How's everyone doing?!

Hi all,

Just wondering how January is going for everyone! For me .. work wise it has been extremely busy and that is making it hard to stay on top of my workouts. Diet wise I've been ok I feel like I am doing pretty good and not going overboard :)


  • Fit4_Life
    Fit4_Life Posts: 828 Member
    Last week was much better than this week, losing weight and eating choice wise. But, still aiming for my goal!
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    For about 10 days this month so far I got extremely sick with some type of cold or flu or virus and that ruined my goal for this month. Looks like I'll be lucky if I lose 2 pounds this month now.
  • jasper186
    jasper186 Posts: 134 Member
    I've been sick with a miserable cold since late last week so excercise has not happened. I've managed to stay fairly close to my calorie goal so not too bad. Tomorrow will be the tell :bigsmile:
  • IrishgirlinSpain
    IrishgirlinSpain Posts: 29 Member
    I've had tons of visitors who want to go out for food and try all the local treats! :-) But I've been really trying to be careful so hopefully I'll see a wee loss this month.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Dropped my calories back because I had gained about 5 lbs since I started maintenance. Looking good to get back to my lowest by the end of the month. Started boot camp class at the gym on Tuesday, and the weather is looking better for cycling in the near future!
  • gonna_do_it_56
    gonna_do_it_56 Posts: 206 Member
    Birthday has got in the way this week! But am on week 2 of C25K, also doing a plank challenge and am up to 1 minute...not sure I will get to 3 minutes tho lol!
  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    I havent dropped any weight yet, but I am eating within my goal and exercising (swimming) so I am hoping that I am just exchanging fat for muscle. Have started taking my measurements as well so fingers crossed
  • MrsMRG
    MrsMRG Posts: 9 Member
    I think I'm doing pretty good, but am anxious to weigh-in tomorrow. Just wish I wasn't imagining that I'm hungry all of the time. It's got to be all in my head because I am certainly eating plenty.
  • Mommybear1979
    Mommybear1979 Posts: 13 Member
    It is cedar season here so I have been suffering for over a week now. But I haven't missed one single aqua boot camp despite my runny nose. And I have been staying under my calorie counts. So a pretty good month for me so far. :)
  • mojox2003
    mojox2003 Posts: 276 Member
    Im really happy with what im doing this month normaly I would have messed up by now but I have kept to it and even had my treats as well, This year is my new start and im determind to get this weight off.
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    I've lost 2 pounds so far this month and I'm feelin more muscle-y. :D

  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    10 down, 5 to go. Feelin good. I'm getting addicted to my daily workout (which is awesome).
    Seriously wondering how long I can sustain losing 4 lb/week, but for the time being, life's good.
  • Jho8217
    Jho8217 Posts: 8 Member
    FIRST DAY! woo hoo! Hi everyone! I'm new but I'll be your new best friend now! I love sugar! My husband thinks I'm an elf because I love sugar so much! Its going to be a hard habit to break. Also, I hate drinking water so I'm here to make myself accountable to all of you! I hope everyone has a great week ahead!
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member

    This may sound a bit smart-alecky, but given the group is titled "A Goal a Month", your weight goal on the spreadsheet should represent your goal weight by the end of the month.

    That said, I applaud your ambition for trying to lose 48 pounds in next 11 days, but do make sure your goal is reasonable.
  • Chrissee
    Chrissee Posts: 23 Member
    I'm about 2 lbs from my monthly goal and hoping I will make it there. I started 30DS about 2 wks ago. I have noticed inches lost but I think the muscle build has slowed my weight loss. I KNOW that happens but it's hard for me not to focus on the scale. Anyway, I am trying hard and have my fingers crossed to make it and then set February's goal!
  • Jho8217
    Jho8217 Posts: 8 Member

    That did sound a bit smart-alecky but thanks for not minding your own business on the spreadsheet in order to find my error!

    That said, you are doing a great job this month! Way to go!
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    Lost another pound so I feel like I'm right on track to meet my goal this month! :D
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    I think I am doing great this month. Probably the best I've ever done and I feel great! so much energy at the moment.
  • denalilove
    denalilove Posts: 11 Member
    I had a bad week or so there in the middle where I was moving, studying to take the most important test of my life (NCLEX exam to become an RN -- I passed!), and had a job interview, so I wasn't really eating so great... The good thing is, I didn't really gain any weight! So now I'm getting back on track by walking and counting my calories again. Not sure if I can make my 5 pound goal this month but I will sure try!
  • msmimi
    msmimi Posts: 381 Member
    I'm just now getting back on track.:huh: