New Member Introductions

rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
Hey everyone. Welcome to the group. I would like to give everyone a chance to introduce themselves and tell people your goals and experiences.

Sooo Ill start. Im a 33 year old U.S.Coast Guard member who has spent many years now neglecting my fitness and finally have decided enough is enough. I have tried other programs in the past and have had some success and a lot of failures but have decided this is my time. I have completed over a week or so of p90x3 and so far I really like it.


  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Hi Rhino -

    Day 10 completed today. This is my first P90 program and I am really enjoying it so far. I'm 45, wife, mom of 2 kids and a lawyer. In my "free" time, I instruct a couple of exercise classes. I also run, but just wanted to do something new and focused and for me. And so here I am. I am not doing the eating program, are you?

    - Dorothy
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    I didn't want to to begin with because I am a bit overweight and was running a very low calorie intake and wasn't seeing results. However I decided whats the worst that could happen I gain a few lbs and just go back to where I was with the calories. I did since monday and have dropped 3+ lbs so I'm personally sticking to it (I almost can't eat the amount of food needed its like 2700 calories but I stay around there more like 24-2500). I was very surprised but it does seem like they may have done their homework :).
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Cool, and I am very sure they did their homework!
  • Hello rhino and Dorothy,

    I saw your post rhino, on the P90x3 message boards, and thought it was a great idea. Hope you don't mind me joining.I just started P90X3 and did the first set yesterday and on day two now. Will being doing that shortly here.

    Anyways just briefly about me. I am 47, I work for a software company and I was in the Navy for 8 yrs (a looong time ago). I have been in terrible shape, at least I feel that way...ha-ha. I want to lose weight but mainly just feel better.

    I feel the same way you do about the diet. I selected the 2400 cal diet and right now I don't think I can do that every day, but I guess we will see how it goes. Maybe I my hunger will increase as this goes on.

    So that's pretty y much it for me for now. Hoping to see how things are going with you guys (since your ahead of me) and get motivated and keep the course.

    Oh, and also i assume we post in The "daily training" exercise threads?

    Thanks for having me :)

  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    hey welcome, Im glad to start getting people in here. the calories are hard to get esp clean ones but Im making due lol. I do feel stuffed most of the day. we can make a daily exercise thread. or do it my dvd. however everyone wants this group to go its all fair game.
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    Im done with day umm 5 CVX day. If you haven't done it yet, its killer. one of my favorite ones. I can't find my HRM but Im guessing its a lot of burn. I did a 6 lb ball when I tried these videos last week and an 8 lb today. I will say I will definitely feel that tomorrow. don't go too heavy with the weight
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Yeah, CVX is awesome! Welcome, Frank! Today is day 11 for me - the Challenge - all push-ups and pull-ups!!!
  • shopgrrll
    shopgrrll Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I'm Sarah, 51 y/o, wife, mom, hair stylist, & salon owner.

    I thought because I was on my feet all day, I could maintain my weight and stay fit - WRONG. I did P90X 4 years ago to get in shape for Beauty School. If I was going to hang out with 20 somethings, I wasn't going to have chicken arms during a blow out! I got pretty ripped, would like to get back to that. Now that I'm pretty booked at the shop, I don't have an hour, let alone 90 minutes (P90X Yoga, really?!). I find if I close my browser a few minutes earlier than usual, I can get 30 minutes of activity in.

    I also use Fitbit to track my sleep and my steps. It's really motivated me to not sit, but to move around a lot more. I'm using MFP to track my food. The database is much more robust than the one on Fitbit. If I can just log my food and operate at deficit calories, I can lose the 25 lbs I gained starting my business. Down 4 lbs in 2 weeks.

