Surgery January 29th/Introduction

ambrosia79 Posts: 33 Member
I just joined this group. I had my last pre-op appointment with my surgeon yesterday. My biggest fear is dying on the table and he really put my mind at ease. I'm young and healthy, despite the obesity, so he said the chances of a major complication are "miniscule" (death less than 0.1%). I am 34 years old, 246 pounds (down from 260 at my first office visit), 5'5". Overall goal is 150, but I will be over the moon to hit 170. I am married with three children, ages 6, 4 and 1. Looking forward to chatting with everyone on here!


  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I had sleeve 11-20-13. I have lost 47 lbs so far. Anyone can friend me. I have a open diary. Hopefully you are already logging your foods. I didn't start MFP til week 3. I can't tell you how invaluable it has been to track your nutrition and calories. The 1st 20 lbs comes off pretty automatic but then the real work begins. Once you are back on real food you have to be careful to stay in your calorie range and meet your protein goals. My range of 650 to 850 calories is delivering 2-2.5 lb loss every ten days. Used to be faster , but then I used to be carrying around a lot more with every step :happy: So cool to buy new pants cause my others are falling off! I pray your surgery goes well. Good luck
  • elw_az
    elw_az Posts: 4
    Hi! I just joined the group as well. I had my initial surgeon appointment last March and have delayed moving forward for a variety of reasons, one being...I wish I could do it on my own. But I've been saying that for years and it isn't happening so I am ready to move forward with the sleeve. I know it's just a tool and I still need to change my lifestyle/habits. I think this type of support forum will be very helpful for that. Have received psych clearance and now starting the insurance approval and pre-op testing. I'm hoping for March but not sure what to expect as far as timing goes.

    Good luck with your surgery! Let us know how it goes!

  • tlc4life10
    tlc4life10 Posts: 3 Member
    I just had my sleeve done 1/7/14. I also was worried about something happening and not making it thru the surgery. My family was worried also. Not sure what your faith is but I prayed over myself and the surgeon and all things dealing with my surgery. I gathered some scriptures and meditated on them. It gave me peace before my surgery. Everything has gone well zero complications!!:smile:
  • ambrosia79
    ambrosia79 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks for the support, everyone! I think I am ready for this. I have been logging my foods for my 1200 calorie diet that I'm following for pre-op. On Sunday I start the clear liquid diet that will last 3 days. I have done pretty well with the 1200 calorie, sometimes a little over, sometimes under. I know the clear liquids will be hard, though. I have been praying about this a lot and I appreciate all prayers. Thanks!
  • bethkallastrask
    bethkallastrask Posts: 39 Member
    I was just sleeved on Jan 13th. I have lost a total of 25 pounds since Dec 31st. which was my preop liquid diet. You will do fine! I am so excited for you. Feel free too add me as a friend!
  • Having my surgery Mon. 27th looking forward to it .
  • My surgery was Jan. 9th. I am convinced that this is the best decision I ever made for myself. I have had 0 complications, my recovery has been very easy and I have been able to tolerate everything that I take in as my diet changes just less. I have lost total of 27 lbs total (11 pre-op diet and 16 since surgery). The hardest thing I think I have experienced is trying to get in the required calories and protien. Now isn't that crazy? I think I will trade this problem over my previous issues with food any day!

    Me and my sleeve haven't been together but a couple of weeks but feel free to add me if you have any questions!

    Have a great day.