Introductions go HERE!!!

CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
So, as the title says, I would like to keep things organized from the word go.

Introductions are not required, but 100% Recommended. Even if you are friends with myself or others in the group, it is nice that everyone get to know each other on a group level. The information you provide is at your own comfort levels. I will start:

-Screen Name: Crusherkun
-RL Name: Brad
-MFP SW: 367#
-Reason to get/stay healthy: To prevent complications of my Diabetes (D-Day was 10.21.13)
-Target weight: 220#
-First Goal - Drop 27# (340# target) by 12/30/2013 (Completed 11/28/2013) - New goal drop 10# (330# target) by same date
-Secondary goal - March 2014 - target weight of 300# (I have an H.S. alumni Basketball game, and will be my second year participating....want to come in much better shape)
-Additional Goals - I want to compete in my first Spartan and Tough Mudder races in 2014 along side my Father and other MFP and RL Friends!

Occupation(s): Bill Collector by day - Time Lord by night!
Family: Married for 13 years with 2 Kids - 1 Boy age 4 & 1 Girl age 2
Hobbies: Hunting, Fishing, Video Games (PS3 mainly....recovering MMORPG addict:), and COOKING (eating goes along with that) **UPDATE*** I am a huge (I mean bigger than I WAS fat HUGE) Anime/Manga fan of certain have to ask to know which one. NO WAY WILL I GIVE UP ALL THAT INFO....cause hey a guy needs to have more than one secret and I love to discuss with new people!!! I subscribe to Crunchyroll....yeah I pay for my anime I love it that much! Oh I am also a Fan of a certain raggity old man who is obsessed with travelling the universe and time with young adults in an almost perverse kinda way.

I am an open book, and I will answer almost any question. I do get somewhat risque with some things, and for that, well, im still me:) If i offend or say something you do agree with, please be honest with me about your feelings, i am all about avoiding deep rooted conflicts. Just not healthy for the me!

Thanks and Stay strong!



  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    Hi! I am happy to be in this group. I love your dedication and really you have motivated me more than you know.

    My Screen name is JillMarie- and my name is Jill (i am so clever I know)
    I am 33, yet I have my daughter (who is 4) convinced that I am only 25.
    My highest weight was 240 and I started my fitness pal at 237.
    I really don't have a goal weight. I would like to lose one more jean size and lots of belly fat. I'll be at goal when I am happy with how I look.

    I have been at this for awhile. I know there are plenty of ups and downs and am trying to deal with them the best I can. There are days when I just cry and want to give up but then there are days when I feel great and really love who I am becoming.

    I started working with a trainer in February of this year (2013.) He is competitve CrossFitter (did I say that right???) so we do CrossFit type workouts. I love it.

    I work for a recycling center doing a office work. Its provides me with plenty of down time so I am on MFP a lot. :)

    I dont really have many hobbies. I work a lot and in my free time I go to the gym.

    I think the best advice I can give anyone who is just starting out, is to not get hung up on goal weight = happiness. When I first started, losing "X" seemed so out of reach. And I thought that I would never be happy. But with every jean size down (i went from a womens 18plus to a now comfortable 8 and some 6s) I grew more confident. Everytime I did something in the gym that I couldn't the week or month before I smiled more. There will be plenty of reasons to be proud of yourself along the way. I wish I knew that when I first started.

    Hmmm thats about it.
    Jill :)
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member

    You have really been a great support to me yourself. I look at how my knowing people like you, have not only allowed me to satisfy my own need to help others, but to also have support coming right back helping me, it truly is a gratifying and rewarding experience!

    I welcome you with air from my lungs! (That's a Whoism - bonus if people get it (I mean seriously, I have a bonus gift for that you will enjoy:))

  • ChasingKatie
    ChasingKatie Posts: 331 Member
    -Screen Name: ChasingKatie
    -RL Name: Katie
    -MFP SW: 369.8
    -Current Weight: 301
    -Reason to get/stay healthy: I was pretty sure I was going to die this summer
    -Current goal right now is to get to 299. Next goal will be 269 for 100 lbs lost.
    I have no idea what my ultimate goal will be. I cant wrap my head around what I will look like at 199. For my height I am supposed to be in the 140's, that seems strange.

    Occupation(s): Accountant
    Family: Just me and my cats
    Hobbies: My hobbies have been fitness related lately. Walking, pushing for new distances and times, earning new fitbit badges. With Winter coming its going to get a little sad.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member

    Its great to have you in the group! Thanks so much for sharing your story. I have to say that when you and I first became MFP I was instantly impressed by your results, and the strength you have to make that happen is truly inspiring!

    I wish you the best with all your goals and I know the moment you get back under your first milestone your resolve to lose even more will be that much more stronger!

    Keep strong!

  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Howdy! My screen name is MysteriousMerlin, my real name is Amber. I am currently working on losing 25-30lbs before February, recommended by my ob/gyn to see if we can start me on an ovulation medication. My husband and I are trying to start a family, and our cut off is age 37.

