
knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
I always thought that if I fell while exercising, it would be by tripping over something on a run. But I've taken the winter off from running and I've been doing exercise videos in my nice, safe, carpeted family room. Sure enough, today I fell.

I was doing a kickboxing video on the On Demand channel "Sportskool." I had done this particular workout once before and loved it. I wasn't even jumping or anything at the time, I just landed wrong on my right foot and turned my ankle. I felt a shooting pain up my leg and just had enough time to think "Oh *kitten*" before I felt my back twist painfully as well. As if in slow motion, I hit the floor hard on my right butt cheek and sat there grimacing for a minute. I figured if I sat still too long, my ankle would swell, so I got up and started pacing around the house. Strangely enough, my ankle didn't hurt at all anymore. I realized that my back didn't hurt very much either. I decided to go back and try to finish the workout but not doing any more jumping jacks or bouncing around. But everything felt fine, so I even did the jumping parts.

At the end of the video he leads you through some squats, and that's when I realized where the injury was. I must have really bruised my rear end, because that right glute hurt when I squatted! LOL!! And here it is almost 10 hours later and my back feels a little tight, and my ankle feels pretty much fine, but boy is it hard to sit!!!

So that's my first athletic injury since probably elementary school. And thank goodness everyone else was asleep so no one was there to witness my humiliation. Do you have any non-serious injury stories? (I don't want to laugh at anyone's serious pain!!)


  • tugten
    tugten Posts: 73 Member
    glad you're ok sortof......Be glad nothing worse happened. I have heard some of the most serious injuries occur when we least expect them. I slid on some water on the kitchen floor couple of months ago and went flying landing straight on my back. I was sure I injured something and didn't move for five minutes. But then got up and I was fine. No bruising. Go figure.
  • AnnaZimm70
    AnnaZimm70 Posts: 218 Member
    Hope you feel better! Here's a couple of stories to make you feel better:

    I have an 11 year old who clearly got my clumsy gene. This fall we were shopping at Target. She was looking down at something in her hand and walked face on into a support pillar. HUGE goose egg on her head and a bruise that lasted over a week :-(

    Not long ago I made my same daughter a milkshake with a hand blender. When I was done, for some reason I thought it would be smart to rinse the blender off while it was running (after all, it is submersible). However, my general practice is to reach in with my other hand to spin the blade around for the initial rinse before soaping. Accordingly, I stuck my left finger in to the fully running blender blades! As my husband is driving me to the ER for stitches he asked, "can you come up with something other than 'I stuck my fingers into a stick blender'?" Fortunately, no permanent harm done :-)
  • knitapeace
    knitapeace Posts: 1,013 Member
    OWEE!!! In the blender??!! That must have hurt something awful. It's good you can find a little humor in the "what was I thinking?" aspect of it now.

    I'm fairly tall, and I tend to hit my head on things a lot. My husband and I were tossing around the idea of making a nice, four color coffee table book of photographs of me hitting my head on things around the world: me hitting my head on the Eiffel Tower, me hitting my head on Big Ben...

    On the bright side, my ankle and back both feel pretty much 100% now. My rear end, on the other hand, still aches.
  • Runningcircuits
    This makes me feel much better about my clumsiness! Those are good stories and made me laugh (only because everyone is OK now)

    I was running in the park near my house and it is a very crowded park. My son rides his bike ahead of me while I run and he had already made it to the play area, where we were meeting some friends. So I was running along the path and listening to Eminem holler at me, lost in my own world. I come up on some slower joggers and pass them, silently congratulating myself on not being the slowest runner in the park.
    I get nearer the play area and start to look left, scanning for my son and friends. Without warning, before I know it, I am falling - quick and hard - onto the bike path. I land doing all the wrong things, sticking my arms out to brace my fall instead of tucking and rolling like a stunt woman.
    So there I am, stunned and bleeding from one hand and one knee when the slower joggers come by and help me up. Once I assure them I am OK, one of them said "It's tough when your ego is hurt worse than your body" and then they jogged off.
    My son, playing on the playground, YELLED to me "are you OK?"
    Thanks, kid.