hi there

Hi all my names Laura

I am 32, have three boys 6, 2.5 and 7 months. I am lugging around quite a bit of leftover baby weight on top of a few pounds I packed on prior to my first pregnancy. Now that I am done having babies I am looking to get fitter and leaner. I had three c-sections so that overhang/ shelf/ pooch thing is a huge pain. I work full time (although not at the moment) and that includes 2 nights a week till after bedtime -sob-

I am currently working my way through ripped in 30 Jillian Michaels and plan to move on to Female Body Breakthrough by Rachel Cosgrove in March (actually have a group for that if anyone is interested) I like lifting , stretching, tons of walking and of course chasing lifting and generally trying to keep up with my boys. I am trying to lose 20 lbs by the time I start back at work in July. And after that , well we shall see.


  • Hi Laura!

    You beat me to it - I was just about to start a "introduce yourself" thread!

    My name is Jo. I live in Melbourne, Australia. I'm 29.

    I have a 22 month old daughter. I got below my pre-pregnancy weight last year and within 1kg (2.2lbs) of my goal weight, but then dropped the ball. I've since put on 3kg (6.6lbs) and feel yuck, and really annoyed with myself!

    I've also just started back at work 2.5 days per week, so won't have as much time to go to the gym etc. I'm terrible with chocolate, ice cream etc... so I need to be kept in line!
  • melissa199mfp
    melissa199mfp Posts: 12 Member
    Hi! I'm Melissa. I'm from southern Ohio. I have a 2 kids, a 4 year old boy and an almost 2 year old girl. I was heavy before my pregnancies and after struggling with PPD and other women's health issues, I packed on the pounds. Well I'm better emotionally now and am soo ready to get into shape. Looking forward to becoming the best I can be and helping others too!
  • Hello ladies,
    I have two baby boys who will be 18 months apart and about 100 lbs to lose to be at a healthy weight. I am recovering from a 10 year long eating disorder. After my first son was born I lost 50 lbs in under 2 months and almost starved to death. This time I want to lose that weight in a healthy way. I'm actually still pregnant with my second but I haven't been eating well as I've had an incredibly stressful year and I've already gained 40lbs at 6 months. I want to start eating healthy now so that I'm all set for a healthy, steady weight loss once my second little man is born.
  • wen001bro
    wen001bro Posts: 131 Member
    Good Morning All!

    I am 39 and live close to Chicago. I have 2 boys, aged 2 and 3. I work full time and have to travel at times. I lost my baby weight but wasn't fit. After I stopped nursing and switched to this current job, my stress levels and weight have gone up. I started running last year after I turned 39 and ran my first 5K. I ended up with runners knee and was sidelined around the holidays. I struggle managing my stress and justifying my workout time when I feel I don't get enough time with my boys. But I'm back at it determined to find balance and a healthier me! Thanks for having me!
  • MWhitt81
    MWhitt81 Posts: 16 Member
    New to this site....I am a 32 yo stay at home mom of an 11 yo boy and 2 yo girl. I also do home day care. Looking for other moms to keep me accountable as I am trying to lose weight on my own at home. :)
  • LeesaB79
    LeesaB79 Posts: 1 Member
    New to the site as well! I have a 5.5 year old boy and 3 year old girl :) I work full time from home and have the desire to eat healthy and work out but ZERO motivation!! (i,e I am lazy without accountability) I wish I had the push to do workout videos at home.

    I was a gym member and loved spinning and running but lost interest without a buddy to push me.

    Maybe you ladies will give me that push. I am looking to lose 10 -15 lbs.
    p.s. I am in Ontario, Canada.

    Good luck everyone!! :)
  • Hi all Im new to group please add me.I'm a mother of two boys(5 & 2).It has been a struggle to lose weight.
  • Hi
    my name is Alysha and i'm a 33 yr old mother of two children, 12 and 2 yrs old I work full time and just completed my Bachelors last month. After finishing my education I figured it was time to get back in shape again. A year ago I had lost a significant amount of weight with youtube videos and healthy eating. After my honeymoon last year in June I packed on 22 lbs in two months! i didn't know marriage can pack on the weight like that, lol. Now I have more time to myself, no school and no wedding planning. Its time to focus on myself again. I have been back on track for a little over a month and look forward to the positive motivation I will receive and definitely give.

