Introduce yourself!



  • TiffanyCarn
    Hi Everyone and congrats!! I'm Tiffany and I got engaged back in May 2013. My wedding is in June this year and I am getting really excited. Decided to kick off the wedding diet in the new year. Don't have a ton to loose, just want to look better in my dress and also help my fiance kick of a healthier diet and exercise routine. First fitting is this week. Can't wait to get my dress on again:)
  • megamclure
    megamclure Posts: 8 Member
    Hi all! My fiancé and I have been engaged for OVER a year now! But the big day is coming in just under 100 days.. April 12, 2014! We both put on a little weight since we've been together, but I'm looking to get back down to my *good* size, about 128 - 130 pounds at 5'7". That means about 8 pounds to go! I don't really like calorie-counting and tend to rely on my own body to tell me what and how much I need. We're going "part-time vegan" to encourage plant-eating and discourage the consumption of too much antibiotics- and hormones-laden meat, yeck. As much as I wish I could eat a steak every night... mmmmmmm.

    I'm all motivated right now, but I doubt that will last in full. So I hope yall will help me there!
  • cattielovesadam
    Hi Everyone! I'm Cat and i got engaged on the 5th of July 2013 and i'm getting married on the 5th of July 2014...THIS YEAR! AHHH so excited. I have been so organised with everything else that i forgot about me. So now i have set myself a challenge of losing 18 pounds in 4 months. I don't really want to try a dress on when i'm not happy with the way i look. I struggle with getting motivated so this is why i have joined my fitness pal for extra support.

    Good Luck with everything girls :)

  • beckyhaa
    beckyhaa Posts: 30 Member
    Hi everyone! I am getting married July 20. I'm so happy. I've known my fiance for almost 2 years exactly and we got engaged in Oct.

    I do already have a dress that needs to be taken in a bit (I bought it that way as a sample on sale) so I'd love to be able to take it in even more, as well as tone up my arms. So I'd love to lose about 15 lbs by May before I have it altered.

    I mostly work out with Jillian Michaels DVDs.

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    My name is Sara and I got engaged on New years eve. We are hoping for a September wedding, but we haven't started looking for a venue yet so that could change. So much to plan, but enjoying the newly engaged feeling :)
  • andreajaeger89
    Hey fellow Brides to be,

    My name is Andrea and I am 24 soon to be 25. I live in New England with my Fiance who I met in college through a mutual friend. We have been together for 2 yrs and 3 mos and engaged for 6 mos. Our wedding will be August 24th, 2014 at a Winery. We are getting married on the same day my parents got married 27 years and my grandparents got married 51 years ago. I currently hover around 170-168lbs. I would think I would like to get down to 135lbs, but that's not set in stone. I have a very muscular build and have a large frame. I may be short at 5'3, but I am definitely not petite Lol. I'm more concerned about the way I look and feel. I'm shooting to get down to a size six, but we'll see what ends up happening! Feel free to add me as a friend for mutual support :flowerforyou:
  • livingmylegacy
    Hey guys!

    My name is Sarah and I'm 22 years old. I just got engaged this past September and we're planning our wedding for October 18th, 2014! The boy and I have been together for just under two years, but we've been best friends since our senior year in high school. I'm so excited to marry my best friend!

    My main goal for the wedding is to get to a point where I feel healthy and where I love myself (almost) as much as he does. I already have my dress and it fits perfectly, so luckily for me there's no stress of trying to fit into my dress. I've been struggling with my weight and health since I was 14 and I'm just tired of it. I want to live a healthy life and I don't want to take any of these unhealthy habits into my marriage.

    As for weight loss, I suppose I'd like to be somewhere in the 130's (I'm currently 185) but honestly, weight is just a number. As long as I feel good, I'll be happy!

    Feel free to add! I need all the support I can get, and I'd love to support you guys, too!
  • D1609anni
    Congratulations to all my fellow 2014 brides!

    I got engaged in 2011 and am getting married in September. I've been with my fiance for just over 7 years and last year we brought our first house together so things are really looking good for the future :-)

    My main goal for the wedding is to have some really amazing photos to cherish and feel comfortable showing them to people in years to come - when we have children and grandchildren it will be so nice to be able to happily show them our wedding photos with a huge sense of pride that we look good.

    We have both recently joined a gym and have our personal plans set up - I'm hoping that by using MyFitnessPal will help me keep track of everything including the training I do at the gym (I've been a member before but didn't really have enough motivation to continue - until now!)

    Happy wedding planning!
  • AuroraCoL
    AuroraCoL Posts: 18 Member
    Hi there!

    My fiance proposed last month, and we're looking forward to our wedding this labour day weekend! I've gained 10 lbs since we first met 5 years ago, so I'm trying to shed it in the next few months before I go shopping for my dress. I'm 5'4" aiming for 117 lbs. It doesn't sound like much but it'll be a real challenge as I've never been able to maintain a good diet for more than a week or so. I'm trying to make a life style change!

