new in town

svelata Posts: 5 Member
Hi, my name is ela,
I'm not a native english speaker… I already ask for you forgiveness for any grammar mistakes I'll make.
I joined this group because I belong to but there is no similar in my own language, so that's why…
I am looking for buddies in order to be more active and really try to achieve my goals…
I am 28 and I've spent 16 years struggling with eating disorders, I usually seesaws between them, for now binging is overcoming.
When I tried to lose few pounds I became anorexic, when I tried to stop being compulsive, restricting I became bulimic and in order to prevail on both diseases I experiences even binge eating… well I'm a quite a mess.

Eating disorders ruined my life, I felt alone and I isolated myself, when I was anorexic was the worst because I felt invincible, unstoppable, the best person in the word… so anyone else could compete with me…. I was really awful and I lost almost every friends I had. When I was bulimic i started gaining weight and I was so ashamed that I just kept staying home, not going out… I avoided every social event i could…
Eventually here I am, still studying at university, no job, just few not-to-old friends who haven't know me in my worst condition and who don't know how much I struggle everyday…

if you want to join me as friend and help me, I will appreciate it and I will try to support you in exchange.


  • DareNot
    I'm new too! I am anorexic with bulimic tendencies I would love to be your friend! Where are you from? And what is your native language?