
hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
Hey ladies! How are you all doing? Any exciting news on the babies?

And as always feel free to ADD ME! :tongue:

I am 20 weeks with a... girl! I recently had a scare. I went into actual labor a few days ago and had to go to Labor & Delivery. Luckily they stopped my labor. My little girl looks a bit small, but healthy. I have to check her heartbeat with a fetal doppler 3 times a day now. I'm allowed no exercise anymore :frown:


  • Mindochka
    Mindochka Posts: 61 Member
    Oh gracious! I am so glad things slowed back down for you and that everyone is looking healthy again!

    I am 24 weeks and feeling more like I am 36 weeks. I think it is just because this is the third pregnancy and I am older than I was with my first two kiddos. I can only imagine how I will feel when I am ACTUALLY 36 weeks!
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    I love your baby's name! We decided to name ours Juliana Sophia. ;-)

    So far so good...finally after 5 1/2 months I actually look pregnant! Hahahaha before that no one could really tell...except that maybe I put on a little weight. LOL!

    I'm glad everything is better since your scare and don't worry about not being able to exercise. Just make sure you're eating healthy and let nature take its course. ;-) you can always get back into a routine after the baby is born. :flowerforyou: For now just take care of you and baby!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    21 weeks here. Feeling huge, and a little disappointed I've already gained 10 lbs, but it's from overeating and being lazy, so can't expect much. Picking up my 2.5 year old is getting harder. I'm weaning my newly 1 year old daughter (she turned 1 new years day). I'm sad about it, but the nipple pain is a nightmare right now with pregnancy hormones. We're having another girl. And I've started tracking my food again to hopefully stop gaining 2 lbs a week (1 would be ideal! I know I need to gain weight, but the scale is starting to surprise and scare me - which it shouldn't since I was gaining 2 lbs a week with both babies at this point, but I didn't care about what I ate with the last 2!).

    So sorry about your scare and glad you went in and got help quickly! Take it easy while you still can! I know with MFP I was able to lose all my baby weight after and within 8 months of having her (I gained 46 lbs and lost 59) so just keep in mind afterwards you can exercise and undo the weight! Don't put pressure on yourself if you're already in a delicate situation! Best of luck!
  • Lmsvelling
    Lmsvelling Posts: 19 Member
    hotmomma, I am so glad that all is ok with your baby girl! In the last two days I have started to feel VERY distint kicking and movement (instead of little flutters and swirling), in the next few days I'm hoping my hubby will be able to feel it on the outside. At my 20 week ultrasound I was measuring right on track and baby girl was weighing in at 11 oz and 10 inches. I am sure she has surpassed that by now though! I have gained right around 10 lbs, which is right on track for a normal pregnancy, but since I was already overweight when I got pregnant I am not overly excited about the gain. I fell off the food tracking wagon, but am hopping back on! Happy New Years to all!
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    Well I'm feeling pretty good now. I felt like I was eating all the time, not because I was hungry but just to not feel sick. But that has all evened out now and I am really not that interested in food. My mom bought me a sack of cloths for the baby yesterday, so that was fun to get. They are the first baby items we have gotten so far. The only negative thing going on is that I feel HUGE! I'm only 5'4 and I feel like I look way bigger than I should be at this point. I don't feel like I have gained too much, but I just feel big!
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    So glad to hear everyone is doing well and that things ended up alright for you, Hotmomma.

    I am enjoying the joys of the second trimester as the first was such a doozey (sp?) with morning sickness. We found out we are having a little girl and have named her Lena Lucille. She looked well and measured just as she should. My placenta was lying low over my cervix so we do have a follow-up ultrasound in February to make sure that it has moved out of the way of the cervix and I am looking forward to getting to see her again.

    She moves a lot and is finally to the point where others can feel her. So far only my husband has been lucky enough too. I've tried to get my sons to feel her kicks, but they think my breath is the kick. They still get really excited that they 'felt' her, but I am hoping in the next week or so that her movements are more definitive or even showing through my tummy so then they can really feel her move.

