Just downloaded Zombies 5k training!

So I've downloaded the Zombies 5k training app for Android, as it's the 'for beginners' running app from the Zombies, Run! lot.

I've never ran before, I'm quite over weight and very self conscious so never really known where to start and never really wanted to go out in pubic BUT I've now moved house to a much quieter area and after having a look into this app it seems perfect for me.

I'm hoping my love of zombies, the story/ game element and the fact it seems to have guidance from walking to running will motivate me :smile:

Anyone else just starting out?


  • Welcome to Abel Township! We're always glad to have new runners! I've had the app since october, but I've taken some time off due to holidays, moving, new job, life in general :) so I'll probably be restarting the app soon. I'm a newbie to running too, so please don't feel alone. In fact, where I was previously living was very rural - no sidewalks, 50mph state highway - and not very walking friendly or safe so i was doing the sessions at home using our elliptical. It wasn't exactly running, but I figured it was better than doing nothing.
    hope you'll post updates on how you're getting along. I'd love to hear about your progress!

    So, welcome aboard and stay safe, runner 5 :)

    edited d/t my grammatical OCD-ness
  • Vaugirard15
    Vaugirard15 Posts: 111 Member
    I completed the training app in December. It took me 4 months working at it twice a week but it was a very proud moment! I'm now in the regular season and I run about 3 km (completing about 4.5-5 km) three times a week now. While training, I ran laps around the park and got to recognize the people there regularly. I made the decision to just worry about me and not what others were thinking-- even if I was doing the crazy high step or skipping. After a while, I didn't even think about them anymore (except to say "good morning"). This week (I now run TO the park then run laps around), I saw a lady that was only there occasionally last fall. She gave me a big thumb's up and said "looking great!" Made my day! So just focus on you and all the good things you're doing for yourself and have fun! Repeat workouts as needed and celebrate every little success! It's a great app!

    And, stay safe out there, new Runner 5!
  • Yeah, I had been trying to take gym classes previously but now moved to the complete opposite side of the town I live so can't feasibly get there and home after work. The nice thing is where I live now is very quite so won't feel too self-conscious going out to run!

    Only just done the introductory episode, annoyingly I fell down the stairs recently and badly bruised my coxix, so taking me a while just to be able to walk at my regular speed!

    Looking forward to starting the proper workouts though :)
  • Vaugirard15
    Vaugirard15 Posts: 111 Member
    Oh no! That's painful! Hope you feel better soon!