think I'll lose more than a pound or 2, but I'm looking to reach around 140 by the end of the year
  • Leisalynn84
    Leisalynn84 Posts: 113 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I actually will be turning 31 this year, on January 17 (less than 2 weeks now!), so I hope you don't mind me sneaking into the group :)

    Welcome to the group!
  • oboeadam
    oboeadam Posts: 124 Member
    Hi all,

    What an awesome group idea! I'm definitely up for changing my life before my 30th birthday.

    SW: 230
    Height: 5'8"
    CW: 212
    UGW: 165
    Birthday 6/23
  • Hey everybody!

    I"m super excited about finding a group of people in my same situation.. being newer to the town i live in, with no close friends or family around.. I really could use the help of new online friends to keep me motivated.

    Starting Weight 210 lb
    Current Weight 200
    Goal Weight 164
    Birthday July 5th
    Height 5'8

    I have lost some of the weight.. but for some reason that 200 mark has been hard to blast through.. I blame the holidays :). Currently I am counting calories.. and really watching my sugar, as I know i'm addicted :). I am currently doing a 30 day Ab, Arm, and Squat challenge to get things rolling again. I also have set a goal with my best friend.. who lives in Texas to each walk 514 miles this year.. (we live exactly 1028 miles apart). so I am working each day on that goal.. (when it's not super cold or snowy.. thanks Utah.. ugg) I currently have walked just over 10 miles and have a long journey in front of me.

    Excited to keep this thing going! yay!
  • alsuna
    alsuna Posts: 65 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    I'm turning 30 on 03.03.

    This is where I'm at right now:

    Height 5'5
    SW 189
    CW 142
    GW 119
    GW on birthday 129

    Haven't lost anything in 3 month though :(
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    Hi All

    Turning 30 on Feb 9th so fairly soon :)

    4ft 10in

    SW: 150.5 (Jan 1st 2013)

    CW: 116.5

    GW: 106

    Small goal : on birthday hit 115 since my birthday is about a month away

    Hit, 114 by my youngest daughters 2nd birthday March 9th :0)

    GW :) hit by Aug 10th by my oldest daughters 4th birthday

    Good lucky everyone we can do this !!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Hey everyone!

    Height: 5'10"
    SW (this time around): 197
    CW: 187
    GW: 150 (?)

    I do really hope to hit my goal weight by summer but think I might stop somewhere around 160 depending on how I look/feel at that weight.

    Birthday 11/28 - I hope to be at goal weight before then. However, I am also trying to conceive and if I do get pregnant my only weight goal will to be only gain the amount recommended - for me that would be 15-25 pounds.

    I am also a big wine drinker and drink a few glasses every sunday with my family and one or two during the week. Since I've been trying to get pregnant for quite a few months now, I am cutting way back on that starting this week. I can only imagine this will help the scale move a bit faster!
  • cuinboston2014
    cuinboston2014 Posts: 848 Member
    Hey everybody!

    I"m super excited about finding a group of people in my same situation.. being newer to the town i live in, with no close friends or family around.. I really could use the help of new online friends to keep me motivated.

    Starting Weight 210 lb
    Current Weight 200
    Goal Weight 164
    Birthday July 5th
    Height 5'8

    I have lost some of the weight.. but for some reason that 200 mark has been hard to blast through.. I blame the holidays :). Currently I am counting calories.. and really watching my sugar, as I know i'm addicted :). I am currently doing a 30 day Ab, Arm, and Squat challenge to get things rolling again. I also have set a goal with my best friend.. who lives in Texas to each walk 514 miles this year.. (we live exactly 1028 miles apart). so I am working each day on that goal.. (when it's not super cold or snowy.. thanks Utah.. ugg) I currently have walked just over 10 miles and have a long journey in front of me.

    Excited to keep this thing going! yay!

    I love this challenge with your best friend!
  • jrapkine
    jrapkine Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Everyone! It's kind of hard to believe that I'm in a group about turning 30... some days I totally feel it (I have a 17 month old who really keeps me on my toes!!), and others it feels like high school and college were just yesterday.

    Here are my stats:

    Starting Weight: 234 lb
    Current Weight: 181.4lb
    Goal Weight: 165
    UGW: 150ish?
    Birthday: April 26
    Height: 5'9"

    I want to meet my goal weight of 165 by my birthday...I've been losing about 5lb/month, so I think that's totally doable! My non-scale goal is to be able to wear this LBD I wore at a surprise party my BFF threw for my engagement/23rd birthday. Honestly with the way things have sort of rearranged themselves after having my daughter, I'm not so sure...but I'm certainly working towards it!

