How do you move?

Hi all!

Every morning I will myself to get up at 4:30a in order to fit in a workout, and a breakfast before heading out to work at the crack of dawn!

I alternate between insanity and c25k; i'm on week two of insanity and week 8 of c25k. I also try to get in at least 10,000 steps a day!

I just wanted to know, how do you keep active? and what's your regimen like?

p.s. anyone on fitbit?


  • boulevardMto180
    Unfortunately my unpredictable schedule doesn't allow me to have a set schedule. So I literally have to find time to move. But I never use my lack of time as an excuse. I either pop in a work out dvd or blast music and dance.

    No fitbit here :ohwell:
  • Spambo16
    Spambo16 Posts: 223 Member
    I've got three main workouts. First, a once a week power yoga class. Dripping sweat and sore in body parts I didn't even know I HAD, every week. (Love it!) Second, my standard hotel or home workout - what I call circuit training: warm up for five minutes on the treadmill or elliptical, then alternate upper body lifts or ab work with 3 minute cardio intervals. Finally, if I'm short on time or just seriously unmotivated, I'll do an 8 x 2 HIIT workout on the treadmill or elliptical.

    When the weather gets decent, I'll do an early morning interval training power walk or bike ride. I'd rather be out than in, but I want it to be pleasant, not painful. (In Chicago, that pretty much eliminates November through mid-April.)
  • JoyLaine
    JoyLaine Posts: 110 Member
    I do a lot of walking at work usually hitting close to 10,000 steps per day. The treadmill has been my "at home" source of exercise and I use 2-5 lb weights for toning. When it's just me at home I like to turn the music up, sing really loud and dance, dance, dance ~ neither of which I do well but I have fun!
  • jgablin
    jgablin Posts: 23 Member
    The past month I injured my upper back, neck and lower back. This stopped me from going to the gym classes I love (Zumba, Bodyworks Plus Abs) and prevents me from doing any weight training. So now I've just been walking. Today my doctor said no walking, but I can't just stop moving. It doesn't hurt me when I walk, only when I sit! So, I'll be doing my walks as long as it doesn't hurt. Hopefully healed soon so I can get back in the gym again.
  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 63 Member
    I am on a Fitbit - it's actually what brought me to this site (their food logging is less than desirable.)

    Most of my exercise is in the late afternoon or evening. I've made it a habit to go for a longish, fast-paced walk every evening. A few nights a week I'll drag myself up a nearby butte (small mountain, if you're from the midwest!) that I live about 3 blocks from. The trail's a bit over a mile long, and you ascend 500' (50 flights of stairs!) It's the quite the workout if you push yourself.

    I've also started walking everywhere, whenever the opportunity presents itself. There's a grocery store about 1.1 miles from me, one of the jobs I work is about 1.4, and the homeless kitchen I volunteer at on Sundays is about .9 miles. Not only does walking to those locations give me my daily exercise, but I get a chance to listen to my tunes (I'm a big music fan!), so it's a win-win.

    This last week and a half, I've been clocking in 12k-15k footsteps a day. And I try to do it every day, not because I want to lose the weight any faster (I'm only committing to 1.5 lbs a week), but because I don't want to be cutting my calories excessively. I love to eat, and there's nothing more miserable to me than being hungry, so I just eat [good food] when I'm hungry -- about 2000-2400 calories a day -- and if I shoot over my net calories, it means I have to spend an extra 30 minutes chugging up the butte that evening.
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    I am currently addicted to my stationary bike, doing 8-9km in 30 mins every day. If I feel strong, I'll put it on high resistance or varied resistance and aim for 7.5km; if not, I'll lower the resistance and go as hard as I can without getting too sore. Am in the process of finding a new job and moving states, so I don't know if I can buy the bike off my parents when I go or not. I hope so - I do love it, and it's a great way to finish off the day whilst watching some mindless TV.

    I also love my Wii and will be investing in a Kinect (which I had access to at a prior house and loved) to get some more guided workouts. Will also get a bike and ride to school if I can get a place close enough, and in a quiet enough area. Am aiming for 30-60 minutes of extra exercise per day, which is not so much helping me with my weight loss but is making it easier to move and will eventually result in fat loss. Eventually. Right now, it's just converting mass from fat to muscle.

    I'm also thinking of getting a jawbone 24up. Does anyone have any experience? Fitbit isn't here in Australia yet, and Jawbone seems like a good compromise.
  • Fodao
    Fodao Posts: 63 Member
    The Jawbone Up is very comparable to the Fitbit. It has a lot of the same features, its own tracking website, and integration with MFP. Only difference is that it doesn't have a display like the Fitbit (only a sun/moon symbol.)

    If you get one, I would say it's worth the extra $30US or so to get the Up24. Plugging the device into your mobile or your iPad isn't really too much of a hassle, but WiFi makes it all the easier.

    I do know that these trackers have a tough time with certain activities, and I seem to remember that stationary biking is one of them. If that's your primary mode of exercise, you might still have to enter the workouts manually into the app or website. Might want to look into it on their site.

    But at least the device will still track all the commuting on-foot that you do throughout the day.
  • TaraRichardson913
    TaraRichardson913 Posts: 157 Member
    I have my wii zumba, which I love!
    Jillian Michaels shred, and walking.
    I try tobe active every day
  • kamikazikelli
    kamikazikelli Posts: 23 Member
    I just started biking to class and work. I also go to the gym three days a week. I'm going to try to start swimming two to three days a week as well. It's hard for me to get motivated to be active. I'm a nerd and my life is all about the sedentary. I am a student, plus I work an office job where I sit for hours. I also spend a lot of time on my computer and playing video games. But I'm going to be more active!
  • AtLeastOnceMore
    AtLeastOnceMore Posts: 304 Member
    The Jawbone Up is very comparable to the Fitbit. It has a lot of the same features, its own tracking website, and integration with MFP. Only difference is that it doesn't have a display like the Fitbit (only a sun/moon symbol.)

    If you get one, I would say it's worth the extra $30US or so to get the Up24. Plugging the device into your mobile or your iPad isn't really too much of a hassle, but WiFi makes it all the easier.

    I do know that these trackers have a tough time with certain activities, and I seem to remember that stationary biking is one of them. If that's your primary mode of exercise, you might still have to enter the workouts manually into the app or website. Might want to look into it on their site.

    But at least the device will still track all the commuting on-foot that you do throughout the day.

    Thanks for the rundown, Fodao! =) Turns out I'm moving states next week, so it may have to be delayed by a fortnight or so!! lol.
  • Iratherbefit1
    Iratherbefit1 Posts: 20 Member

    I love to eat, and there's nothing more miserable to me than being hungry, so I just eat [good food] when I'm hungry -- about 2000-2400 calories a day -- and if I shoot over my net calories, it means I have to spend an extra 30 minutes chugging up the butte that evening.

    Hear! Hear! nothing better than an extra sweat session for a good eat :)