Anyone here supporting recovery?

Hi, my name's Vicky. I'm 36 and have had an ED since I was about 11--maybe earlier. Most of my story is in my first blog that I just wrote, but to sum it up: I am working on accepting a higher weight than I usually go for, but I also need help to keep my calories more consistent and on track. I do not want to binge (which I have been doing), but I definitely don't want to restrict any more, either. I am not sure if this would be a good place for someone like me. Any thoughts? Thanks.


  • Danilova82
    I'm new to this group and haven't had a chance to look around at all but have been using MFP for a few years very consistently-- I'm 31 and had AN b/p type since I was 11. Well mostly just restricting severely until I was 18 and since then AN b/p type. I have been in many hospitals and treatment centers but have only been really actively seeking recovery for about a year. I actually finished weight restoring a few months ago and this is the most I've ever weighed. :/ very hard to adjust to but I am trying.
  • DareNot
    I will always support a Person with a eating disorder who is trying to recover. I'm happy whenever someone makes it even a little way out of this hell. Any time you need encouragement feel free to contact me!