    Just press Play everyone, thanks for your support!
  • GaFez
    GaFez Posts: 25
    Hi - I am Gary (GaFez), 58 years old, from Atlanta. I am an airline pilot, former Marine pilot and am currently on week two of P90X3 (going to do CVX right now). I have done P90X, Insanity, Asylum, P90X2 and now P90X3. I am in a "small challenge" group with my son-inn-law and daughter, who live in Lucca Italy. It is just to keep us motivated not to quit. My goals are to not to have to buy a new uniform (as airline pilots are notably cheap!).
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    Welcome everyone glad to have ya.
  • GaFez
    GaFez Posts: 25
    Imagine my surprise when I got downstairs and found out it was THE CHALLENGE not CVX today. I actually like THE CHALLENGE though. My goal was 10/17.. The pullups are using the pullup assist so I can do them more strictly as the kipping hurt my shoulder in P90X so I have to be careful with too much swinging around during pullups. Hopefuly next time it will be 10/19 as my goals.
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    those are good numbers. I am trying to get back on track so my tend to adjust during the workout even with my assist band (too much jumping out of helicopters I have some shoulder problems as well) I do enjoy the challenge just not trying to towel off after the shower afterwards lol
  • sahill314
    sahill314 Posts: 71 Member
    My name is Stephen Hill and im 22 and currently a senior graduating in august from Auburn University. I have done p90x p90x2 and insanity and lost weight in the past and got in incredible shape but then had the tendency to eat poorly and become content and quit but im determined to push through these 90 days with your help! lemme know if theirs anything i can do! i am a huge advocate of a high fat low carb diet and ketosis and ketogenic diets to burn stored body fat
  • Nice to see more people. Awesome!
  • kaylene324
    kaylene324 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi all! I'm 24 years old and live in washington state. I have a desk job so I don't get much activity through out the day. I came close to completing p90x last year starting in Jan but had a major family emergency that through my world crashing and I wasn't able to keep myself focused. I'm disappointed that I let the whole year go by without getting back on track and gained back 10 pounds, only 2pounds down from where I was Jan 2013. I just ordered p90x3 and am expecting it any day. I'm plannin to start up full swing next monday but in the mean time am going to run and do a little excercise every day this week so I won't be quite as sore going into P90x3 next week.

    Last year I was in a group that all started the program about the same time and that helped me so much. Checking in each day with the group and sharing our thoughts, NSV, and challenges really helped me keep myself accountable. This group looks to be set up very similar and thats really exciting for me because I think thats just what I need. I'm going to check in with you guys this week even though I don't have x3 yet if thats ok just so I can make sure I keep myself motivated and I'd also love to see what you guys have to say about the workouts.

    As for my goals I'm hoping to loose 15-20lbs this first round of X3. Ultimately I'd like to loose 30ish pounds. I don't quite have a weight goal but more of a fitness level and a feeling. I'm tired of hiding in clothes. As much as most girls might say they want to look good in a bikini(not that I don't want that too) I want to be able to wear cute sweaters and feel good. I'm hoping to make this year really count in many ways and my health is one of my big goals. :)
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    Hey dudes, I'm Dani and I turn 30 next month. I'm a journalist and a year ago I finished losing weight (dropped 20 lbs) and started on this quest to figure out wtf to do next? I've done two other Beachbody programs, Brazil Butt Lift and Focus T25. It's been really fun to see the difference in my body composition and I'm REALLY excited about X3.

    I began my second week into the program this morning. LOVE it so far.
  • rhino45
    rhino45 Posts: 86 Member
    How effective was t25 my wife started 2 days ago? I also am really liking this program. Im excited to see what the next few months has in store with the new workouts (pilates) and the results that come with it. keep up the good work everybody and lets get through these 90 days
  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    My name is Dana! I am a single mom to 5 kids, ages 12-5. I have been doing beachbody programs since 1999, started with Tony and Power 90, on VHS, to get ready for my wedding!

    I started p90x in 2011, after my marriage ended and I found myself alone raising 5 kids, and struggling just to find myself. I did several rounds of p90x and found myself getting really strong, and having some definition changes, but i wasn't losing the weight and inches I wanted. So, in 2012, I spent 6 months learning!!! And that led to spending a YEAR doing nothing but working on play detective with what I ate!!!! I stopped logging all foods and work outs. I found what worked for my body and what i had to stay away from.

    In july of 2013, I started up with Beachbody again. I did T25 from july to dec. My profile pic is from Sept to Dec. I decided to start P90X3, because I have been missing my weights since I stopped lifting in 2012 :-)

    All in all, I have done old school power90, p90x, TurboFire, Combat, T25, hip hop abs, and I own The Asylum ( i need more space to do this one!). I am on Week 2 day 1 today of p90x3 :-)

    I also drink Shakeology and E and E every single day. And I am in school to become a certified personal trainer through NASM :-)
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Welcome all! Looking forward to hearing about your experiences!
  • Hi Everyone!
    Thanks for starting this group. I just completed day 2 of the program, so I am a bit behind, but it'll be fun to follow in your footsteps. Today was Agility and I loved that workout - it was actually fun.

    Me: I'm 37 and live in Cincinnati, where I run my own business. Several years ago, I did C25K and loved running, but was not getting the results I wanted because I paid little attention to diet. I was either on a streak of eating way to little or didn't care at all and ate way too much. Then I found MFP and focused on diet and fell in love with circuits, dumb bells and kettle bells and push ups, which is crazy. So, I've been a Jillian devotee for months and had great success with her. I was ready for a change and chose p90x3, so here I am.

    Loving it so far and looking forward to checking in with all of you!
