New Year, new start, new goal

Hey all,

2013 was a very bad year for me.... Put back on over 2 stone (I had lost), however not all bad, I was enjoying life with my baby boy. Anyway, it's a new year and a new start, so I have to set a new goal.

Therefore, my new goal is to get to my ideal weight, through diet and exercise. Heaven help me it'll be hard, as I have both sweet and savoury teeth, and I give in too easy to my cravings.

Hope I can do it and you can too. Watch this space!!!




  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Hey Patrick

    Congrats on your baby boy! Welcome back to MFP. Of course you can lose the weight again - you've done it before, you'll do it again no problem. :smile:

  • Ammebee
    Ammebee Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Patrick,
    Congrats on the new arrival. I felt i went into hibernation these past few months, sitting by the fire munching and no exercise. Have half a stone back on but getting back on track slowly.

    any tips or encouragement would be greatly appreciated.
  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Hi Ammebee

    Food wise, I find pre-logging all my food for the week really helps me stay within my calorie goal. I can tweak foods on the day, but I know in advance what I can eat, and it makes it easier to plan for days when you know you are going to have bigger meals or snacks because of special occasions.

    As for exercise, I started doing body weight exercises. have lots of great free body weight routines that can be done anywhere and you don't need any equipment for them. They don't take long to do either, so they're easy to fit into the day. I've recently discovered too. They have lots of great exercise videos on youtube. My favourite at the moment is Kelli's cardio kickboxing. It's a nice ten minute workout that gets you warm.

    Good luck with getting back on track. You can do it! You only need to make little changes everyday to see the lbs come flying off!

  • Ammebee
    Ammebee Posts: 34 Member
    thanks so much for all those work out tips. Ive bought a few workout dvds over the years but find i get bored of them after awhile. At least this way i get some variety. Ill try pre-logging for a week and see if i stick to it.
    Congrats on all you've lost!
  • patrickniland
    patrickniland Posts: 6 Member

    Thanks Inky and Ammebee. I'm starting to get my will-power back. There is chocolate in the house and I have not eaten any. Also, I've started back on my 'food watching' (i.e diet) and am finding it easier this time, as I know the results I can get from doing it.

    Ammebee - The things I have found that work for me last time, when I lost the weight. I hope it will help me this time and I hope it helps you.

    ---- FOOD ----
    1. I have changed my eating from 3 big meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) to 6 small meals (Breakfast, 11AM Tea Break, Lunch, 4PM Tea Break, Dinner, Tea Time). Doing this I find that I am never hungry.

    Breakfast - I always have breakfast in the morning. Porridge (with Honey & Skimmed Milk) works great for me, as I find that I am not hungry until lunchtime (if I miss 11AM tea break). If I have cereal, I weight my bowl to the recommended amount and use skimmed milk.

    11AM Tea Break - Mug of Tea/Coffee (with skimmed/low fat milk) and a piece of fruit (Clementine, apple, banana, etc...)

    Lunch - Homemade Sandwich (I know what's in it, replace mayo with relish). Soups (Carrot & coriander, tomato & basil), are a great dieters friend.

    4PM Tea Break - Mug of Tea/Coffee (with skimmed/low fat milk) and a piece of fruit (Clementine, apple, banana, etc...)

    Dinner - Lean Meat/Fish (low in cals), Vegetables (low in cals). All food weighed & counted.

    Tea Time - Mug of Tea (with skimmed/low fat milk) and a biscuit bar (usually less than 100cals), Twister Ice Cream or Single piece of Bounty, etc...

    2. I try to drink at least 8 glasses (2 litres) of water per day. The main thing that helps lose the weight.

    3. I eat more fruit. It's great for stopping the hunger, it's cheap, it nice to eat, is good for you and are low in calories.

    4. I find that hard sweets are great to help with the cravings (werther's original - 20cal per piece, fruit polo - 8cal per piece, etc...). I try to have a packet with me at all times.

    5. I have found replacements for ice cream. (Twister Ice Cream - 70cal, Bounty Ice Cream - 66cal for one piece)

    6. I always try to find replacements for the food I love (which are bad for me)

    7. I don't kick myself, if I 'pig out' at times, or have a big meal, as I know that the rest of the time I am good. Also, tracking my food meals I have less of these.

    ---- HELP ----
    1. I monitor my food at all times, using the website or app on my phone.

    2. I try to pre-plan my day/week and try to stick to the plan (food & exercise).

    3. I found that I only felt like starting exercising a few weeks after starting my 'food watching', as I start to feel good and better about myself.

