Staying on Track

morzolas Posts: 59 Member
So, I have a bit of a dilemma I was hoping all of you could help me with. I'm doing a work type program that goes from late afternoon to very late in the evening several nights a week. I have been bringing my own food and sticking to my healthy food choices. The director told the group of us (about 10 people) that there will be some nights where she will organize a potluck or pizza. The only issue is that EVERYONE has to agree to it. The potluck I'm fine with because I can just bring a healthy dish, but I think most people will go for the pizza option because it's easier/tastier. My issue is I DO NOT want pizza. Not even in a "bad calories" sort of way, either. I legitimately think eating pizza at this point would make me feel sick because my eating has honestly been THAT on point. How do I back out of pizza night without looking like an *kitten*? I don't want to lie (saying I'm lactose intolerant or something), and I don't think people will go along with "I honestly don't like pizza." Suggestions?


  • boulevardMto180
    Do you HAVE to participate in the eating part? I'm sure your coworkers can tell you're on a health kick by your weight loss. Agree to the pizza but eat your own food like you've been doing.
  • lilmidnightwolf
    lilmidnightwolf Posts: 39 Member
    Do you HAVE to particulate in the eating part? I'm sure your coworkers can tell you're on a health kick by your weight loss. Agree to the pizza but eat your own food like you've been doing.

    I agree and if you want to eat pizza with the coworkers, BRING your OWN healthy pizza! That's what I do!!
  • msmarlette
    msmarlette Posts: 18 Member
    Oh that sucks! I agree with the others. Will that work for you?
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    It isn't stated but I'm assuming under the pizza option everyone would chip in a buck or two and the director would do the ordering?

    Only someone being a real jerk would fault you if you aren't chipping in but also not partaking.

    I'd vote for the potluck but if pizza wins out just tell anyone who asks that you brought your own food because you don't want to eat doesn't fit in with your current eating plan.
  • morzolas
    morzolas Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks for the responses, everyone! For some reason the director is really insistent on the whole kumbaya feeling - whether it's natural or forced. The whole "everyone or no one" approach is annoying and counterintuitive imo, but there's nothing I can do about that. I'll bring my own dinner regardless of whether they order pizza or not. I'll chip in if they insist; it's still better than getting sick!