Week 2 weigh in

Hey everyone.

Well, I've had an interesting week. Hit all my calorie goals, exercised daily, drank between 6-8 glasses of water every day, even reduced my calorie goal by setting to 'sedentary'... but I still gained. I had a major IBS flare on Wednesday, which was hard to recover from, but the gain was devastating and off-putting, and usually when I would resort to comfort eating. Desperate for motivation, I put two photos (taken a week apart) next to each other and realised that, after almost 6 weeks of relative inactivity, my body was busy regaining muscle mass, and redistributing fat in preparation to lose it.

My stats this week:

SW: 123.8kg
CW: 125.0kg
Weekly exercise: 4 hours of biking and walking
Daily average exercise: 35 mins
Daily water: 7 glasses (average)

I'm going to try to post the pics here, so just be patient whilst I figure this out!!



Remember, that NSV's (non-scale victories) are just an important as the numbers on the scale, so don't be disheartened if the numbers don't change or even go up. You could just be like me, and be losing in fits and starts. Good luck everyone!! :smile:


  • Hey everyone.

    Well, I've had an interesting week. Hit all my calorie goals, exercised daily, drank between 6-8 glasses of water every day, even reduced my calorie goal by setting to 'sedentary'... but I still gained. I had a major IBS flare on Wednesday, which was hard to recover from, but the gain was devastating and off-putting, and usually when I would resort to comfort eating. Desperate for motivation, I put two photos (taken a week apart) next to each other and realised that, after almost 6 weeks of relative inactivity, my body was busy regaining muscle mass, and redistributing fat in preparation to lose it.

    My stats this week:

    SW: 123.8kg
    CW: 125.0kg
    Weekly exercise: 4 hours of biking and walking
    Daily average exercise: 35 mins
    Daily water: 7 glasses (average)

    I'm going to try to post the pics here, so just be patient whilst I figure this out!!

    Remember, that NSV's (non-scale victories) are just an important as the numbers on the scale, so don't be disheartened if the numbers don't change or even go up. You could just be like me, and be losing in fits and starts. Good luck everyone!! :smile:

    I see the difference and this is amazing. Once again I'm glad you bought this up. I've said it several times before, I'm a slave to the scale and if I don't see the numbers go down, I get depressed. I never thought about muscle mass or losing inches like someone else bought to my attention.
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    Remember, that NSV's (non-scale victories) are just an important as the numbers on the scale, so don't be disheartened if the numbers don't change or even go up. You could just be like me, and be losing in fits and starts. Good luck everyone!! :smile:

    You still did an incredible job this week! I can see a difference in the photos, and that has EVERYTHING to do with your water intake, exercise, etc. despite what the scale may show you. I once started an exercise regime and didn't work off the water retention from exerting my muscles until 2 weeks after I started. The body isn't static; it is in constant fluctuation, and it is therefore important to keep track of trends rather than absolutes. Keep up the great work and positive attitude!
  • Well I am a little disappointed. I have walked most days 8.5km, kept to my calorie goals and drank up to 3 litres of water almost every day and still when I weighed in this morning the scales hadn't moved. Still at 199.5lb :(
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    Well I am a little disappointed. I have walked most days 8.5km, kept to my calorie goals and drank up to 3 litres of water almost every day and still when I weighed in this morning the scales hadn't moved. Still at 199.5lb :(

    Don't let it get you down, hon!! Were you exercising before? If not, you could be going through the same thing as me - water retention, regaining muscle mass and redistribution of weight. Are you taking progress pics? If so, see if you can see the difference in your shape! Or measurements - chances are you've gotten smaller, even if you are the same weight! Chin up!
  • Coolchick207- I totally see the difference!

    I lost almost 7 lbs. HOWEVER this is my first week and when I started my stomach was SO bloated. I know a lot of it is water weight. But my fat pants fit and that makes me happy!

    SW: 195.2
    CW: 188.8
    GW: 170

    This week I am going to make a better effort to drink more water and work out more consistently!
  • Remember, that NSV's (non-scale victories) are just an important as the numbers on the scale, so don't be disheartened if the numbers don't change or even go up. You could just be like me, and be losing in fits and starts. Good luck everyone!! :smile:

    So this really reminded me not to get discouraged if I gain a little weight. :)
  • NSV's are definitely important, but so is attitude and yours is terrific!
  • Coolchick207- I totally see the difference!

    I lost almost 7 lbs. HOWEVER this is my first week and when I started my stomach was SO bloated. I know a lot of it is water weight. But my fat pants fit and that makes me happy!

    SW: 195.2
    CW: 188.8
    GW: 170

    This week I am going to make a better effort to drink more water and work out more consistently!

