Injured back

j99li Posts: 421 Member
Hi everyone,

Last Thursday, I was trying to squat 175lbs and afterwards, something felt really painful in my lower back. Resting over the weekend has not really helped.

When i tried to squat today using a much lower weight (85lbs), I couldnt even bear to feel that weight on my back. Cardio doesn't seem to affect it and make it painful to work out (I.e. elliptical and running).

I am looking for advice...should I just do cardio until the back pain goes away?

Thanks in advance!


  • OnPointDiva
    OnPointDiva Posts: 4 Member
    I'm no expert but it sounds like you should get your back checked out before lifting any weights before you make matters worse. Cudos to you for being able to get to 175lbs, that's friggin awesome! But don't further hurt yourself. Get checked out by a Dr. before moving forward. Good luck.