You are the Architect of your Life...

Good morning,
You are the DRIVER...
You are the CAPTAIN...
You are the LEADER...
You are the CEO...
You are the DIRECTOR...
You are in CONTROL...
How do YOU want to look? How do YOU want to live?
It's up to you!!!! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!! Make it happen like it's
Christmas for the kids... they're guaranteed gifts from you!
Make it happen like the rent/mortgage is due... You'll work
for it or do what you have to do to get it! Make it happen like
the doctor said you have to take this or do this to live... I guarantee
you'll take it or do it! MAKE IT HAPPEN because you are a TRUE BOSS
and you are known for achieving all of your goals!!! Today is day 4 of 2014,
and I have the power, ability, and mindset to transform my body... and I will.
I am in CONTROL- so are YOU! Today's exercise is 45 jumping jacks and 10 sit ups.
I WILL... I AM... and I CAN because I'M BOSS LIKE THAT!!!!


  • cdgirl
    cdgirl Posts: 158 Member
    Such a good point! If we want something bad enough,we will fight for it.I hope to have the same kind of determination you do.God bless you Ahtilehs!
  • God bless you as well cdgirl. You have
    the same kind of determination! Change
    only come when YOU are ready to change!
    That's all the determination you need... A
    Ready and Made up mind.
  • I have been walking 5 miles 6 nights a week...and my weight is coming down.
    Going to keep this up I am now lighter then I have been in 15 years.
    Still aways to go but I will do it!