
hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
First off, thanks sarahmichel10 for making this group!

My day has started off great losing .2 lbs since yesterday. I weigh myself every day, but Monday is "the day that really counts" - the start of my week. Always seems like I gain a bunch of weight on Sunday's though...

Anywho, I've been doing MFP for 15 days now and I'm so proud of myself! I've lost 5.5 pounds so far.

Lastly, my husband works for a marketing company and often brings home products. Mainly it's body soap, bath salts, sunscreen, and the like. But they also represent MARS candy. So he brought home 5 boxes of Valentines chocolates yesterday! Ahhh!!! This will be very difficult. But I have a plan. We are having a Wine and Cheese Party this weekend (which will present a new set of challenges) and I'm planning on getting a fancy plate and putting the chocolates on there to get rid of them! (I will keep a box for myself though, every girl needs chocolate).

As for the Wine and Cheese Party, I'm a little nervous because it is a time to overindulge. I'm hoping to maybe distract myself by talking to people more than focusing on making sure my plate and wine glass is never empty... Any tips?

How is everyone else's day going?


  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    My day has been pretty good too, but I am a little confused over the sugar component of this website! After breakfast it said I had too much sugar but was not even like a 3rd done my carbs! I am just going to not worry about it though, specially because of my exercise! I did a 50 minute walk this morning and am going on a shorter yes faster paced one after supper. I don't mind exercising twice a day but I am worried about my body getting tired. I guess if it does I can just take a day break eh? I was actually thinking of replacing walking/lap swimming on Saturday for something more fun like bowling or something.
    And don't get me started on chocolate! I have SO much from Christmas. Since I got it all I have only eater one icy square and one ferrero rocher. I have been having good self restraint but I am afraid it will end at any second.
    For your party why don't you get yourself some skinny girl wine, and eat before the party? You still might have a little snack, but at least you wont be hungry and overindulge on fatty foods. Another idea might be to add club soda to your wine to make it go further. I LOVE wine and am currently missing it dearly!
  • hubn8147
    hubn8147 Posts: 110 Member
    As far as the sugar goes, I'm slightly confused too - but I figure just as long as you're not eating donuts, junk food, candy, soda, etc. all day long and trying to eat healthy you're ok. :)

    I have recently experienced my body getting tired from working out. I just started dieting and exercising again after a week long cruise we took in december and then Christmas. I've been working out about 5 days a week, mainly cardio. Two Sunday's ago I sat on the couch all day and couldn't get up my body was screaming that it was worn out! Since then, however, it has been getting better. I guess when you start making it a part of your daily routine, you're body will get stronger and not wear out as easliy. Your body will tell you when it's had enough, and I think it's ok to take a day to recover. :)

    Good for you for resisting the chocolate! I too got chocolate/goodies for Christmas. I took some to work and it was gone in an instant. I kept the fudge, I haven't even eaten half of it yet. What's worse, my husband won't eat candy or chocolate - he doesn't like it.

    I have tried Skinny Vine wine, and it's pretty good! I'll be buying that more in the future. On the cruise I learned that if I didn't eat everything in sight, everything was still ok :) So I'm going to try that for the party. Also I will cut back on calories for the remainder of the day and go for a run that morning. Hopefully I won't be too hung over to go running the next morning!

    Do you run at all?
  • Roarmiaka
    Roarmiaka Posts: 25 Member
    Stuck in my office job as usual but least my diet is still way under calories by lunch, Only problem i seem to be having if finding myself eating way more salt than i ever thought i would eat. I dont even eat chips! guess its the chicken in my sandwhiches :P
  • nlbez
    nlbez Posts: 111 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope everyones having a good night. Ive just done a little extra excercise so i can have a little bit of chocolate. I only joined my fitness pal a few days ago and i have never calorie counted before and cant believe how many calories are in all the savoury foods i eat. Im guessing i must of been eating way more calories than i was meant to.
    I also love wine so think i might have to try the skinny wine.
  • Clovergirl82
    Clovergirl82 Posts: 13 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope everyones having a good night. Ive just done a little extra excercise so i can have a little bit of chocolate. I only joined my fitness pal a few days ago and i have never calorie counted before and cant believe how many calories are in all the savoury foods i eat. Im guessing i must of been eating way more calories than i was meant to.
    I also love wine so think i might have to try the skinny wine.

    Be careful on the skinny wine. My friend gave me a glass a few months ago, and it felt like i drank the entire bottle. A little of it sure went a long way!
  • Hello gang,
    Ive been at this for about a week and a half, and things are going great so far. I haven't had a slice of bacon since I started (crazyness!) Had an unfortunate incident with lunch today. I tried to class things up with a pear, msprout, and goat cheese pita, but apparantly I have a mild allergy to pears... so two bites in when my tongue starting itching I had to toss it. I almost said screw it and got a cheese burger but stopped by the work canteen and got a half aandwich instead. Not sure where that fits in the grand scheme, but almost definetly better than the cheeseburger route, I think.
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    Not sure where that fits in the grand scheme, but almost definetly better than the cheeseburger route, I think.
    It is! I am so proud of you! xo
  • snoopy9014
    snoopy9014 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey everyone!!! My day was fairly good but my job FEEDS us everything its always someone's birthday so there is always cake,cupcakes,pizza (I loveeeeeeee pizza) breakfast and alcohol!! The temptation is everywhere!! But atleast I had yogurt today or I definitely would have caved!!! Other than that great day hope everyone had an awesome day.
  • Deadlay
    Deadlay Posts: 135 Member

    I knew I was going out for lunch today so I hit it pretty hard in the gym this morning. Did a treadmill run which I find so boring compared to running outside.
  • sarahmichel101
    sarahmichel101 Posts: 158 Member
    I wish I could run! I hope to try it eventually, but I am doing quantity right now over "quality". What I mean by that is that I am walking or swimming 2 times a day at a moderate pace instead of going short and hard. It is working for me thus far.
    And I am SO in for the wine, I am actually excited to try it.
    And Snoopy, I found 50 calorie Greek yogurt today, it was AWESOME!