Could use some breastfeeding MFP friends!

jobeanqueen Posts: 19 Member
Hello! I'm just getting back on here after taking a yearlong hiatus while pregnant and having a baby. I am currently nursing a 4 month old very big, very fast-growing boy! Now i'm ready to get back on track but could use some other encouraging Momma-friends to help me stick with it and enjoy a healthier lifestyle!!:smile:


  • lj3jones
    lj3jones Posts: 94 Member
    how big is your little guy? My son was 19 lbs, 12.5 oz at his 4 month appointment, he's a giant! This week (5 weeks old) he was 21.5 lbs. Time to switch to the convertible car seat!
  • jobeanqueen
    jobeanqueen Posts: 19 Member
    Omigosh, What a healthy, growing boy you have! Yes, I was just thinking about when I will need to switch car seats because the seat belt is already getting snug on his infant one. He was 16 pounds (90th percentile for height as well) when he had a 3 month doc appointment which was a month ago. So I'm guessing at least a couple pounds more, around 18??. Especially judging from how hard its getting to lug him around too ;-) Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Fionabailie
    Hi I am just thinking about loosing the baby weight too. I have a 4 month old girl, weighing 18lbs wanting fed lots. And that sweetie cupboard is just too tempting after a night of no sleep! . I also have a 3 year old when after him the weight fell off as was able to go out for long walks everyday, but he is reluctant to walk for that long or at any great speed. He does help me do my exercises tho by counting or sitting on my feet! I'm trying to do a couple of 5 min work outs everyday, which isn't always possible! Just want to make sure I'm still making enough fatty milk for her.
  • pikminprincess
    pikminprincess Posts: 21 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Bfeeding a 14 month old here and have lost all the baby weight and then some. Still have several pounds to lose and could use all the friends I can get!
  • jobeanqueen
    jobeanqueen Posts: 19 Member
    Hi I am just thinking about loosing the baby weight too. I have a 4 month old girl, weighing 18lbs wanting fed lots. And that sweetie cupboard is just too tempting after a night of no sleep! . I also have a 3 year old when after him the weight fell off as was able to go out for long walks everyday, but he is reluctant to walk for that long or at any great speed. He does help me do my exercises tho by counting or sitting on my feet! I'm trying to do a couple of 5 min work outs everyday, which isn't always possible! Just want to make sure I'm still making enough fatty milk for her.
  • jobeanqueen
    jobeanqueen Posts: 19 Member
    Hi! I agree on keeping that milk supply up, eating healthy, and finding time to exercise with two little ones is super tough! Good on you for getting back in the ring! Any minute here or there counts! Feel free to add me as a friend :-)
  • jobeanqueen
    jobeanqueen Posts: 19 Member
    Hey Ladies,

    Bfeeding a 14 month old here and have lost all the baby weight and then some. Still have several pounds to lose and could use all the friends I can get!
  • jobeanqueen
    jobeanqueen Posts: 19 Member
    AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME! This is good motivation for me. I LOVE hearing people say that they are breastfeeding AND maintaining a healthy lifestyle AND reaching their goals. I'll add you as a breastfeeding support friend :happy:
  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    I've got a 4 month old little boy as well. I was hoping this weight would just fall off with breastfeeding but not so. I'm trying to be healthy and get in shape! Good luck.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hello. I also have a big guy. He was 26lbs at his yearly, but he was close to yours at that time too. He grew so fast at first, I think 4lbs the first couple months, crazy. Anyway he is 13 months old. I currently only pump, and I am thinking about weaning but am still going. I still have 20lbs to lose though :(
  • Fionabailie
    Yesterday I was starving and husband was late home for dinner so kept picking was only just on my goal due to having went for a walk during the day. Today decided to cook lots while the big one was at nursery and little on in the sling, oatcakes are meant to help with milk and fill you up so that was today's snack of choice.
    I hate pumping so well done for keeping going with that!
  • jobeanqueen
    jobeanqueen Posts: 19 Member
    Glad to hear that he is a healthy, growing boy! And that's great that you have breastfed as long as you have! My first kiddo only made it to six months. I'm really hoping to make it longer with my second little guy. The calories in/out philosophy is tough when breastfeeding. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • jobeanqueen
    jobeanqueen Posts: 19 Member
    Cooking with a little one in the sling is a workout in and of itself! What exactly are oatcakes?
  • Bpierce03
    Bpierce03 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, I have a 4 month old little boy as well.I also have 3 other children. This is my fourth child breastfeeding. I would love to have more friends that breastfeed like me on MFP.
  • kcasey155
    kcasey155 Posts: 968 Member
    Breastfeeding my fifth at the moment, who is 11 weeks old. I have 33lbs to lose and WILL be 150lbs by Christmas this year! :wink:
  • cshmom21
    cshmom21 Posts: 11 Member
    Looking for some friends too - I've added some of you! I gained 40 pounds while breastfeeding my first son, now breastfeeding my second - 5 months old - and hoping to finally start losing some of the weight.
  • whiskeyblue22
    I am also new to the group! I have a 4.5 month old and am now back at work full time but with flexible hours. I am trying to rediscover that work/family balance! Feel free to add me!
  • prplrose33
    prplrose33 Posts: 78 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm breastfeeding my almost 8 month old daughter. She's also a very big baby. She's almost 22 lbs and has definitely outgrown her infant seat. My husband it out picking up a new seat right now. :)
  • luvemykids
    I am currently nursing my 14 mo. old son. He is my second; I nursed my first for a year, and hope to go until at least 18 mo. with this one. Please feel free to add me. I would love to have some extra support, and would love to be supportive as well.
  • kozlow27
    kozlow27 Posts: 53 Member
    Hello, Ladies! I've sent you all friend requests.

    I am currently nursing my (almost) 10 month old. I gained about 40 pounds while pregnant and didn't come home from the hospital much lighter than when I went in! 10 months later I'm finally ready to start getting my body back! My son was 17 lbs and 27.5" at his 9 month appointment. He's a peanut but that's to be expected since I'm only 5'1" and hubby is 5'6". I started tracking calories a little over a week ago and am down 7 lbs!! I'd like to lose another 25-30 lbs and gain a whole bunch of muscle.