Paleo or mediterranean diet?!

Good morning, I'm trying to be on the right path to fighting obesity and I have PCOS. Which lifestyle change is best? Paleo or Mediterranean?


  • boxem180
    boxem180 Posts: 63 Member
    I followed paleo for a while but broke down every weekend because of cheese. So I switched to keto and have been doing that for about a week now - it's a change but I'm really enjoying it!
  • Rosy527
    I did the paleo diet for 6 months in the year 2012. I lost 10 kg/ 22 lbs and had so much more energy than before. Not only did I lose weight, but my pcos symptoms slowly went away. My acne started to clear up and my period (for the first time EVER) became regular.
    I lost track in January 2013 but plan on starting paleo again soon... =)
    I have not tried the mediterranean diet though...
  • chelso0o
    chelso0o Posts: 366 Member
    I am sl8wly changing the types of carbs that I eat, in favor of less processed and more whole foods in general. Ive found this to be more sustainable in the long run. The weight loss is slower, but I dont feel the deprivation I felt on paleo, and am less likely to cut loose on weekends. I also have less cravings, I've found.