January 18th P90X3 Workout

I did CVX today with a 3 pound dumbbell. Wasn't able to get a workout in yesterday since I was busy all evening.


  • 4themoney
    4themoney Posts: 797 Member
    nice job!! it's amazing how the weight changes the WHOLE thing, isn't it!?!?!
  • AngDenSti
    AngDenSti Posts: 184
    I did Isometrix today and it was really hard!! ALL CORE!!!
  • groundhawg
    groundhawg Posts: 121 Member
    I started CVX with my 8 pound dumbbell, then went down to 5, and then went down to 3. LOL. I may have over estimated myself there. I was so sore the next day, but it did NOT compare with Warrior.

    Warrior was like, damn near EVERY exercise I hated in basic training! It was a lot easier without combat boots, but I.was.exhausted.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    LOL - sounds like me last week - Started CVX with my 10lbs - after two minutes grabbed the 5lbs....and threw it in a corner when there were 4 minutes left because I was risking dropping it on my head.... Will try again with the 5 this week! :bigsmile: