January Jumpstart WL Challenge



  • mangojh2
    mangojh2 Posts: 175 Member
    Hello! My name is Kim and I just joined the group today.

    SW: 350
    CW: 336
    GW: 330
    LTGW: 250. I can't wrap my head around anything below that now.

    Weigh ins:
    1/9/14= 336
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    Hi everyone just joining in - thankful I found this group

    SW 286
    CW 284
    GW 278

    LTGW 145

    01/11/14 - 284
    01/18/14 -
    01/25/14 -
    01/31/14 -

    Good luck everyone!

  • Hi everyone - I'm new and hope it's okay to jump on the challenge at this point! Here goes...

    SW 236 (highest weight was 262 in 2006)
    CW 236 (Weigh-ins are Sunday mornings for me, so I'll be weighing in the first time tomorrow!)
    GW 226

    LTGW 126

    01/05/14 - 236
    01/12/14 -
    01/19/14 -
    01/26/14 -
    01/31/14 -

    Thanks for the challenge, and best of luck to everyone!

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,746 Member
    I just worry too easily I guess.
    Etherlily, Nice to know I'm not the only one that does that! Hee hee. :laugh: I think it just shows that we care a lot about our friends.

    Welcome to so many new people. You have found a great group of people.

  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Etherliliy1 - I'll take concerned over indifferent 110 times out of every 100.

    Mangojh2, Countrcowgirl, and EatingThisNotThat - Welcome! Thanks for joining in, and please post to some of the other threads.

    Clmcnett - I believe this is part of the process of owning our problem. We are all self conscious, but with the general anonymity of the internet this is easier to do, well...kind of. To give you a personal story (Yes, Mark, because the world is all about ME!) and something I have never shared before; When I first started using one of the other major WL websites on post strings like this. I put my weight out there with the same trepidation you have now. Nobody said a thing, however I kept seeing these rants by people literally half my weight about how fat and disgusting they had been at two hundred and X pounds. I couldn't help but think, "If they think people are that fat at 230 pounds, they must really despise me at 475 lbs." They didn't, they just had a different and much healthier time for a serious wakeup call. In all the years I have been posting, on all the sites; I have almost never seen anyone savaged. The few times it has happened I find are from those who lost their weight, seemingly felt superior, and lost their patience with those of us who struggled - until they either gave up on us mere mortals, or their hubris got them and they dropped off the sites because they fell off the wagon. Those who eventually returned after their falls were much more understanding of those who had struggles, and became some of the best guides.

    The point of this novella, assuming you have not yet fallen asleep or changed the channel, :laugh: is that we are all here to support you, not judge. We want to celebrate your losses, your successes, Non-scale Victories, help dust you off when you trip and fall. Every story on here makes all of us better. We learn and gain strength from each other, making the process a bit easier or at least not as lonely.

    This group, even though it is not stated, seems to embrace the essence of what Philo of Alexandria wrote a few thousand years ago:

    Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.
  • countrcowgirl
    countrcowgirl Posts: 249 Member
    dward59 I love the quote, thanks for sharing and I am one of those who lost a lot of weight and then fell off... gained it all back plus some. I am the heaviest I have ever been in my life.. am humbled by (but want to deny) what the scale tells me.

    It is a battle for each of us support and companionship through the process that is all any of us can ask for I think.

    Glad to be part of the group.
  • Dward59 - Thanks for the welcome, for so openly sharing your thoughts and feelings about weight loss struggles and the attitudes we may run up against, and for a great quote! I'll be sure to visit the rest of the group forum as well.

    Here's my check-in stats for the week, and while the scale has been kind, it's only because I've given up refined sugar, which (always has, for as long as I can remember) wreaks havoc with my body, resulting in significant water retention (and a lot of inflammation/pain as I've gotten older). I can remember just giving up soda for one day as a teen (and I only weighed about 120 lbs back then) and easily dropping 8 lbs of water weight overnight. It was great when I wanted to wear "skinny" clothes for a special occasion, but would return immediately when I went back to eating a more regular diet. So you will NOT be seeing this kind of weekly weight loss again, lol.

    SW 236 (highest weight was 262 in 2006)
    CW 226 (Weigh-ins are Sunday mornings)
    GW 226

    LTGW 126

    01/05/14 - 236
    01/12/14 - 226
    01/19/14 -
    01/26/14 -
    01/31/14 -

    Thanks again for the challenge, and continued good wishes to everyone! Have a great week if I don't run into you somewhere else on MFP!

  • Crystallee145
    Crystallee145 Posts: 147 Member
    Dward, thank you. that was just what I needed to read.

  • PaulaKro
    PaulaKro Posts: 5,746 Member
    Every story on here makes all of us better. We learn and gain strength from each other, making the process a bit easier or at least not as lonely.

    This group, even though it is not stated, seems to embrace the essence of what Philo of Alexandria wrote a few thousand years ago: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.
    Your being this way is why I adore you, Dan.
  • Thank you!!:flowerforyou:
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    Karen it might have been water weight, but I bet some weight in there was actual weight. Way to go!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 760 Member
    So many new people! Can't... keep... track *implodes*
  • Etherlily1
    Etherlily1 Posts: 974 Member
    So many new people! Can't... keep... track *implodes*

    Awww, but we're friendlies.
  • So many new people! Can't... keep... track *implodes*

    Awww, but we're friendlies.

    What she said :flowerforyou:
  • therejohn
    therejohn Posts: 59 Member
    WOW, great job everyone!!! Keep it up.
  • therejohn
    therejohn Posts: 59 Member
    Clmcnett - Congratulations for facing your fear and having the courage join us. You are in a safe and supporting environment....I have NEVER seen any criticism or judgment here.
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    I am so happy! I came by to see how people were doing in the challenge, and just look at us! People losing weight right and left...Paula getting into the 100s (yay!), and all these new folks joining. Now I'm not so new anymore. :)
    But mostly, reading people expressing concerns, building each other up and showing so much support for one another. I just have a big old case of the warm fuzzies.
    Thanks, people!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 760 Member
    Well said xD
  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Leanna, see a doctor about those "Warm Fuzzies" soon. In your climate, they could grow into something unimaginable! {shudder} :wink:

    Pidge! Glad you popped back in after the implosion. Admit it, you've been running around the UK, flaunting that tan and generally messing with peoples heads!??!

    Have a great day folks, and Happy Losing!
  • Gnawcraft
    Gnawcraft Posts: 760 Member
    Haha yes indeed!