    We had a horrible cold snap (-40 degrees) at the beginning of the week, so I was at home with my kids as school was cancelled. I spent the day pulling up 0-3 month baby totes I had kept and pulling out the gender neutral clothes. The rest I enjoyed reminiscing about my sons when they were little, took pictures and put them up on a site to be sold. Hoping they move quickly. I still have the rest of the first year totes all the way up to size 4 to get rid of now that I know we don't need them. Also went through all the big items that I kept from the boys and brought up what we will need right away and got them cleaned up (playpen, bassinet, and stroller). Hubby even surprised me that I could set them up where they will be going. He is usually very anti-clutter. And I figured I would have to wait until it got closer to her due date. But he told me to set up whatever I wanted to and even bring out the baby's toys. He wants to get his puppy use to all these things and that she needs to stay away from them. It makes it seem a little more real to see baby gear all around the house!

    Husband teases me that my waddle has started which honestly it has. I feel huge and he says I look much bigger then I ever did with our sons at 23 weeks. My hips and pelvis bone are aching a lot lately as the joints are getting loose and stretching with Lena's growth. The only exercise I find comfortable to do is either walking or yoga. Anything else makes me feel off balanced and clumsy. Nesting has kicked in a little as I realized there is only 17 weeks left of the pregnancy and we have to convert the play room into her her room. Yesterday on my day off, I worked on getting rid of my sons' toys that they don't play with and organizing what was left into big baskets. I built them a lego desk with storage and got those all moved. And up this weekend with my husband's help is building floor to ceiling shelves for the toy baskets to go on. Then I can start on the little lady's room!
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    Wow you have gotten a lot done. I think my husband is in nesting mode. He is taking up all the carpet in our living room, boy's room (still feels odd to say "boy's") and his office (that will probably turn into a play room) and is going to put wood flooring down so that it will be easier to clean. I think its going to be a mess for a couple weeks, but with 2 kids and 2 dogs it should make life a little easier. Now I need to tackle sorting the toys and cloths
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    I wasn't nesting until someone said the 17 weeks left and it seemed so eminent. We live in my grandparent's farm house. I know there are probably beautiful hardwood floors under the carpet (which I hate the carpet) and really want to peek and see. There is wood floors in the closet of the boys' room. And I think the same thing, easier to clean and I would not have to lug the vaccuum up there. But I worry about how chilly it would make their two rooms be with the wood floors. Again old farm house that is cold on a hot summer day. Excited for you that you will get to enjoy them, BabylansMom.
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Im having a really hard time right now.I have gained a ton of weight (over 20 pounds) with 13 weeks to go and my obgyn isnt concerned but my trainer and chiropracter are;and now my husband is getting on my nerves.He constantly is asking me what are you eating or is nagging me about not putting something back exactly where I got it from.I dont eat junk food or fast foods and exercise 3 days a week for over an hr.Im finishing my last semester of grad school and teach middle school with a 2 to 3 hr daily commute and my patience is almost all gone.Im not trying to talk crap about my husband because he does do a good job of cleaning and cooking when im not feeling up to it and takes care of finances and isnt out drinking with friends etc but he gets upset when I do things like leave pots on the stove instead of putting them away...hes a neat freak and likes order but some days i feel like I cant even remember my so overwhelmed and I am starting to feel that im in over my head
  • OtiWanKenobi
    OtiWanKenobi Posts: 340 Member
    Im having a really hard time right now.I have gained a ton of weight (over 20 pounds) with 13 weeks to go and my obgyn isnt concerned but my trainer and chiropracter are;and now my husband is getting on my nerves.He constantly is asking me what are you eating or is nagging me about not putting something back exactly where I got it from.I dont eat junk food or fast foods and exercise 3 days a week for over an hr.Im finishing my last semester of grad school and teach middle school with a 2 to 3 hr daily commute and my patience is almost all gone.Im not trying to talk crap about my husband because he does do a good job of cleaning and cooking when im not feeling up to it and takes care of finances and isnt out drinking with friends etc but he gets upset when I do things like leave pots on the stove instead of putting them away...hes a neat freak and likes order but some days i feel like I cant even remember my so overwhelmed and I am starting to feel that im in over my head

