80 pounds in 7 months?!

Daerina8 Posts: 35 Member
No, I'm not delusional :P Ultimately I'd like to lose 80 lbs, but I'm pretty sure that's a bit too ambitious.
I am aiming at 50 lbs at least though before my wedding in May... wish me luck :)


  • pugsleyjean
    pugsleyjean Posts: 135 Member
    Best of luck to ya! You got this!! With motivation and support from friends you will get to your goal. Congrats on your May wedding it will be here before you know it :smile:
  • Forever99lbs
    Forever99lbs Posts: 57 Member
    It is possible but you need to be very dedicated
  • calmlywilde
    calmlywilde Posts: 47 Member
    Good Luck!

    I've lost 50lb in a smidge over 4 months. Still another 4 months to go til the big day for me :)

    You will have to be pretty dedicated to do this - but you definitely can!

    I've been eating 1400 cals a day, 10 glasses of water a day, the 30 Day Shred 5-6 times a week, not eating back my exercise calories, because my goal is to lose weight NOT anything fitness related.

    The discouraging thing is that the loses aren't linear. Over the course of a week my weight might go -0.5, -0.5, -0.5, 0, +1.5, -3... It can be so hard not to give up after seeing a stagnation or gain for a few days or to celebrate a bit much after a big loss.

    The best way I've found to keep the loss smooth and encouraging is to drink HEAPS of water to avoid skews from water weight.

    The 30 Day Shred is great because you will notice the inches changing before the scales - who cares if you weigh 50lbs over your goal if you fit the size you want!?

    I personally like low carb eating (avoiding starches and sugar) because it controls my sugar cravings and helps me stay on track. Everyone's different, but you don't have lots of time to play around with what works and doesn't!

    Stay on track and you will succeed! Message me if you want any support or advice. Or just to share dress pics!

  • Leah651
    Thanks for the advice! This is helpful.

  • NikkiGNJ
    In the same boat here. Would love to be at my goal weight by April for the big day but that is another 45lbs to go and I have seemingly been stuck at my current weight for over a month now. Renewed vigor of logging everything I consume to try and get a handle on this so that I can get down closer before the New Year comes around.
  • ischmelle
    ischmelle Posts: 203 Member
    Me too! I feel like it's what every bride says. :laugh: But, if there was ever a time to do it, this is it! I have about 30 pounds at least to go. I'd be happier with 40, but I could probably settle for 30 with a great corset! I hate trying on dresses right now because there is NO way I want to be this size on the actual day. But, that pesky waiting time for the dress to come once it has been ordered might foil that. Thank God for alterations!
  • SwedishMel
    SwedishMel Posts: 95 Member
    It's possible. I'm aiming for at least 40 pounds within 3 months. :embarassed: It's going to be difficult, but I'm sure I can get pretty darn close. Good luck!!
  • Daerina8
    Daerina8 Posts: 35 Member
    Well I've been averaging about 10lbs/month so if I keep going this way I'll likely end up around 65-70lbs lost, which I'll be more than happy with :) nearly halfway to my overall goal already!
  • pugsleyjean
    pugsleyjean Posts: 135 Member
    Well I've been averaging about 10lbs/month so if I keep going this way I'll likely end up around 65-70lbs lost, which I'll be more than happy with :) nearly halfway to my overall goal already!

    Fabulous job to you on the loss! Way to keep up with the determination to get to where you want to be!
  • SaraJRosburg
    SaraJRosburg Posts: 43 Member
    This has happened to me in the past alot, I've always found the best solution for me when I hit a plateau is to remove ALL sugar for a couple of weeks and then slowly add helthy sugars back in. I won't eat any fruit or drink any alcohol and of course avoid all sugars from cookies and cakes (thats a given) I really try to limit my artificial sugar intake during this time as well.

    After the two weeks I'll SLOWLY start adding sugars back in, but usually only in fruit.
  • EmpoweringMe331
    Way to go..... you are doing great!
  • Daerina8
    Daerina8 Posts: 35 Member
    This has happened to me in the past alot, I've always found the best solution for me when I hit a plateau is to remove ALL sugar for a couple of weeks and then slowly add helthy sugars back in. I won't eat any fruit or drink any alcohol and of course avoid all sugars from cookies and cakes (thats a given) I really try to limit my artificial sugar intake during this time as well.

    After the two weeks I'll SLOWLY start adding sugars back in, but usually only in fruit.

    Thanks for the reply! :) I'm actually on a keto diet, so there aren't really any sugars to take out :P but I'm sure as long as I persevere the numbers will keep going down