    Wish me luck, and best of luck to the rest of you lovely brides.
  • StellaBella47
    My fiance and I are getting married October 18 2014. This is an "encore" wedding for both of us (we are both in our 40s and five of our six collective children are grown - I have one left at home, a sophomore in high school.) So while my wedding planning may be different than a first-time blushing bride's, I still want to glow on my special day. I am trying to lose 56 pounds by the wedding, but that number is completely negotiable. I just want to be fit, healthy, and beautiful.
  • SwedishMel
    SwedishMel Posts: 95 Member
    My name is Melissa. My fiance's name is James & we've known each other for 23 years. We started dating about two years ago & instantly knew we wanted to get married. We've attempted to plan a wedding several times, with many things (mostly finance) getting in our way and stressing us out. After all this time (a little over a year) of planning & saving & stressing we've gone back to our original thought. We'll be eloping. :) This doesn't mean I'm not a "bride" just because I'm not doing all the pom & circumstance that almost everyone else does. We've decided (mostly me) that the date we HAVE to get married on is on the anniversary of our first kiss. April Fools day it is! :)
    Since we got together we've both packed on the pounds, and knowing we just have a few months until we're officially man and wife I am determined to lose most of those pounds. It's not for the dress (haven't even thought about what I might wear). It's for me. It's so I feel happier & healthier. Also, I'm going to be a bridesmaid for one of my good friends this September. And if I can be comfortable in my own skin by the time I have to stand in front of all those people (a bit of stage fright here) it'd be great.
    Good luck with all your planning & weight loss fellow Brides!
  • KayNowayJose
    KayNowayJose Posts: 138 Member
    Aw, I loved reading all your stories :-)

    My name's Kayla. :-)

    My future hubby proposed May of last year, and we are getting married 8/21/2014.

    We have opted out of the traditional wedding, because this is his second and neither of us have large surviving family. So we plan on getting married at the courthouse (where his Aunt and close family friend work :bigsmile: ) with as many people as his Aunt can talk the judge into letting have into the room because she's the "favorite" (so she says hahah...picture a 67 year old opinionated woman with a cane :tongue: She's too cute, you can't say no too her). His fathers birthday was the 23rd so we were hoping to do that day, but since weddings aren't performed at the courthouse on Saturday, we went back and forth between honeymoon wedding, backyard wedding...then finally settled upon the 21st. Then afterward we plan on taking everybody (around 25 people) out to our 'reception' = dinner at a downtown restaurant. Then we are catching a flight to our honeymoon!

    SO needless to say, since the wedding is so simple, I will be buying a simple short white dress somewhere closer to the wedding date so am unsure of what my goal is exactly before my wedding. As of right now I'm 154 and 5'5.
  • mfcarley2
    mfcarley2 Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone! I'm glad i found this group. I'm Carley :) I'm planning a wedding for October 2014 in Kansas from Chicago...looking forward to it.
  • Hey Everyone!

    I'm Alexis, I'm 32 and from the UK (England). I am getting married in December 2014 at Gretna Green in Scotland :)
    I have 4 stone to lose (56 lbs).

    Wish me luck :flowerforyou:
  • SaraJRosburg
    SaraJRosburg Posts: 43 Member
    Hi All! My name is Sara. I'm 31 years old, and got engaged in November 2013. Our wedding is May 17th 2014, so not a long engagment, but enough time to hit my goal!

    Here are my stats:

    Ht: 5'6"
    SW: 161
    CW: 158
    GW: 140

    I'm excited to be a part of a team with some ladies that are on the same page!
  • kikalique
    kikalique Posts: 52 Member
    Hi everyone! It's great to hear your happy relationship stories and plans for a healthy future. :)

    I'm Kaitlin, and I've been engaged to a wonderful guy since April 2013. We are getting married on June 7th this year. I actually bought my dress last June (I live several states away from my family and bridal party), and it fit perfectly then, no alterations necessary. But the dress is a size 16, and to me it represents my highest weight in the past few years. I want to feel healthy and good about myself on my wedding day as I start the next big adventure with my soon-to-be husband. So I will gladly pay to have alterations made to the dress (or find a new dress!) if it means I'm healthier.

    I hope to lose 25ish lbs before June that will bring me to 200. I think it's totally doable! Feel free to add me, and I'll be more than happy to support you on your journey as well.
  • kcrowther
    Hi Ladies! So great to be part of this group.

    I'm Kim, and I've been engaged since December 2012. I wanted to avoid being stressed out and turning into bridezilla, so we opted for a longer engagement. Our big day is August 23, 2014. 8 months to get my *kitten* in gear. I quit smoking about 1 year ago, and have put on 15 lb since then.

    I'm 5' tall. Current weight is 114.8lb, hoping to get down to 100lb by March 2014 and then maintain.
  • kpayton
    Hi everyone!

    I'm Kayla, and we got engaged December 2013. We are planning to get married in July 2014, although we haven't set a date yet.

    I'm 5' 7" and currently weigh 215. I'd love to weigh 150-170 on our wedding day. I've gained about 20 pounds since this summer with my stressful job and terrible work hours. I'd love all of the support/encouragement/chiding I can get.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • sunsetseven
    sunsetseven Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Kayla - kpayton - You can do it!! What are you plans / goals to accomplish this? I am planning a wedding as well..thinking June and I want to get at least 15 pounds gone. I have been eating crappy and not exercising at all. But now that I have a date to work with, I am hoping that will help me keep motivated!
  • sunsetseven
    sunsetseven Posts: 10 Member
    Hello everyone - I have been using MFP for years and I know it really helps keep you focused. I have goal with a date / event attached -- MY WEDDING!! My FH and I have been together 8 years now and recently decided to make it official. We started the planning and have a rough idea on date -June. Now to knuckle down and quit F'ing off.

    Back in at the end of 2011 -2012 I hit my goal weight and just blew off everything after coming back from my cruise at the end of 2012. We had a lot of fun partying - but that included a LOT of eating out (too much) and drinking (way too much) and stress at work (stress eating). I know what needs to be done and I can do it - Just need to DO IT!!.

    I really want to get my body fat % down - so to Paleo and Ketotis - here I go!