    I mention an UGW because when I was 165, I remember wanting to lose weight. Even in high school/college I was rarely below 160, so perhaps since I'm more dedicated to weight loss this time around, I'll get there eventually? We shall see!
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    I just turned 30.
    Starting weight: 177
    Current weight: 151
    Goal weight: 135 .. hoping by early Summer to get there

    I was between 125-135 during high school/college.. put it on after getting married (first 2 years). We have two boys, 4 & 6. I broke my ankle a year and a half ago and it's been painful since. Majority of my weight loss is food restriction... but I love food, so making it taste amazing (while being healthy) is my goal.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member
    Hi All!

    Wednesday 1/8 is my 30th
    I am 5'4"
    Starting Weight: 151 lbs (I am going based on my weigh in from this morning because less confusion that weigh)
    Current Weight: 151 lbs
    Goal weight: 130 lbs

    I have been sick for the last week and I am currently stuck in the house until they left the travel band. So I have been sticking to hot liquids and soft food to get my calories. I am tiring out really easily and haven't had much of an appetite. (Good for weight loss but not the way I wanted to do it.)
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    SW: 147
    Height: 5'2"
    CW: 134
    UGW: 125 (not too set on a number though)
    Birthday: 11/22

    A few of my friends are also turning 30 this year, and we've planned a house boating trip in August. I'd love to reach my goal weight by then. However, I will be doing heavier weight lifting in the next few weeks, so I'll be happy if the number doesn't change but I'm smaller. Being comfortable in a bathing suit is my main goal!
  • Phoenix150
    Phoenix150 Posts: 24 Member
    Turning 30 on 3.20!!

    SW: 300
    CW: 283.3
    GW: 199 (for now, I have a long way to go so ill re-evaluate once i get there more like 130-140 though)
    height: 5'2"

    I'm excited to start 30 with a healthier mindset. My goal is more the healthier eating aspect though. To set a good example for my 6 year old.
  • MrsMck22
    MrsMck22 Posts: 44 Member
    Hey everyone :)

    I'm turning 30 on 4th June, and going on a cruise on 20th Sept! Woop Woop!!

    SW 150kg
    CW 133kg
    Height 5'10
    GW 75kg (literally half myself!!)

    This year I want to lose double what I did last year (which was 17kg) so I'm just going to break that into mini goals and work on that. First day back at personal training today after 2 weeks off and I can hardly move! Bring on the 30s! I'm so excited about this year.

    Good luck everyone! I'm excited about seeing your progress and being motivated by your awesomeness!!
  • littlemzkitty
    littlemzkitty Posts: 137 Member
    I think this is a great group idea!

    I will be 30 on 11/16
    Height: 5'9"
    SW: 230
    CW: 215 (as of this morning)
    GW: 150-160ish

    I have a cruise at the end of April, and I hope to be around 185 by then. For the big 3-0 I will be going to Hawaii, and hopefully I will be able to hit my goal weight by then. 55-65lbs in 46 weeks, that SOUNDS reasonable, so I hope to be able to get there. I look forward to working together on our goals!
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    I snuck into this group too. I just turned 30 on 12/26 so only 5 days before 2014 started. :happy:

    Starting Weight: 197 lb
    Current Weight: 173.5lb
    Goal Weight: 169
    UGW: 160
    Height: 5'11"

    I love this group idea. I know I don't exactly fit the qualifications but having some buddies the same age and in similar places in their lives as I am is really helpful.

    I have 2 daughters. 10 and 2. I've been married for almost 11 years. Since I was 19 and we are still going strong. My husband is in the military but getting out soon. I work at a desk job so I sit on my butt most of the time. :flowerforyou: There is my quick bio. Nice to meet everyone!
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    Hi, my name is Jennifer.

    SW: 333
    CW: 328
    Height: 5'9"
    GW: 278
    UGW: 180

    Aiming to be 50 pounds lighter by my 30th on 12/03.
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    UGW: Around 145
    Birthday 12/9

    Looking to lose a few pants sizes and coax some muscle out of these fat layers lol!
  • kaseymo
    kaseymo Posts: 5 Member
    Height: 5'6"
    CW: 185
    UGW: 150
    Birthday 3/9

    I have lost and found this weight too many times. I am looking to make slow, gradual changes to my lifestyle so that I can keep it off for good! I will be happy if I consistently lose 1-2 pounds a week. I know it will take a while, but I want to do it right! I have a kid, a husband, work full time and go to school full time. I used that as an excuse to let myself go. Now I realize that I will do a much better job and juggling all these responsibilities if I am healthy and happy. Seems so cliche, but it's true! Thanks for putting this group together. It's nice to know so many others like me are in the same boat! Good luck to us all! :)
  • :)