New to the group

Kimbosbc Posts: 143 Member
Hello. My name is Kimberly. I just had twins in September and have come back to MFP to get off the baby weight.


  • Adahn_2
    Adahn_2 Posts: 4 Member

    I'm new too had my babe in sept as well. Hoping to lose 10lbs to pre pregnancy and another 10 to my ideal weight. I have hit a plateau i think and the scale has not moved since mid dec. I have started T25, currently on week two and have not noticed any weight loss... I don't know what to do, i am watching my diet but only restricting junk as i am breast feeding and don't want to effect my supply.

    What are you doing to exercise wise? has any thing worked for you so far?
  • Kimbosbc
    Kimbosbc Posts: 143 Member
    Hello. Congrats on the September baby! Boy or girl? Definitely be careful about your calories and such with breastfeeding. It can really impact your supply if you don't get what your body needs. I hope you are having a better go at it than I did. Mine were in NICU for 5 weeks so I pretty much just pumped. I did breastfeed some after they came home but it was too much and I stopped after 3 months.
  • Adahn_2
    Adahn_2 Posts: 4 Member
    Little gal :) and yours? we struggled... big time... she was right on time but pretty small (5.5lbs) which i think effected her latch initially. came to discover at 8 weeks she had a lip tie, made an appt to get it clipped but the dental office didn't reach me till just last week... and the the gambit of other breast feeding woes... cracked and bleeding nips, engorgement, low supply, clogged ducts, thrush... i now joke that the only think i haven't gotten is mastitis... knock on wood. it has finally gotten better though and i can finally understand how people can love it.

    i can only imagine how hard it was for you with two little ones!! i couldn't have done it. no way! good for you for making it to 3 months thought! that's and achievement in itself and you should be proud :)

    as far as weight loss goes, i will have to take a break from T25... my knees are killing me! i think i will focus on stretching and getting the proper gear for a week then start again. i have noticed the extreme work outs effecting my supply for sure! and i drink a ton of water! like 190oz every day. the calorie thing is hard cause you don't want to eat too much but you cant eat too little either... frustrating. this week i have focused on eating a little more to keep supply up and hopefully kick start the weight loss again.

    we are taking a trip in march and i was hoping to be back down to pre pregnancy, but at this point its not looking good.
  • msmontara
    msmontara Posts: 1 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm just returning to MFP and have a Fitbit I'll be getting in the mail shortly. I'm kind of doing a warm-up this week and starting for real when my Fitbit arrives. I have a 17 month old son and am a single mom (left his dad/my fiance when our son was 5 months old.) I'm still nursing. I don't know about y'all, buy I gained exactly 20 lbs during pregnancy, then gained extra weight nursing. So I lost about 15 lbs post partum then gained a bunch back. Not fair!!! Anywhoo, I'm afraid to step on the scale and see what my post-holiday number is. I'm putting that off until the fitbit arrives. Unless I muster up the courage when aunt flo leaves in a few days. Oh I picked up a book Lose Your Mummy Tummy and have only read the intro and first chapter so far, buy it looks fantastic! Has anyone else seen it?
  • Kimbosbc
    Kimbosbc Posts: 143 Member
    I am with you. I gained more after having the babies than I did when I was pregnant. All I wanted to do was eat when I was breastfeeding, which I did. I wanted to make sure my body had what it needed so I ate whatever I felt like eating.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Hi ladies! I'm just returning to MFP and have a Fitbit I'll be getting in the mail shortly. I'm kind of doing a warm-up this week and starting for real when my Fitbit arrives. I have a 17 month old son and am a single mom (left his dad/my fiance when our son was 5 months old.) I'm still nursing. I don't know about y'all, buy I gained exactly 20 lbs during pregnancy, then gained extra weight nursing. So I lost about 15 lbs post partum then gained a bunch back. Not fair!!! Anywhoo, I'm afraid to step on the scale and see what my post-holiday number is. I'm putting that off until the fitbit arrives. Unless I muster up the courage when aunt flo leaves in a few days. Oh I picked up a book Lose Your Mummy Tummy and have only read the intro and first chapter so far, buy it looks fantastic! Has anyone else seen it?

    Oh, no! Hopefully the weight will fall off when you're done BFing. Those over at Breastfeeding Support talk about this a lot. Some of us who lose easily while BFing have to fight not to gain when done, and those of us who can't lose/gain while BFing have to put up with being fat for a year or two ;) I fall in the latter category and am mega frustrated but will eventually be glad I didn't fall into the former.