    Congrats on your 7 lb loss K!!!!! Who cares if it was water weight. It's a great loss!!!!!
  • beverley770
    beverley770 Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    SOo glad to be here at our Week 2 Weigh-in! Feeling good and very enthusiast, but since calculating my Average Weekly Stats...they don't look too good! Lol! Really feel as if I need to TRY MUCH HARDER! Lol!

    Here goes!

    SW - 9st 4lbs (130lbs)
    CW - 9st (126lbs)
    GW - 8st 2lbs (114lbs)

    Under my Daily Calorie Day everyday, except one...Indian Takeaway Day! (But was lovely!) :tongue:

    Weekly Exercise - 2hrs 34mins (Consisting of walking and gym - but excluding all the walking about I do at work).
    Exercise Daily Average - 22 mins
    Water Intake Daily Average - 7-8 Glasses

    At the end of the day, great to keep a track of everything, but I what to see the results at my Weigh-in...and I'm happy :smile: And I'm really pleased I can 'Tailor Log' my Gym Workouts, so I'm being very specific now! :bigsmile:

    Well done to everyone! (High 5's all round!) Keep up the good work :smile:

    Looking forward to next week's Weigh-in/Stats! :wink:
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    SW - 9st 4lbs (130lbs)
    CW - 9st (126lbs)
    GW - 8st 2lbs (114lbs)
    Yay!!! very proud!! Well done, hon!
  • SW: 237.4 lbs
    CW: 235 lbs (-2.4 lbs so far)
    GW: 180 lbs
  • channy70
    channy70 Posts: 178 Member
    Good Morning,

    SW 172lbs
    CW 168.8lbs (-3.2lbs) :drinker:
    GW 142lbs
    UGW 130 lbs

    Great Job everyone!!!
  • sassymc86
    sassymc86 Posts: 91 Member
    SW: 205.5
    CW: 205

    Although numbers are low worked very hard!
    325 minutes of exercise = 2413 calories burned!!

    Inch gone from my stomach :D

    If I knew how to upload a picture I would as big difference in my back :D

    oh and been under target most days one day on target. Great week although kind of wished numbers would show!
  • SW: 181
    CW: 181
    GW for challenge: 160
    UGW: 120

    Maintained weight, though some of that is water, I can tell in my bloat. Had some NSV like exercising almost every day, drinking something but water twice, and chocolate once. No matter what I know this challenge will be a success since I have motivation to get up and work out.
  • RosieRaz
    RosieRaz Posts: 282 Member
    Ive gained a pound, but exercising more...nsv my waistband doesn't seem as tight dispite the gain.
  • Hello all. I joined the group late, so this is my first weigh in. Four lbs lighter. Refrained from sweets and tried eating better. Goal this week is to add exercise. Any tips on the best ways to fit working out in with an extremely busy schedule?
  • funkichik
    funkichik Posts: 8 Member
    SW: 184.6
    CW:181.0 (-3.6 lbs.)
    GW: 170

    I didn't make my exercise or water goals last week. It was my fault as I was tired and kept telling myself that "I will do it tomorrow" and well tomorrow came and went with me not exercising or drinking enough water. It's a new week and I'm going to meet my goals no matter what!!!

    Second Week Goals:
    Exercise: Pilates 3x
    Water: 8 cups a day
    Food: eat less sugar
  • calamity71
    calamity71 Posts: 207 Member
    Hi all,

    I bought a new scale middle of last week. One that shows the 10th's. Well I get it home and of course it says I weigh more than my old scale. Funny thing is, I have lost two pounds on it, and only one on my old scale. I was trying to figure out how to do this since I didn't want to show a gain, but in reality, I want to use the new scale So it is going it appears I have GAINED 4 pounds this week....Cool chick inspired me to move on past the scale this week.....

    New weight this week....188.1

    What I did this week.....Drank 5-7 glasses of water a day.
    GOAL this week: 8 Glasses
    Exercised with Chalean, Goal: Chalean 5 X this week + Walk (or 5 times this week during my breaks or lunch at work and write it in my post, since BodyBugg adjust it automatically for me).
  • SW: 171.5
    CW: 169 (2.5 lb loss)
    GW: 157.

    Pleasantly surprised with my 2.5 lbs. I was hoping for at least a 1.5 loss. =)
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Good job everyone, this week was not to bad for me I really didn't have any cravings however I still found myself hungry in the evening when just lounging around. But I am slowly getting used to eat.

    LW: 148.4
    CW: 146.4
    GW: 140

    Good luck to all this week. Don't hesitate to friend me, I actually find the moral support keeps me accountable.

    what I did this week is log all my food and exercise so far 10 days in a row. My water intake is not the greatest some days. No cheating this week.

    Goals for this week the water intake must be 8 glasses. Continue with no process foods.