    4. I realised that I have to keep doing for the rest of my life, as I love food too much and get lazy too easily.

    5. I realised that I took me a long time to put on the weight and that I'm not going to lose it overnight.

    6. I weigh myself weekly, on the same day, at the same time. Along with this, I also measure my stomach, waist, hips & neck. These help me to track my progress, as sometimes I reduce in size and not weight (this especially happens when I start exercising).

    ---- EXERCISE ----
    1. I found that working out in the morning worked best for me. Getting up an hour or so, before my normal time and doing my work-outs. I really had to force myself to do this.... I hated it at the start, but grew to like it in the end.

    2. I found that in the evenings (after work), that doing team sports or exercising with a friend, worked for me, as it the other people forced me to go and meet up. Also, it was very social and fun.

    3. Start slow. Monitor your progress and increase as you need to.

    Until next time

  • Zombieinkpot
    Zombieinkpot Posts: 745 Member
    Thanks Ammebee, good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Good advice, Patrick. :drinker:

  • siogdearg
    siogdearg Posts: 20 Member
    These are really really good tips. Thanks for posting.
  • Ammebee
    Ammebee Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks a mill Patrick for all the tips, I loved the one about the hard/boiled sweets. Ive such a sweet tooth. Once the mornings get a little brighter i will be out jogging.

    Thanks again & best of luck :happy:
  • patrickniland
    patrickniland Posts: 6 Member

    Hope some of what I wrote will help you. It's helped me. I'm nearly 2 weeks in and 5lbs lost..... :-))

  • TG683
    TG683 Posts: 41
    Hi, you speak my language!! It's so nice to find an Irish group on here. I hope you are doing well.. I let things slip over Christmas and am finding it hard to get back on track. I have a stone to go until I'm back to a normal happy weight. I know this doesn't seem like much but it's proving bloody hard to shift :) I am exercising daily, running five or six km and doing bootcamp classes. My diet seems to be the problem. I eat good healthy foods, but maybe too much of them. Do you find working out in the morning helps you to stay on track for the day? I am not a morning person and push myself out there in the evenings but maybe this would be a better idea?
  • Ammebee
    Ammebee Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Trish,

    I was going out alot last summer in the mornings & I felt great for the day and I think it kept me more motivated to stay on track. Like yourself Christmas has been my downfall. Im struggling to get back into it but at the minute im filling out my food diary for the week and writing a good healthy shopping list thanks to tips i got here.
  • TG683
    TG683 Posts: 41
    Thats great!! Thanks a mill! Im off on hols in three weeks and would love to be in better shape! Going to head out in mornings before work this week :) I will let you know how it goes :)
  • aafff5
    aafff5 Posts: 14 Member
    New member of the Ireland group here.
    Male - 37 - Married with 3 young kids. Standard excuse has been that i'm too busy to exercise or count calories.

    Have been a token/non serious member of MFP for a while now but got serious about cutting back on my over-eating and getting my "food in" part of the equation correct, and i'm seeing some success so hoping to build on this.
    Would like to drop another stone in weight, and get fitter/stronger so now to get into the habit of exercise.

    This tips from Patrick look like they could help.
    Reading and remembering them is the easy bit - Putting them in place might be a different story...
  • patrickniland
    patrickniland Posts: 6 Member
    Hey all,

    2 weeks in, 7lbs lost and an inch lost all over (stomach, waist & hips)... all without exercise.... :-)). Only just now feeling like I want to exercise, so hopefully, I will start this week.

    aafff5 - glad you find some of my post useful. I'm 35, married with an 18mth old boy. I find it hard with one, with 3, that takes some doing. Thankfully, herself is doing it too, so we are both helping each other, although she hates me, as I lose the weight quicker than her.


  • godders3107
    godders3107 Posts: 4 Member
    HI All,

    New member of the group here, from West Dublin, 31 with 2 childer. Weight loss has hit a brick wall at the moment. I've been pretty slow and steady losing 35lb since May last year as I really want to keep it off, but recently i've noticed old habits slipping back in especially the 'I forgot to take the meat out of the freezer, let get a takeaway' habit :tongue: . Think I just need a bit of a kick start and motivation which is why I've only started posting in the forums recently.

    Well done on the losses so far!

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  • mickr1
    mickr1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, seems the group has been idle for a while. I am new to my fitness pal, tried to join yesterday 14-2-2016, but found i had tried it about 2 years ago but didn't really use it! This time hopefully i will and yesterday had a great day, wrote everything in on phone and now am on website and have found Patrick's advice above very helpful. Will go and find out how to plan the weeks meals ahead.