Checking in 01-10-14



  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 62 Member
    I've never thought of a cheat day. I don't think I need one, really. I'm still eating quite a bit, I've just shifted my eating habits from fast, cheap processed and frozen foods to proper ingredients and homemade meals. I've also amped my exercise way up (which was really the main reason I've gained so much weight in the last 2 years: sitting around gorging myself on junk and playing video games all the time.) The combo seems to be doing the trick--I'm cut my net calories way down, and I'm rediscovering my love for cooking!

    I kind of cheat throughout the day, though, by stacking my meals towards some delicious goal. Some mornings I spoil myself with a huge breakfast, and then I go full-commando lowfat vegetarian for dinner. Other times, I'll eat a really light breakfast and lunch so it frees up some calories to have something really decadent for dinner (or, as in tonight, some mac and cheese -- oh, the Siren's song of those crappy processed comfort foods!)
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    I don't do traditional cheat days either. There are times when I know I'm going to go way over calories, and I try to plan for it/make up for it through the week so my weekly totals still come out reasonable. There have been times when either due to my own attitude or because its a meal/event where it's just going to be really hard to track (like a party with lots of different hors d'oeuvres), that I'll just say, "Screw it! I'm not going to log this." 9 times out of 10, I'll find myself putting it all in the next morning, anyway. Maybe a tinge of OCD there?? :laugh:
  • Iratherbefit1
    Iratherbefit1 Posts: 20 Member
    no "cheat" days for me, since I don't deny myself of any of my favorites; I do the 80/20 rule. 80% of what I eat during the day is healthy and every now and then, i'll throw in a 20% of not so healthy.

    I think of my calories like cash... would I rather spend 200 cals on a mango or potato chips?

    I also opt for things that are already portioned out; for example, if I'm eating pistachios, I know very well that I will not be able to stick to a serving of 24 nuts from the bag, so I portion it out in Ziploc bags and then hide the bag.

    I'll psych myself out sometimes and pass up on something with the promise of something more delicious (to me)... for example, I will always pass up on anything as long as I have my sugar cane

    -tweak what you love and make it healthy
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Yeahhhhh... yesterday would definitely be a cheat day!! Alcohol and me = big snacking monster!
    Oh well, just do it once in a blue moon
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    Ya'll have no idea how big of a deal it is for me to "stick with it" even 5 days! It's been a week now for me and I'm really noticing a huge difference. I feel SO much better! My stomach has already deflated and I can tell the water weight has come off. Now to really working hard to build muscle and kill that fat! I'm really proud of myself. I give up all the time on diets! My fitness pal has really helped me see just how MUCH I was eating before! Ironically since I am making much better choices- I am actually barely making my calorie goals. I even got a pop up saying I wasn't eating enough! While I am making sure that doesn't happen again- this is a totally different me!

    When I do want to cheat or eat too much I am reminding myself that this is the 2014 me! The 2013 fat, unhappy, LAZY, and miserable Katie got left in 2013. =) 2015 Katie is going to be one sexy mama!

    This is what I'm find exactly! and tbh I didn't realise how many cals in fruit. used to eat loads on previous diets thinking it was the best way to do it!
  • jgablin
    jgablin Posts: 23 Member
    Love the idea of thinking of calories as cash!
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    I broke down and indulged in a Carl Jr's Western burger for dinner last night BUT only ate half of it. I managed not to totally blow my calories but still disappointed I didn't make it 30 days without eating red meat. Today is a new day, so it's Day 1 of 30 ~ no red meat.