
Hey Ladies! I hope everyone is having a good start to the program! We can use MFP to keep each other accountable for food. So I'm thinking we can ask each other to share diaries to recipe ideas, or to make sure we are not going overboard in food! I am always one to not log in any of the Mai Tais or tortilla chips with salsa but for this challenge I will be logging EVERYTHING in! Go us!


  • cocojones22
    cocojones22 Posts: 1 Member
    Yay! I'm so excited to start this challenge on Tuesday. I am currently trying to play with my diet plan and come up with a consistent menu for the next 12 weeks. Looking forward to doing this with all you ladies!
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    Is there a specific program to follow on body building .com
  • rjade84
    rjade84 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! I dl the challenge material and will be starting on Monday :) I've never been great at sticking to a diet, tracking food but I'm really excited to get started on the workouts.
  • bananasandbarbells
    bananasandbarbells Posts: 29 Member
    I struggle with keeping consistent with my diet plan!! I read an article saying you can prep Sundays and Wednesdays to break it up a little. I tried to prep for one week once and it was a disaster just because I would run out of tupperware, space in the fridge, and just didn't want to deal with cutting veggies or portioning everything out! So I think that breaking it up helps. Good luck everyone!
  • patsypat121
    Hi!!! I am going to start on Monday and must say that I am a bit nervous and excited. I've never done a challenge or gone to the gym for six days a week.

    I started food prepping this week and decided that I will do it twice a week. I like my food as fresh as possible.

    Let's do this!!!
  • Carg423
    Carg423 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone
    I used to run out of Tupperware too until I bought a bunch of the "throw away" kind in all different sizes. Now for my food and prepping I strictly use those. That way my husband knows not to touch.. not that he likes "my kind of food" haha but sometimes I hit the jackpot and he will eat what I do. Just a suggestion. I usually prep on Sunday for Monday -Friday. On the weekends I tend to grab what I can when I can because I am usually doing errands, gym etc (I am not on a strict schedule like during the week.) I find this can be my down fall a lot of times... so I am going to try to make sure I have a lot of healthy go to food for the weekends so I don't mess the hard work I did during the week up!
  • bananasandbarbells
    bananasandbarbells Posts: 29 Member
    Carg..I agree weekends are my downfalls because everyone wants to go out to eat and drink. I found some cool recipes on Pinterest though like healthy taco dips, etc. that would be helpful to make for a night in.
  • tessmca
    tessmca Posts: 27 Member
    I am only following the challenge as I live outside the USA. I must say the information they provide is invaluable.
    I lost 20kg in the last year but thought I was too thin, so started lifting weights, but found information very vague for females.
    I love that everything is clearly set out.
    I only have 2kg to loose but want to build muscle, I am following their guidelines now so it will be interesting to see what haooens.
    Looking forward to leaning new recipes too.

    Always been pretty good at counting calories but the quality of the food can leave a bit to be desired.
    Looking forward to this journey :-)
  • 60aday
    60aday Posts: 20
    Really excited about this challenge. I am just starting on my journey back to my pre child body.
    My kids are not babies but I just let things go for years and am ready to start focusing on myself
    A little more than I have been. I am sticking to the challenge 100%!!! Any advice is welcome.:)
  • desbfit
    desbfit Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I am so excited to start this too! Thank you for starting the group, great idea!

    I am not officially starting until Feb 9th now. I have a half marathon this weekend that I have to travel for & I feel like between the heavy cardio training & the trip in general, I will have an easier time putting everything into this when I get back. Thats is not to say that I will be splurging all week before I start. Technically I am still going to work on the diet part this week anyway. Let me tell you, I am having trouble getting my carbs down and my protein up!

    I did finish my food prep for most of the week & have planned some healthy snacks/meals for my trip. Weekends often derail me too, this one was particularly bad - it was my dad's birthday & I really have trouble at family events for some reason!