    Girl, I am with you...I'm starting to get concerned too because I'm up now almost to 20 lbs and my goal wasn't to surpass 25lbs during my entire pregnancy. It's not easy...and I don't really eat bad. It sounds like to me that you have a lot on your plate and the stress could be adding to your gain. I know that before I was pregnant I had a really hard time losing the weight because I was constantly stressed. It wasn't till I change my lifestyle and thinking that lbs came off. Maybe you can start fresh, make it a goal to try to log in your food daily and try to find ways to destress during the day.

    As for your hubby, when you're in a calm state of mind, maybe sit down with him and tell him exactly how you're feeling. That you appreciate everything he's doing for you but that he should try to have a little patience with you. This is only temporary and the last thing you need is the stress. At this point of your pregnancy the baby can sense and is affected by your emotions. Maybe that might help him ease up on you as well. It's all about compromise and maybe even add a clause that you will try to be more conscious with picking up after yourself.

    Wishing you all the luck in the world. :flowerforyou:
  • ashlbubba
    ashlbubba Posts: 224 Member
    I'm 25 weeks now and up 20 pounds- OUCH! However in the last few days I have lost my appetite so that is comforting after such huge Christmas cookie gains! :laugh: I feel like we're really getting close to being ready as the weeks seem to get shorter and shorter...

    My husband is definitely nesting, he's getting worried about the nursery and how it's not ready... but now there's a beautiful crib assembled in there awaiting bedding and a baby!

    I'm also having a hard time sleeping at night- but this pregnancy is going pretty good so I can't really complain.
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Doctor appointment tomorrow and have the gestational diabetes testing. So not looking forward to it! I did talk my midwife into doing the one hour instead of the two hour. I tested negative with my other pregnancies the first time, so hoping this happens again. Otherwise I get the punishment of the three hour testing for the recheck.
  • Mitzimum
    Mitzimum Posts: 163 Member
    wow it sounds like you guys are all doing amazingly well!

    Just wanna say hi, I am new to the group and 23 weeks pregnant, due on May 14th which still seems so far away! I suffered with 'alldaysickness' from 4 weeks so bad I have been on Ondansetron since week 14 just so I can eat enough (before I was given it I didn't eat anything and was throwing up water EW!). This is our first bubba and we're so excited to be having a little girl! The sickness has been slowly lessening over the last two months and now i'm eating pretty well with no spews! yay! It's so great to find a group of mums due around the same time as me as I have almost no friends who are pregnant so have no one to talk to about it besides my mum and hubby. Please feel free to add me as a friend if you want :D

    @araromi I know how you feel, sometimes my husband gets upset if I forget things and I have put on a whopping 12kg's which is about 24 pounds I think, I eat very healthy and my doctor thinks a lot of it is water since I'm from Aus and it's very hot here at the moment! Just wanted to say don't worry, you are not alone and you are doing an amazing job of looking after your bub, worry about everything else afterwards!
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    Thanks everyone for listening to me rant/vent:) Things are good on the home-front :) Ive decided not to obsess over my weight. I will continue to be active and eat well. If I gain 35 pounds then so be long as baby and I are healthy. I am working with a trainer and also going to the gym a couple times a week.Im finally in my last trimester and im excited about having a spring baby so I want be stuck in the house.Sunshine and warm weather makes everything better :) I live in NJ and hate cold weather so im looking forward to Spring.I was just curious about what people plan to do for childcare and if people plan on becoming stay at home moms. I haven't decided how long I want to stay home from work yet but I dont want to put my baby in daycare until he or she is close to 2 years old. We planned financially for this baby before even trying get pregnant and as much as I think I want to be at home with my baby I don''t want to be cut off from the outside world.Ladies what are your plans?
  • stephysd
    stephysd Posts: 2,410 Member
    Doctor appointment yesterday and everything went well. I passed the 1 hour gestational diabetes testing so glad that is now officially behind me. They did recheck my iron and it was lower then before, so now I have to start an iron supplment routine. Little bummed about that as with my past two pregnancies the iron makes me nauseaus and constipated. I had sold some of the boys' old baby clothes, so took the money and went and bought the little missus some cloth diapers. My mother-in-law and sister-in-law each found a lot of used of baby clothes for 0-3 months so we have plenty of clothes now. One lot was 40 pieces for $40 and the second was close to $70 pieces for $35. Everything looked awesome with no stains.

