Week 1 coming to an end

Well guys, we are approaching the ending of week 1 of our challenge. I don't know if it's just me, but it seems like it took forever. .

Anyway, it's still the beginning. We still have a ways to go.

Some of us are doing our second weigh-in tomorrow and others on Monday. I hope we all see the numbers drop when we hop on the scale in the next day or two. No matter the numbers (loss, gain or the same), please still post it. Once again, it's everyone's duty to hold each other accountable.

I hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!


  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Seriously, this felt like the longest week in the history of time!!
    I'm Monday...my hopes are not high.
  • Seriously, this felt like the longest week in the history of time!!
    I'm Monday...my hopes are not high.

    So I'm not the only one I see lol. Do you get on the scale daily Tara?
  • Dawn810511
    Dawn810511 Posts: 98 Member
    This has been one of the longest weeks EVER!!! Tomorrow is my scale day. I'm nervous but I'm excited at the same time.
  • This has been one of the longest weeks EVER!!! Tomorrow is my scale day. I'm nervous but I'm excited at the same time.

    I'm really anxious too. I'm aiming for a 1-2 lb loss per week. We shall see!!!
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    No matter what I weigh tomorrow, I feel like I kicked *kitten* this week! I was sick and whatnot, but I still managed to get up, and keep not only my calories under control but also my macros for the most part. I am excited! It feels like it went by really quickly, but that's probably because it was my last week of vacation haha.
  • meek277
    meek277 Posts: 16 Member
    Umm, I went ahead and weighed. I couldn't wait. I'll see if it has changed in the morning. I had a good week. Now next week might be a challenge. I lost 10 lbs this week! I'm so excited but now I'm scared to eat. I portioned out my meals & snacks. My proudest moment this week is when I have away a cupcake that was given to me. Sweets are everywhere at work. I'm a sugar addict. 1 week down! Lets have a killer week 2.
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    I lost 10 lbs this week!

    That's AMAZING! Well done!! :happy:
    I'm so excited but now I'm scared to eat.

    Don't be. Just continue what you've been doing - and don't stress if you don't lose as much or even at all next week. Our bodies are adjusting to a huge change in what we've putting into them and what we're doing with them! There are massive readjustments and redistributions of mass happening. Remember to take measurements as well as weight =)
    I portioned out my meals & snacks. My proudest moment this week is when I have away a cupcake that was given to me. Sweets are everywhere at work. I'm a sugar addict.

    Yay for a wonderful NSV (non-scale victory)!!!! Mine was a friend offering to buy me a cappuccino (my favourite coffee) and being able to say "No thanks, I'll have a long black with a splash of milk, please." Changing minds are just as important as changing scales!!! :smile:
    1 week down! Lets have a killer week 2.

    Absolutely!!! Keep up the amazing work!!
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    Umm, I went ahead and weighed. I couldn't wait. I'll see if it has changed in the morning. I had a good week. Now next week might be a challenge. I lost 10 lbs this week! I'm so excited but now I'm scared to eat. I portioned out my meals & snacks. My proudest moment this week is when I have away a cupcake that was given to me. Sweets are everywhere at work. I'm a sugar addict. 1 week down! Lets have a killer week 2.

    Sometimes if I am struggling I will copy a good week of eating. So, if you felt like this week worked for you, eat the same things or similar things! Also, the fact that you HAD a cupcake in your possession and THEN gave it away speaks volume to your self control. That is awesome! Great job!
  • Umm, I went ahead and weighed. I couldn't wait. I'll see if it has changed in the morning. I had a good week. Now next week might be a challenge. I lost 10 lbs this week! I'm so excited but now I'm scared to eat. I portioned out my meals & snacks. My proudest moment this week is when I have away a cupcake that was given to me. Sweets are everywhere at work. I'm a sugar addict. 1 week down! Lets have a killer week 2.
    You must be so proud of yourself, and it's obvious you're doing something right! Well done.
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    Seriously, this felt like the longest week in the history of time!!
    I'm Monday...my hopes are not high.

    So I'm not the only one I see lol. Do you get on the scale daily Tara?

    no, weekly
  • Though I have a feeling I've gained weight, I did some things this week that I'm super proud of. I only drank tea twice, ate chocolate ONCE (huge for me), and ate no candy at basketball games. I also worked out EVERY DAY but one.
  • lilmidnightwolf
    lilmidnightwolf Posts: 39 Member
    This week went pretty well to a point. I ate right and stayed on track but I think my thyroid is being a butt to me!! I was doing great and going down but I'm afraid to see what tomorrow brings due to it went up Thursday.... I'm going to be upset if it is but I'm not going to give up..I refuse to!
  • Umm, I went ahead and weighed. I couldn't wait. I'll see if it has changed in the morning. I had a good week. Now next week might be a challenge. I lost 10 lbs this week! I'm so excited but now I'm scared to eat. I portioned out my meals & snacks. My proudest moment this week is when I have away a cupcake that was given to me. Sweets are everywhere at work. I'm a sugar addict. 1 week down! Lets have a killer week 2.

    10 lbs...wow!!!! That's great! Stay positive about next week. Congrats on rejecting that cupcake!