How Do You Zombies! Run?

I'm just curious how others use the App. Do you run during the entire time and just change your pase or do you run/walk? I'm trying to get back into cardio after a knee injury that took a LONG time to heal, so I use it for interval training. I was just curious if that's how most people use the app or rather or not a lot of people run the whole time.


  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I run the entire time @ a steady pace & look like a crazy person running like I just committed a crime during the chases. I have to distract a lot & lose my stash.
  • mizzie1980
    mizzie1980 Posts: 379 Member
    I walk most the time and run when I'm chased. Although in the summer I like to bike while listening to the app. It works just as well, and I just bike faster during the chases. Despite being Runner 5, I am not a runner.
  • krazeedr
    krazeedr Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! I'm Walker 5, lol. My mom and I do it together and we walk the whole thing. We used to run for the zombie hoard chases in season 1 but season two was too fast for us and I turned them off.
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    I run the whole time - sprinting during chases - wasn't always the case though =)
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    I run the whole time and have zombie chases off. They aren't quite scientific enough for me to use on my speed days (200s, 400s, 800s or tempo runs). I just like the story to keep me from getting bogged down with thoughts of work and grocery lists and whatnot. Actually I stopped listening to it altogether on speed days, because when I'm doing fast 400s, I generally can't concentrate enough on the story to know what's going on. Works ok for long runs and easy runs though.
  • Vaugirard15
    Vaugirard15 Posts: 111 Member
    I finished the 5K Zombies training app in December so I'm still new at this. Hoping to run a 5K race at the end of April. I walk for about 3 minutes, run to 2 km, walk for a block, run to 3 km then run or walk for the rest of the time (shoot for 45 minutes). The idea is to progressively run more of each workout session (also increased workout sessions to 3x per week). Right now zombie chases are off but once I'm able to run most of the time, I plan to turn them back on to work on speed/pace. Since I'm steadily increasing my pace (and, therefore, distance running as opposed to walking), I'm feeling good about it.
  • It would be kind of funny to turn them on during a marathon or a public event. Everyone running all even and you tearing by looking scared, haha.
  • babyshme
    babyshme Posts: 310 Member
    Today I walked it. I did not have the energy or want to run. I couldn't even force my self to even think about running. That is ok. I have done it 6 days strait. I am taking the weekend off.
  • lessofless
    lessofless Posts: 40 Member
    I run most of it. I usually start off by walking for the first bit (mostly because it is up hill) and then I try to run the rest of the time with a couple of walking breaks. But I'm pretty sure my walk is just as fast as my run. I have the chases turned off.