
Anyone else troll /r/running?

I have a terrible habit of over indulging after a run. "I just ran 5 miles so that means I can eat ALL the cakes!"

Really looking for friends on here to keep my fat *kitten* in check. Add me :D


  • ninjajoshy
    ninjajoshy Posts: 3 Member
    I've done the same thing. In fact, I always feel really hungry after a run, which doesn't help matters when I start hunting for dinner.
  • BobGoodin
    BobGoodin Posts: 7 Member
    I tend to feel the opposite!
    After a long run I even feel a tiny bit sick to my stomach. No cake. :(
  • asianmonkie
    Been training for a 5k for a while now. My best time so far has been 45 minutes and I was dying after. What's your best time? Do you have any tips for endurance?
  • bellaiabello
    I can't right now, still too much weight :-( I get shin splints in my leg when I run while over 72kg (empirical evidence). I used to love running in high school, did a marathon with eighteen, so I can't wait to start it again.
  • asianmonkie
    Start slowly. It took me an entire year to be able to run like this. Feel free to add me if you want someone to be there to cheer you on :D
  • nystin
    nystin Posts: 30 Member
    Once you start running or working out, in any routine, in the beginning your body will get the ultimate hungers where you want to devour everything in sight but after a while your body shoul adjust. So you won't be gettin SUPER HUNGRY. Personally, I loove running, good way to enjoy the weather and outdoors! good luck! also ... you might wanna start at /r/c25k