    After that, I hope to continue losing until I'm down to around 150 or so. 140 would be my ultimate goal, but I haven't been that since junior year in high school!

    My immediate family consists of 1 husband, 3 dogs, 1 mom, 1 dad, 1 sis and 1 bro.

    I work at a hospital call center as the lead rep. I've been there 14.5 years; I've been the lead for the past 4.5 years.

    I'd say my hobbies are collecting cook books, jewelry making, reading, playing video games (Skyrim, whoo hoo!) and being annoying. Seriously. The more I like you, the worse it is. Just ask my husband; I like him A LOT. :smooched:

    Arbitrarily, I don't post pics of myself. I have been on many many message boards in my years and I learned long ago there's no need for me to. I'm happily married, and honestly I don't care what others think of my looks. :drinker: I got over that demon a LOOOONG time ago.

    My only advice to anyone is to keep going. Keep trying. Have a bad day? It'll be better tomorrow. Didn't exercise today? Better bust your buns the next day. We all fail. The ones who succeed are the ones who get back up and try again and again.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Welcome MM!!! So glad you could find time during your vacation to join:) :P:

    Anyway, please feel free to annoy us all you want!

    Speaking of you get into any FPS by chance?
  • lcgr13
    lcgr13 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi, my screen name is lcgr13 and my real name is Laura. My profile says the rest:

    "I am an athlete, a mother, an extrovert, and an optimist. I sometimes struggle to put my needs first while parenting two active young boys. I am interested in eliminating refined sugar from my diet, in hopes of eliminating cravings, overeating, and mood/energy swings that seem to go with it."

    I do not have a specific weight goal, just to eat wisely, stay healthy, and trim my waist back down to 29 inches.

    I currently have a knee injury, which is bumming me out because I LOVE to exercise and play sports.

    I look forward to support from this group. I find if I log each day, I make better food choices, but the trick for me is actually taking the time to log throughout the day! I would appreciate any of you checking on me and holding me accountable for logging! Many thanks.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member

    Happy to have you aboard!

    Stay strong and u will succeed! Make small changes and keep moving forwards...even if slowly it adds up fast.

  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Speaking of you get into any FPS by chance?

    Just recently interested in GTA. Does preferring a bow over a sword in Skyrim and LoZ count as a FPS? :laugh:
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Bow...Sure....Sword...well you know by night I am a Soul Reaper so....TWO BIG thumbs up here!

    But as far as FPS, im talking Call of Duty or Battlefield (or if you want to show your age, Doom, Duke Nukem, Wolfenstein)

  • boomtown58
    boomtown58 Posts: 19 Member
    -Screen Name: Boomtown58
    -RL Name: Jeff
    -MFP SW: 520
    -Reason to get/stay healthy: Conviction of the Spirit and for myself, my wife, and my son to enjoy life ore fully
    -Target weight: 299
    -First Goal - Get below 500
    -Secondary goal - drop 3 pant sizes
    -Additional Goals - I want to start blogging, not just about weight loss. I want to communicate openly with people who struggle on every level. I am a pastor and know full well that the church has been the source of some people's struggle so that would be an aspect of it, but not the only aspect either. I just want to be a help and an inspiration to others as best as I can

    Occupation(s) Done a lot but currently only working as a pizza delivery guy. Going to school full time for my masters in education so that I can acquire my teaching license (4-9 in Math and Science)
    Family: Married for 13 years with 1 child (12 year old boy)- 1 stepson (23)
    Hobbies: I am an NFL junkie and love fantasy football. I love fishing and being outdoors in general. I love movies, video games, and friends (very active in church and facebook) I occasionally read for fun but don't consider myself a "reader". I love bowling and darts and pool as well but am only good at bowling lol

    I love to talk so start yappin!
  • jillmarie125
    jillmarie125 Posts: 418 Member
    Hi Jeff!!! Welcome to the group. It is a newer group...and I am really glad that you joined. I read your post on the main boards and thought we (as well as the whole site) could really help you and you help us!

    I see that you love football. Me too!!! What's your team? I am a huge Bills fan. I know, I know, 4 super bowls (in a row) and no wins. But hey! They are my hometown team and I can't help but always think "this year is our year!"

    Losing weight...its a hard thing to do. We all here know this. But with dedication and lots of support it can be done. We are all here for the same reasons, to become better versions of ourselves.

    Please let us know how we can help you!

    Welcome to the group and look forward to talking with you and learning for you as well.

    Jill :)
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Hey Boomie (Sorry but you are now here by known as that till the end of time - more as to why later:)

    Hopefully you have read my introduction way at the top! I would love to sit and tell you my life story today, but my boss sent a rant out last night via email and i am not going to be on much, but being you are a new member of GBB - I would be remissed if i didnt spark up a quick chat with you, especially since you put up a post under INTROS! WTG!!

