P90X3 with Slow Carb Diet

Hello all,
Just joined myfitnesspal, a friend recommended it to me so I thought I'd give it a shot.
I'm about to begin my recovery week with X3. Today I did the Dynamix routine.

Looking to get good results by the end of the 90 days while sticking to the Slow Carb Diet popularized by Tim Ferriss.


  • AngDenSti
    AngDenSti Posts: 184
    Hey!! I'm glad you're here!! What's slow carb?? Maybe I need to try that. :)
  • Ooh boy...google can answer that question a lot better than I can :)

    But basically it's maintaining a diet of animal proteins, vegetables, and legumes; foods that have a low glycemic index.

    Eliminating all forms of sugar: maltose, lactose, fructose and sucrose. So no bread, grains, dairy, fruit or junk food. Now there is a catch. Within the week of following the diet, you're allowed one cheat day a week. There's a lot of science behind it but in short, it's supposed to aid with the weight loss.

    Here are the five rules of the slow carb diet:
    Rule #1: Avoid “white” carbohydrates (or anything that can be white).
    Rule #2: Eat the same few meals over and over again.
    Rule #3: Don’t drink calories.
    Rule #4: Don’t eat fruit.
    Rule #5: Take one day off per week and go nuts.

    For better explanations, visit Tim Ferriss' blog. Link is below.

    Tim Ferriss is also the author of the 4-Hour Body, great book about hacking the human body. Everything from weight loss, to muscle gain, running longer and faster, you name it. He covers it in the book. I highly recommend it.
  • maxiefit
    maxiefit Posts: 53 Member
    Lol you lost me at no bread.
  • Butrovich
    Butrovich Posts: 410 Member
    Basically low glycemic index foods. Brown rice instead of white. Whole, slow-cook oats instead of instant oatmeal. Whole grain breads instead of enriched white. I agree "juicing" is very bad since you drink the calories without enjoying the fiber and bulk that goes with that fruit. However, I disagree that fruit should be omitted, but eaten in moderation.

    I think this forum is a fantastic way to share tips and experiences. I'm looking forward to the end of March and reading what worked best for us and congratulating our successes.

  • guitarguy310
    guitarguy310 Posts: 32 Member
    I'm doing somewhat the same. Dabbled in the ketogenic, now finding I'm more of a Paleo eater...although really like the idea of slow carb. Might try that after P90X3 to really cut down. Can you eat oats and brown rice on the slow carb?
  • According to 4-Hour Body, no bread, oats, grains, anything like that.
    But on your designated cheat day, anything goes.

    Ferriss' writes that it's not a "fun" diet but it is effective. One can lose 20+ pounds in one month adhering to the diet. And I know, I lost the 20...then gained it all back when I abandoned it :P

    But now I plan on adhering to the diet for the 90 days.