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  • goldib100
    goldib100 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Goldi, and I have an 11 mo. (almost 12 mo.) old daughter. I am a super busy SAHM, and also planning a cross country move for our family. I have about 100 pounds to lose, and could use all the support and motivation I can get! Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • nlbez
    nlbez Posts: 111 Member
    Hi everyone. Im Nicola. I have a 15 month old little boy. I work part time which is three full days so its nice to get it all over and done with then have 4 days off. Im looking to lose around 30 lbs maybe a few more. I joined MFP last week and ive really hammered the excercise its been like having my own little boot camp going on. My problem is i can be good all day but i just need sweeties/chocolate after my dinner. X
  • ShannonBEarley
    ShannonBEarley Posts: 94 Member
    My name is Shannon. I have 2 great kids, 5 and 2 and I work full time. My biggest challenges are balancing time with my family with work, stress and then trying to make exercise and eating well a priority. There are too many priorities! I have a goal of 50 lbs this year and I just started 2 weeks ago. I am looking for others who understand the stress of trying to do it all, all the time! I want this to be a healthy and maintainable way of living and eating. I love red wine and chocolate and I don't think life without them is worth it! (Seriously though, just not sustainable behavior!) Really happy to have found others with the same goals and challenges!
  • claumgr
    claumgr Posts: 28
    Hello ladies!!!!!!!!!! I'm new to this boards and discussions.. my name is Claudia and I have a 5 yr old daughter and a 3 yr old son. I was 135 lbs before my 1st pregnancy, and gained sooo much weight during the pregnancy I was 200 lbs!!!! of course after having the baby it was so hard to go back to 135!!! and then I got pregnant again with my second child and gained weight again.. after having my second child i was ready to change i couldn't see myself unhappy anymore, I wanted to change my eating habits and live a healthier lifestyle. I am now down to 140 lbs and became a wellness and nutritional coach! love helping people achieve their goals and see a big smile on their face! Everybody can do this if you put your mind to it!!!!!! feel free to add me or contact me for free coaching =)
  • Hi, my name is Mary and I have a 2 year old boy & 7 year old girl. I'm in Vancouver, Canada and need to loose 50 lbs. My short term goal is 25lbs by Apr 11 as we're going to Mexico for our spring holiday. I'm doing the power 90 program as it's 90 days and includes clean eating & working out 6 days a week at home.:smile:
  • charlottelyn
    charlottelyn Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, my name is Charlotte, I'm 32 and have a 9 year old son. My goal as is to loose 30 lbs. I got married in Sept and lost some weight for it but I've since gained 10 back...not even sure how. I'm typically not a bad eater but i do have my moments. If i don't exercise, the weight just comes on....I've started JNL fusion (not following the eating plan). I like it because each video is around 30 mins. I work full time and its hard to find time to workout, get my son to school, myself to work, cook dinner, etc etc etc..., I've recently decided and come to terms with waking up at 5 am is the best time for me to get my workout in. I hate it but i know i will feel sooo much better if i just do it! Good luck all!
  • amcozy
    amcozy Posts: 70 Member
    Hi all! My name is Amber and I'm the proud mother of a 5 year-old boy. We live in San Diego, CA with my husband. Weight has been an issue for me my entire life and trying to balance being a mom and working out - hell, even just cooking a real meal - is really, really hard.

    My goal weight is just shy of 30lbs away and right now it feels like it might as well be 100. My clothes fit badly, I hate the way I look, and no matter how much I try to convince myself otherwise, I feel gross. My body changed A LOT after pregnancy - my stomach will likely never be the same, and don't even get me started on my chest.

    My vices are cheese and champagne - preferably together. Lol. I hope to meet other moms that are working towards healthier selves :)
  • hi all! i am jessica and have two amazing boys...almost 2 and almost 1. i packed on 60lbs with my first pregnancy with going out to eat and just not being healthy! needless to say when my oldest was about 5 months, i found out i was pregnant again...so i never had a chance to lose that 1st pregnancy baby weight!! i was a lot more healthy with my second pregnancy...but still go up to a crazy number...and i have been fighting the battle to lose it once and for all.

    please feel free to add me...i love this website and feel that the motivation/support is so helpful in everyone's weight loss journey!!! we can all do this...we have all the tools in front of us...we just need to make the conscious effort to use them :flowerforyou:
  • It's so great to have so many in the group!! Everyone sounds like they have their own obstacles to overcome to lose weight - some the same as others, some different. Either way I think it's great you're all here!!