    As for me, my second baby (boy) is 7.5 months old, and my older son is about to turn 3. I gained a lot with my first, who was mostly formula-fed, and I lost a ton of weight and then some. I was super fit, working out a lot, and wearing a size 4 or 6 (US sizes). Then I gained even more weight during my second pregnancy than during the first one, and I'm STUCK due to BFing! I've contemplated quitting so many times, I can't even tell you.

    If anyone is BFing and wants to also check out the Breastfeeding Support board, here's the link:
  • mnmomto4
    mnmomto4 Posts: 97 Member
    I also had twins but in october! I have lost most of my baby gain. 3 lbs to go but I have more to lose on top of that. Decided to join the group as I am struggling now to take the pounds off. I have a 4 year old, 2.5 year old, and then the 3 month old twins. Life is busy. It is hard to get in a good workout but I have been doing it pretty faithfully since the new year.
  • mnmomto4
    mnmomto4 Posts: 97 Member
    kimbosc, I just read your twins were in nicu for 5 weeks. I am so sorry. That must have been so hard. When were you due? I was due 10/25. Mine were born 10/5 at 37w 1 d (barely just minutes after midnight). One of mine were small at 5 lb 2 oz and the other 5 lb 15 ozs but both went home with me after my 4 day c-section stay. I know I was incredibly lucky. I did not choose to breastfeed but I do pump for them. They don't get too much formula since I can supply most of what they need right now. My small baby was incredibly colicky with extreme reflux problems but he seems to be outgrowing it. In the last week he has become a much happier baby. We needed that change as he brought me to tears almost daily with frustration, stress, and sad over his pain. They are not sleeping well at night but we are surviving. I hope things are going well for you.
  • Hello! My name is Synethia I just had a 10lb baby boy in September. Since then I have lost 72 pounds I weighed 276 before delivering my baby now I weigh 204 I would like to get out of the 200's.
  • Hello! I also have a September baby! She was born at 38w due via csection due to low fluid. She is doing great now, but we had a rough 3 months through her having oral surgery, me with 3 rounds of mastitis, colic, chronic overtiredness and she was just diagnosed (as I suspected since things have spiraled in the last 3 weeks) with infant reflux two days ago.
    My small baby was incredibly colicky with extreme reflux problems but he seems to be outgrowing it. In the last week he has become a much happier baby. We needed that change as he brought me to tears almost daily with frustration, stress, and sad over his pain. They are not sleeping well at night but we are surviving. I hope things are going well for you.

    I'd love to get some tips if you have any, jchepulis.

    It is an beautiful, but very tough journey! The last time I had more than 3 consecutive hours of sleep is the night before she was born! Clearly, I am running purely on cookies, stress and stubbornness. I had lost 70lbs before becoming pregnant, gained 24 during. To me absolute surprise, 18lbs came off the first week after birth. I suspect that was all in my ankles ;) . I am now back at my prepregnancy weight, but I still have 54 to lose. My goal is a half marathon this fall to celebrate my daughter's first birthday.

    Please feel free to add me. i'd love to have more moms to cheer on!
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    hi i just had a baby boy on jan 20, 2014. I used MFP to lose weight after my last child. I maintained for about 9 months and got fit, then got pregnant again. I was determined not to undo all my hard work so i continued to use MFP throughout my pregnancy to log my food and exercise. I worked out 3-5 days a week and tried to stay within my calorie goals. I gained 25 lbs this pregnancy and today at 3 days pp i lost 10lbs, so 15 to go. As far as measurements go, here are my stats.
    height- 5 ft 2 in
    pre-pregnancy weight- 125 lbs
    weight at time of delivery-150 lbs
    3 days pp weight-140 lbs

    pre-pregnancy measurements:
    Upper thigh-19 in
    Upper arm-10 in
    Waist –26 in
    Under navel-33 in
    Hips-34 in
    Bust-35 in

    40 weeks pregnant measurements:
    Upper thigh-19.5 in
    Upper arm-10 in
    Waist –29 in
    Under navel-39 in
    Hips-35 in
    Bust-37 in

    3 days postpartum measurements:
    Upper thigh-19in
    Upper arm-10 in
    Waist –28 in
    Under navel-35.5 in
    Hips-35 in
    Bust-38 in (milk came in)