    @ araromi2: For each of my prior babies, I took three months off for maternity leave. My first two were not planned, so we were not financially ready for them (especially the first. Hubby was 20 and I was 21 and he had just returned home from Iraq). So my kudos for being ready! We did plan this pregnancy and it has made things so much less stressful!

    My oldest was born in February. I returned to work at the hospital as part time that first month, so just two days a week (12 hour days) to get back into the swing of things. I breastfed, so the three months were important to build up a frozen milk supply for daycare. I took him to daycare at 5:30am and my husband would pick up him around 3pm. I would get home 7pm.

    Second son was born in July, so we loved the summer off! I also ended up changing jobs to one in our town and was business hours of 8:30-5pm. I became the office assistant for my uncle at his insurance agency. This was great as he was very 'forgiving' with a newborn. Again I breastfed, but the daycare is two blocks away from our office so I would go and nurse my son during my lunch hour and take up the fresh milk I had pumped in the morning. Also if he was really fussy and would not take a bottle I could run up and nurse him which was nice. I started work in September with the new job, so not quite a full three months. But as stated I could go be with my son as needed. I started just as part time, 3 days a week. By the end of the first year that became 4 days till it was 5 days.

    When my oldest started school he really struggled, so I have now dropped back to 4 days a week with Wed off. My plan with this pregnancy is that she is due the beginning of May. I plan on working up until delivery. My sons will two week of school before summer vacation starts. I plan on taking the whole summer off for maternity leave. School starts again third week in August, so in that month I plan on starting to have the baby go to daycare 2 days a week to get her used to it. My sons will also go to a summer camp program those two days and I will go to work. I am hoping that those three weeks will get us use to having a routine again. September I will back to my four days a week with Wed off. I plan on pumping and taking milk to the daycare and nursing my daughter on my noon hour like I did my middle child. During summer vacation, I will go into work one day a week to take care of filing, making the weekly deposit, and handling the checkbook. Twice a month I will go in to do my bill paying and monthly and/or quarterly reports. I plan on my mom watching the kids on those days for me.

    I love the idea of a stay-at-home mom, but I know myself personally I would go crazy. We live in a small rural town with the closest town with something to do 30 minutes away or the biggest town with lots of options 75 minutes away. I just know we would be at each other's nerves. I do love our daycare and have used it with all three kids. I think that is my biggest comfort that the ladies there love my kids just as much as I do. All of the full time staff have been there the entire 7 years we have used them, plus many of them have been there the whole 10 years the daycare has been opened. Many of the afternoon workers are highschoolers who we then use as our evening babysitters if we go out.

