Check in

Hi Chaps,

This group has been a bit quiet lately, so I thought I would see how everyone is doing? If you've had a decent christmas, worse or better than expected, or whether you have anything on your mind at the minute...

If you want to rant or congratulate yourself, or comment on how someone's doing, please feel free :) non-judgemental and helpful comments please, unless requested!

So to start.... I'm glad my christmas was less stressful than expected, my mum behaved herself with no snide comments, but I'm SO glad to be back in routine of work, gym, sleep, housework, crafting... LOVE dat routine!!

Lozt x


  • SgtZabka
    SgtZabka Posts: 74 Member
    Hey there, new to the group!

    Little history: I am finally getting over severe depression/ anxiety (PTSD but told my doctor to not write that) so yay for that. Still have some depression episodes, about 3 days out of the week now but not nearly as bad as they were. Anyway, holidays were great and hopefully this semester goes great as well!

    Btw is that a Totoro hoodie? That's awesome!
  • clydethecat
    clydethecat Posts: 1,087 Member
    hey, a check in is a great idea. i'm bipolar 1 mixed episode, things are turning around now, meds are getting straightened out. i'm taking serequoel so thats causing a lot of weight gain, but i think i finally got on top of it.

    the worst for me is depression and that seems to be lifting. i just got back some lab work that was really positive. i celebrated my 38th birthday on jan 1. that was a little hard for me to cope with but i feel better about it now. life seems to be going well for me, and that is a huge turn around from last year.

    anyone feel free to add me as a friend, i'm really open with my life and will answer most questions. sometimes its nice to know there are other people going through the same thing you are. :)
  • loztandfound
    loztandfound Posts: 73 Member
    glad you guys seem to be doing ok/ doing better :) birthdays are the same as every other day, I reckon, and its a nice neutral way to look at it! I'm going to be 30 this year, so 5 years bonus time (bonus time as in I thought I was going to be dead by 25).

    And yes, that is a Totoro Kigurumi, I Cosplay and this was worn to MCM Expo in London 2013 :) didnt feel weird or different until I got off the tube at Kings Cross to get the train home, then some kids took photos of me coming down the escalator.... ermmm, lol!
  • SgtZabka
    SgtZabka Posts: 74 Member
    Lol that's awesome! And why take the tube when there is a Catbus :tongue: ? I bought a small hand knitted Totoro from the Comic Con that took place last weekend here, its awesome :smile: Also, glad you're doing better! and 30 is the new 20, so happy birthday when it comes around!
  • loztandfound
    loztandfound Posts: 73 Member
    hehe, exactly! Nekobus wins! I have a set of three totoros - the big grey gy, the mini blue one and the gorgeous tiny white one, from a shop called Crafty Dork on FB/Etsy i think... She's a lovely lady :) 30 is just 30, days are just days... you make a day as special or enjoyable as you want, I reckon. :)
  • SgtZabka
    SgtZabka Posts: 74 Member
    from a shop called Crafty Dork on FB/Etsy i think... She's a lovely lady :)... you make a day as special or enjoyable as you want, I reckon. :)

    I'll have to check her out, I love the crafty people on Etsy! and that's a great philosophy :)
  • palmerb2
    palmerb2 Posts: 48 Member
    Is this still an active group? I am finding that my mental disorders are directly affecting my diet and exercise and would like to find a group that can relate to my posts.

    A litlle about me...I have been diagnosed with severe anxiety disorder, panic attacks, depression and agoraphobia. I spent some time in the hospital for the depression in October and followed it with out patient for a few weeks. I eat when I am depressed and my medicine makes me hungry when I'm not feeling depressed. Both stress me out a lot. I feel like I am stuck in a loop. I need to loose over 100 lbs. I lost 40 pounds then gained it all back in the last six months. My agoraphobia keeps me from leaving the house to do much in exercise. I was doing ok with going to the gym for awhile bit it was always on my way home from work. Work has become impossible since October and so has getting to the gym. I really want to go. I get dressed and bacg packed to go then stress out and don't go. I am very unhappy gaining all the weight back but really struggling with all the mental battles that go along with it.

    If this group isn't active can someone please guide me to a similar one that is.
  • loztandfound
    loztandfound Posts: 73 Member
    Hi honey, TBH this is the most active post in months.... :/ I think the best thing to do is search using the terms you used or conditions you have in the community pages, or start some more posts - i think there may be some lurkers here who havent posted!! I totally feel your pain with the vicious circle - I went from 112lbs to 215 (ish - i didnt weigh at my highest, i weighed on my way back down, which was 215lbs), and am now at roughly 166. Believe me, a little bit at a time is a goal, and a hell of an achievement if you're not feeling even workish. aim to walk 10 mins a day, you get all the vitamin D you'd need for a month in one day, and you walked. that's lapping the guys on the couch!

