Checking in 01-10-14

How are my fitness buddies (that sounds so corny lol) doing today? Some of us have had a few set backs, but I'm sure we will all soon recover if we haven't already.

I'm doing good, battling a little nasal congestion. But nothing a cup of tea w/ cinnamon and honey can't cure.

How many of you guys have a cheat day or cheat days? If so, do you go overboard? Do you still workout on that day?

I'm hesitant about introducing a cheat day. I fear becoming comfortable, eating too much on a cheat day and not being able to recover.

What's your input?


  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    I don't have a treat day, don't think it would suit me, after all it is my life change! I will have something if I really crave it as long as it fits within my calorie count. Today is the first day in 10 that I'm craving choc. Have enough in my allowance so I will have some and not feel bad :D
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    So far so good. I went over a little last night because we went to a sporting event, but nothing detrimental. There is some slim picking at the vendors available!

    Down 4lbs the first week. Pretty excited about that.

    Unfortunately, my craving downfall isn't chocolate /sweets so much as it is wine and cocktails. Really trying to figure out a balance without having to quit drinking or excercising for two hours after a couple glasses.
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    Oh, and no cheat day. I kinda feel like you, once you allow yourself the cheat day. I'm afraid it will spread to two days, then I'll start again next week..etc.
  • boulevardMto180
    I don't have a treat day, don't think it would suit me, after all it is my life change! I will have something if I really crave it as long as it fits within my calorie count. Today is the first day in 10 that I'm craving choc. Have enough in my allowance so I will have some and not feel bad :D

    That sounds like a good idea, Sassy!
  • sjda123
    sjda123 Posts: 36 Member
    No cheat days for me. Not until I drop some significant weight. I've tried that route and it just doesn't work for me. :sad:
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member

    Unfortunately, my craving downfall isn't chocolate /sweets so much as it is wine and cocktails. Really trying to figure out a balance without having to quit drinking or excercising for two hours after a couple glasses.

    Exercise directly after cocktails = bad idea haha
  • boulevardMto180
    So far so good. I went over a little last night because we went to a sporting event, but nothing detrimental. There is some slim picking at the vendors available!

    Down 4lbs the first week. Pretty excited about that.

    Unfortunately, my craving downfall isn't chocolate /sweets so much as it is wine and cocktails. Really trying to figure out a balance without having to quit drinking or exercising for two hours after a couple glasses.

    Going over one day is no sweat.
    And congrats on your loss!!! That's 4lbs closer to your goal.
    I had to go cold turkey on alcohol. I have absolutely NO control. Some call that being a lush and I agree lol! I can NOT have just one. So I have to steer clear of it all together.
  • boulevardMto180
    No cheat days for me. Not until I drop some significant weight. I've tried that route and it just doesn't work for me. :sad:

    This is exactly what I'm thinking.
  • Dawn810511
    Dawn810511 Posts: 98 Member
    Cheat days don't work for me either. I feel like you do, that I get too "comfortable" and I can't bounce back from it. Maybe when I lose about 30-40 lbs when I can start thinking about a cheat day.
  • sharebear2012
    sharebear2012 Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks for keeping the great discussions going, we have a great leader! I do not have a cheat day for food as I have no willpower to stop eating something sweet. I have allowed really small portion of wine (4 oz) on Friday night. And I am taking Fridays off from exercise. I am just beat by the end of the week and I want to have quiet night and just watch TV. I am 10 days in and I have not cheated yet, wow, first time ever! Down 2 pounds at about day 3, scale is stuck otherwise. I have a good calorie deficit daily so surely it will move soon!
  • kblount10
    Ya'll have no idea how big of a deal it is for me to "stick with it" even 5 days! It's been a week now for me and I'm really noticing a huge difference. I feel SO much better! My stomach has already deflated and I can tell the water weight has come off. Now to really working hard to build muscle and kill that fat! I'm really proud of myself. I give up all the time on diets! My fitness pal has really helped me see just how MUCH I was eating before! Ironically since I am making much better choices- I am actually barely making my calorie goals. I even got a pop up saying I wasn't eating enough! While I am making sure that doesn't happen again- this is a totally different me!

    When I do want to cheat or eat too much I am reminding myself that this is the 2014 me! The 2013 fat, unhappy, LAZY, and miserable Katie got left in 2013. =) 2015 Katie is going to be one sexy mama!
  • kblount10
    No cheat days for me. Not until I drop some significant weight. I've tried that route and it just doesn't work for me. :sad:

    This is exactly what I'm thinking.

    I second (or third) this! Cheat days lead to a VERY slippery slope for me!!
  • msmarlette
    msmarlette Posts: 18 Member
    No cheat days for me. Not until I drop some significant weight. I've tried that route and it just doesn't work for me. :sad:

    This is exactly what I'm thinking.

    I second (or third) this! Cheat days lead to a VERY slippery slope for me!!
  • msmarlette
    msmarlette Posts: 18 Member
    HA! Forgot to SAY something. No cheat day for me either.
  • lilmidnightwolf
    lilmidnightwolf Posts: 39 Member
    No cheat days for me! I'm afraid if I have one it wouldn't be good, so I'm not allowing one. Determined to get where I finally want to be.:bigsmile:
  • eyleene
    eyleene Posts: 264 Member
    too many cheat days got me here in the 1st place , so nope not for me
  • funkichik
    funkichik Posts: 8 Member
    I have absolutely no self control so no cheat days for me...
    And I think I need to stop watching Cupcake Wars because I want a cupcake sooooo very bad!!! lol
  • biddie1
    biddie1 Posts: 125 Member
    I don't have a cheat day! Iam trying to wean myself of sweets and carbs. I am a work in progress. ;)
  • jgablin
    jgablin Posts: 23 Member
    hmm... can you have a cheat day every day?! I just eat what I want but have limited the amount. I crave sugar.... gooey chewy candy specifically. So, I've found that if I allow myself to have a few pieces of whatever, I stop thinking about it. But first I do start with 'good' sugar like a piece of fruit. If I still crave it after a while, I have some candy. (I'm talking about those mini tootsie rolls, and only have 3-4 of them in a day). I'm not ready to go cold turkey on sugar.
  • jgablin
    jgablin Posts: 23 Member
    hmm... can you have a cheat day every day?! I just eat what I want but have limited the amount. I crave sugar.... gooey chewy candy specifically. So, I've found that if I allow myself to have a few pieces of whatever, I stop thinking about it. But first I do start with 'good' sugar like a piece of fruit. If I still crave it after a while, I have some candy. (I'm talking about those mini tootsie rolls, and only have 3-4 of them in a day). I'm not ready to go cold turkey on sugar.:wink: