
Hi All,

So I was just wondering how we wanted the 'Challenge' to work?
Is the challenge simply to avoid binging for the next 8 weeks?
Does anyone else want to do mini challenges etc during the week or any particular kind of tracking?


  • musetle
    musetle Posts: 70
    I like the idea of mini challenges- what did you have in mind?
    For me, I encountered the strongest urge to binge last night but managed to allow myself a healthy snack and control myself. Was a pretty big win on my part
  • Good work! Every time I resist I know it's possible and I can do it again - even if sometimes it feels inevitable, or it happens only one time in three.

    Mini challenges like...
    - a week logging everything no matter how small
    - drinking 8+ glasses of water everyday
    - brushing teeth everytime get binge urge - or brushing teeth and going to bed at night rather than staying up to eat.
    - Logging on to MFP everyday for a month
    - Posting on a thread we could have here everyday of challenge about something that you were proud of doing that day or felt good about
    - Coming up with a new something to do instead of binge eat everyday (and post it in group) or come up with a total of 50 or something as a group - this could actually be a cool thread to have going
    - Weightloss related ones if we wanted set goals there - though they can be tricky, I sometimes feel like binging if I have a weightloss target that I don't meet.

    What do you think?

    Some other neat threads to have here might be:
    - healthy snack recipes and suggestions for getting that full feeling or replacing trigger foods which are impossible to have in the house
    - a 'distraction' thread like I mentioned above
    - a triggers thread where we could post about what sets us off binge-wise
  • Ecampbell64
    Ecampbell64 Posts: 22 Member
    Maybe a weekly thread to track overall success on the binge free challenge? That way it won't get too long. I like the idea of a thread to log proud of/feeling good moments -- puts the focus on the positive. I also like the idea of things to do instead of binging. My opinion is there are lots of other places on MFP where weight is the focus, so I'd prefer to stay away from that here.

    I felt like I was coming down with a cold yesterday and that's a huge trigger for me. I also went too long between breakfast and lunch running an errand which is not good. I talked about it with my husband. Thought about the 60 day challenge. Though how much I'd hate to log all the food I might eat. And how it would impact the good progress I've made over the past 7 days. It got me through - whew!
  • musetle
    musetle Posts: 70
    I love both the idea of a trigger and distraction thread!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Have we firmed up any official challenges? I think that along with other things stated, that when feeling the urge to binge, we could be challenged to add a Note to our food log or to add a Blog post here on MFP. Sometimes it's easy to admit things to oneself and then come up with reasons to justify why it 'wasn't so bad'... posting it more publicly would help with my personal accountability.
  • skyekeeper
    skyekeeper Posts: 286 Member
    This is awesome, I love all these ideas and would be up for the mini challenge as well. :)
  • T:smile: hose sound like great challenges! Lets do it my pals!!
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I think another one of my challenges is to stay off the scale. When I wake up feeling refreshed from actually getting a good night's sleep or I feel thinner than I did the day before, I'm tempted to weigh myself. Often, that's a trigger for me. I'll feel smaller or feel more fit and get on the scale hoping for a certain # and if it doesn't display that # then my whole day feels 'shot'. I will say 'F' it, I'm already gaining weight again, might as well stop off and get some donuts for breakfast..... I'm trying to stay off the scale every single day.
  • musetle
    musetle Posts: 70
    Have we firmed up any official challenges? I think that along with other things stated, that when feeling the urge to binge, we could be challenged to add a Note to our food log or to add a Blog post here on MFP. Sometimes it's easy to admit things to oneself and then come up with reasons to justify why it 'wasn't so bad'... posting it more publicly would help with my personal accountability.

    I think this is a great idea! Posted up a thread for this