    YOU CAN DO IT :) you can do as much or as little as you want, you just have to start. Following comes easy :) the prospect is f***ing scary, but as soon as you start you get quite into it.

    good luck, and add anyone here for support.

    Lozt x
  • palmerb2
    palmerb2 Posts: 48 Member
    I did it! I took the big step and went to the gym today. It was scary facing the fact that I am no longer the person who could do a jog/ walk 5k on the treadmill. I started with a goal to do 20 minutes really slow like 1.8 slow. Took a one minute break at the 10 minute mark. Rested in the sauna then went out and repeated it. I can't tell you how proud I feel that I pushed through all the fears I had of going. 'It will make going back easier because I can say I did it today!
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    I had a mixed Christmas and New Year. Got the Christmas high but then caught flu and my mood plummeted.

    Fighting to stay stable as I'm also affected by SAD and ATOS are in the process of reassessing me (yet again!!!!). I should explain for our non UK friends that ATOS is a private company that is paid by the government to assess ill and disabled peoples ability to work. They get paid a bonus for finding people well enough to work and thus reducing the benefit cost rather than truly assessing a person's needs. Basically an added stress that I don't need atm.
  • loztandfound
    loztandfound Posts: 73 Member
    Awwww, VQ, that sucks :( so sorry to hear that. Just be as honest as you can, they will see what you live with and go from there. Christmas is done, the rains are here, which is always the first sign of spring!! have you tried one of those sun lamp things, at all? my chum was talking about getting one, her SAD is baaaaaad. wondered if they worked?

    and WELL DONE PB2!!! sorry I wasnt on here earlier to congratulate you, but yeah, once you get past the ohsh*tohsh*tohsh*t of going to an uncomfortable place, it gets so motivating to know you've done it. My motivation at the moment is that I'm doing the Mordor Walk.... well, i'm walking, biking and swimming it, and burning cals in the process! As well as using that for cardio, I use a few machines and weights to tone, but mainly just burn baby burn.

    Lozt xx
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    I tried the sunlamp. It didn't work for me but I know others who have found it really useful.
  • loztandfound
    loztandfound Posts: 73 Member
    thanks, Marceline :) will feedback to her! hope you are feeling ok today - or better, obv! xxx
  • SgtZabka
    SgtZabka Posts: 74 Member
    I got a therapeutic animal today to help me with my problems, he's a 2 foot long ball python :) I love him!
  • newbie ;-) HELLO EVERYONE! I suffer from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Hello,

    My name is Lauren and I am a mental health therapist. My specialization is in the psychology of weight loss; I am interested in the use of cognitive-behavioral therapy to improve weight loss by focusing on the "mental" side of weight loss, rather than just the physical side of nutrition and exercise. Please feel free to message me with any questions you may have. I hope to be a resource to anyone who needs help in this field.

  • KateV888
    KateV888 Posts: 20 Member
    Just checking in. Just started MFP this month and interested in adding friends with mental health issues, or who've had medication related weight gain etc.

    I have bad depression and a mix of anxiety disorders. I was hospitalized a year and a half ago. Right now on four different Meds I'm doing way better and getting interested in my physical health for once (losing weight, quitting smoking, exercising...) I have a ways to go at 268 lbs still.
  • vampirequeen1959
    vampirequeen1959 Posts: 196 Member
    Checking back in. Been absent for a few weeks due to mh but now back a sort of motivated.
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    Hi everyone,
    I'm back again after a 10 kg weight gain that it can't blame on meds but can sort of blame on the depression and definitely blame on chocolate.
    I've got Bipolar 2. Doing ok now but was struggling earlier this year.
    Happy to support others with MH issues - just send me a message :) I don't always check the boards.
  • loztandfound
    loztandfound Posts: 73 Member
    Hey Chaps,

    sounds like a good check in recently, sorry I've been absent for a bit - mayhem happening at the moment. Really pleased to see other people on here, and a good support/friend network starting up again :)

    How is everyone doing at this time of year? Most of the Xmas worry/summer hold panic is not going on, it's a bit of a lull - do you get bored easily? what do you do to entertain yourself? (clean, please!!)

    Really proud to say I have hit the 6 years without cutting stage on 19th Feb, and have hit 2 years without antidepressants/CBT. Go me!!

    Also - awww, ball python!! we call em Royal pythons in UK, but gorgeous! what colour morph? (bit of a snake fan :) )


    Lozt xxx