7 moth stall

I have been in a stall or plateau for a couple of weeks now and am wondering if others had the same experience and what they did about it. I have seen it suggested to drop down to 800 calories per day???


  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,706 Member
    Hi Vicki,

    I was sleeved in June with orders to stick to 600-800 calories/day. I've followed that, but hit stalls anyways. I just remember it has to come off eventually. It just seems impossible to eat that little without losing weight.

    My weight loss at first was erratic. Then for a few months, I was losing a little every day. For the last month I've been hitting 1-2 week stalls, followed by a few pounds dropped. Don't know why. Possibly not drinking enough to keep things regular.

    I think the number of calories are an element. But so is protein, exercise, water, etc.

    How are you feeling about your weight loss? You look great!
  • vickidlovelace
    vickidlovelace Posts: 9 Member
    My surgeon wanted me to be 800 to 1200 calories per day and I have been staying around 1000...I am pleased so far with my weight loss and experienced a stall around 3 weeks and this is the second time..I was curious if others went through the same difficulties around this time. I have also seen it suggested to vary our exercise routines.
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Vicki, I too hit a stall in late October/November. I have read others commonly hit one in that time as well, but mine went long because of life stress and me not paying as much attention. I still lost, but .1 or .2 a week instead of 2 - 3 lbs.

    Periodically our bodies just have to readjust it seems. I know that after mom's funeral when I started paying attention again, I went back to the basics. A shake driving to work, a greek yogurt for morning break, soup for lunch, quest bar for afternoon snack, reasonable dinner and making sure I took my supplements things turned around again and have been going pretty well now.

    I'd keep doing what you are doing for a week or two at least. Make sure you aren't nibbling without logging, and you are getting in all your protein and water.

    You DO look great and have done so well on this. I'm sure things will come together and you'll be back in loss mode soon.
  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,706 Member

    Has your stall broken? How are you doing?
  • kimmysleeved
    kimmysleeved Posts: 12 Member
    I'm stalled since Dec 1 - just wait, it will break eventually. Our bodies have been through a major shock.
  • DJRonnieLINY
    DJRonnieLINY Posts: 475 Member
    More than calories take a look at your protein and water intake. If protein and water are low it will hinder weight loss.