Daily Sugar Allotment

future_cpa Posts: 23 Member
Has anyone noticed they continually go over their daily sugar allotment besides me? I am appreciative of any tips on how to not to go over my daily sugar allotment.

Majority, if not all, of my sugar stems from my fruit intake. 2 small apples equals 32 grams of sugar. My daily allotment is 36..

How do you all handle this if you are going over your allotment?


  • bribrijean234
    bribrijean234 Posts: 90 Member
    I try not to worry too much about the sugar if it is coming from something like an apple or other piece of whole fruit. I focus more on keep the grams of sugar in prepackaged foods to a minimum.
  • Bertie02
    Bertie02 Posts: 51 Member
    I focus more on my total carbs vs the breakdown. I also look at the nutritional breakdown of packages stuff to make sure its not pure sugar.

    Over all if you're eating healthy... lean meats, whole wheat, vegetables and fruits you're doing good. I've had to tweak what I consume and limit processed carbs and try and get most from vegetables and fruit.

    Pay attention to your body and see how it does, only you know what will work for you.
  • CharRicho
    CharRicho Posts: 389 Member
    Concentrate on eliminating ADDED sugar. That is much harder for the body to process.

    Two small apples a day should be ok, but don't eat them at the same time (still a lot of sugar at once, regardless of whether it's natural or added) and make sure you always have some protein/fat along with your sugar. I eat a spoonful of peanut butter with an apple. This should help keep your blood sugar more level. Fruit is good for you, but you don't want to eat it on it's own, because that will spike your blood sugar.

    MFP unfortunately does not have a way to separate out the sugar from natural sources and the added sugar, so it's something that you have to monitor carefully on your own. I wouldn't worry about the number you're hitting (so long as it's not totally unreasonable) and focus more on the sources of sugar, and how much you're getting at one time/what you're eating it with.

    My naturopath did tell me that apples were ok, but not to eat TOO much fruit in a day (like I said, I think that 2 small apples is ok) and not to eat fruits that are high in sugar (bananas, melons, etc... you can find lists of these online).

    One thing you could try, if your current diet is not working for you, is to replace one of those apples with a vegetable (I eat one raw orange bell pepper a day - they are a bit sweet like fruit but way lower in sugar) - or a handful of carrots, celery with peanut butter/cheese on it.. something like that. You are still getting your fiber but not overdoing it on the fructose.
  • future_cpa
    future_cpa Posts: 23 Member
    Thanks ladies for your advice.