    My biggest suggestion is if you do use a daycare make sure that you love it. Ask if you can come in a few times to observe and volunteer. If the daycare is broken down by rooms observe each room and make sure you go a couple of times and view at least once in the morning and afternoon. Be there for at least one meal to see how that is completed. I know our daycare loves volunteers to rock the babies in the baby room. Read or lead a game with the toddler or preschool room. Naptime they have the kids lay on mats and then walk around and lay beside each kid and rub their backs until they are asleep. Meals they teach the kids independence by having food in smaller serving dishes and starting as young as two they learn to take their own food, pass it around the table, ask with manner words for something more, etc. After each meal (breakfast, lunch and snack time) they brush their teeth starting in the baby room when they start eating cereal. In the baby room, they teach the kids sign language for basic things to help them with communication. I also suggest talking with the head director and the main room teachers one-on-one to see what they are like. Also find out what their adult to child ratio is. At our daycare baby and toddler room are 5 children to 1 adult, and preschool is 10 children to 1 adult. It is so hard to leave your baby behind for the day if you are constantly worried about them.

    Sorry for the novel! I have a whole list of questions I would ask for daycare if you are going that route and would be happy to let anyone know them. I just figured I better quit writing my book!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member
    I have been a stay at home mom for 3 years this May (my son is 2.5 and my daughter 1). I had worked or gone to school my entire life before. Staying at home is it's own beast to battle. I have a "mid life crisis" every few months (a mini freak out, like omg this is what I'm doing???). But it's totally worth it since we can afford it.

    My biggest advice is GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. I joined a mommy group through (I would recommend checking your local area to see if you have any groups in there - they sometimes have pregnancy ones too). And I can say it's the best thing I've done! I meetup with these women usually at least once a week. I joined one when my son was 4 months old, but moved, joined another one when he was 8/9 months old. I am so close to these women and my son has grown up with friends that he looks forward to playing with. I get to socialize, he gets to socialize. I made friends that are going through the same things I am (I had my whole second pregnancy with these ladies and now my third) and I think our group has added at least 10 new babies since it got started. If you don't have a meetup I would suggest looking into library story times and la leche league meetings (if you choose to breastfeed or if not, they are usually a very nice open group). When baby is having a bad day sometimes you just need to take them for a walk to get perspective. I would just say do not trap yourself in the house.

    stephysd - so awesome about passing the gestational diabetes test. I asked my doc how long I can put it off because I think I"m going to fail (was very close to failing it at 9 weeks!) She gave me permission to put it off until end of March. I'm still eating similar to a GD diet (or at least trying/keeping it in mind), but I don't want to stab myself 4 times a day if I don't need to. It will be a big relief once the test is behind me - hopefully passing it! Sorry about the low iron. I hope the iron supplements don't upset your system. Great about all the clothes! Love getting great deals!
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    @stephysd thanks for the insight.Please inbox me the list of questions to add future child care providers as I am a newbie and dont have a clue.My hubbies grandmother will watch the baby during the day so I am happy to have family watch him and the best part of it is his grandmother is a retired midwife
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    @spunkychelsea Im nervous about giving up my independence. I am grateful that I have the option of whether or not I want to return to work right after and my husbands grandmother will be moving in to help me which will be great because I need all the help I can get.
  • KimberlyTG2
    KimberlyTG2 Posts: 84 Member
    I am trying not to be as concerned about my weight, I just hate how big I look.
    With my son he stayed with family for the first year, then to a private sitters home for the next 9 months. We started him in day care 3 days a week and with my mom 2 days, after he turned 2. That has worked out really well. I will take off 8 weeks from work with this baby and my mom has offered to keep him until he is 6 months. He will probably go to day care with my son 3 days a week after that. I keep hoping that my husbands mother will move closer so she can help watch them more... but that hasn't happened yet.
    Sometimes I think it would be wonderful to be a stay-at-home mom, but when I'm off work for a couple weeks I change my mind:). Honestly it is so much work, my hat is off to all the stay-at-home moms. You do not get the credit you deserve. Sometimes I can't wait to come back to my clean, quiet office:)
    I love the idea of having a group that you belong to. As an older working mother I would love to have a group of women in my similar situation to talk with. I have girls in my family with kids, but we face such different issues. They get to stay home and they are much younger than my husband and I. We are just always on the go and some weeks they don't leave their homes