    FOOTBALL.....See profile pic??? LAMBEAU FIELD this last Sunday watching My packers get kicked in the groin by refs and the clock and inexperienced QB. Anyway....thank god we still have a chance in this weekend and OUR QB back!

    Onto the real reason for our gathering - First of all, I would like to point out that I have my own issues with spirituality, but please know that i welcome everyones point of view and have a very good understanding of many different religious beliefs. With that being said, fear not as your views are your own and I will not be one to hinder a motivating force behind anothers reason for getting healthy!

    You and I are very much alike in regards to reason and weight to lose. My one piece of advice is to make small changes to start out right. If you go too hard too fast, you will have unecessary set backs (yes some set backs are necessary!). This is about a lifestyle change, that you have to want for yourself first, others second, cause without you, well, sounds harsh to say, others move on and have to continue life in their own way. It took many years to develop bad habits that got you to this point, now its time to correct those habits (i dont like the word change so much as correct cause the habit is usually in place, so a correcting of the habit to allow for occaisional situations is more my style). Good Better Best, is an extension of this thought process. Put together a plan that does the following. Take your best and worse habits of list them out. For me it was Cigarettes and Alcohol, as well as inactivity. So to combat these, i quit the smoking back in early 2013 knowing that i had to make some changes then. alcohol was then stopped in october (not a meeting style thing, just cut back frequency and amount) - and then i started walking. While i did gain some back this last weekend and Xmas, I am still on track to hit my 37 lb (originally 27lb ) goal for 12/30/13

    I am proud to have you aboard! Please feel free to add me as a friend (I do ramble alot when i do these posts/replies - so if you need any clarification just ask)

    Oh regarding the Boomie nickname - well, I am an Anime fanatic, and while its not a true Anime, one show called Avatar: the last airbender has a character by the name of Boomie. Couldnt resist using it! We could do a Tag Team event WWE style....Crush and Boomie - oh yeah....we can have MM's hubby do the managing and design some Lucha style outfits. Good times!

    HAHA....well another ramble in - back to work. TTYL!

  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Welcome newbs! :flowerforyou:

    Jeff - My hubby also has his Masters in teaching, he's a 6th grade math & science teacher :drinker:
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Welcome newbs! :flowerforyou:

    Jeff - My hubby also has his Masters in teaching, he's a 6th grade math & science teacher :drinker:

    When is the big lug getting nonlinear with MFP?
  • MissDLynnR
    MissDLynnR Posts: 91 Member
    Hey everyone! Always trying to make new friends and people with similar interests. I find it helps to chat with people who most understand you and where you have been.

    -Screen Name: MissDLM
    -RL Name: Dodie
    -Reason to get/stay healthy: To feel confident and love myself
    -Target weight: 195

    So a little about me....I am 37 and mom to three sons ages 20 18 and 18 (twins). I am an activities director for seniors by day and go to school to finish up my degree in Psychology when I can fit in a class here and there. I love movies I am a big movie buff and especially love musicals. I love to sing and always wanted to be an actor but my weight has always made me self conscious and therefore I missed opportunities that I could have enjoyed. I also enjoy anime/manga my fav is old school Ranma 1/2...I especially love Nabiki Tendo :). I have som family issues that are a big factor in my success but my goals are currently to continue to lose the weight and to love myself more, and feel pretty when I look at myself even if I am in sweats and a tank top I need to be more confident in who I am and what I have to offer the world.
  • CrusherKun
    CrusherKun Posts: 353 Member
    Hey everyone! Always trying to make new friends and people with similar interests. I find it helps to chat with people who most understand you and where you have been.

    -Screen Name: MissDLM
    -RL Name: Dodie
    -Reason to get/stay healthy: To feel confident and love myself
    -Target weight: 195

    So a little about me....I am 37 and mom to three sons ages 20 18 and 18 (twins). I am an activities director for seniors by day and go to school to finish up my degree in Psychology when I can fit in a class here and there. I love movies I am a big movie buff and especially love musicals. I love to sing and always wanted to be an actor but my weight has always made me self conscious and therefore I missed opportunities that I could have enjoyed. I also enjoy anime/manga my fav is old school Ranma 1/2...I especially love Nabiki Tendo :). I have som family issues that are a big factor in my success but my goals are currently to continue to lose the weight and to love myself more, and feel pretty when I look at myself even if I am in sweats and a tank top I need to be more confident in who I am and what I have to offer the world.

    Woot! Another Anime fan!!! Any current or recent ones you enjoy?

    I think the one thing a lot of us in the group can understand is how family negatively affect our weight. Be it emotional or physical or genetics. But in the end, it is our desires to better ourselves that will certainly allow us to persevere. No matter the change...big or will have an affect on your life....its if that change is positive or not that will determine the true outcome!

    Thanks for joining and telling us about yourself!

    Stay Strong!
