Making the Switch with Meat Loving Spouse

I have been attempting to transition my diet to a more plant based diet but have been struggling with the transition at home with my meat loving husband. Does any one have any tips or treats to make this transition easier for both of us. At this point it is not ready to make a complete transition so we still have meats and diaries in the house and it tends to difficult at times.


  • hellosunnybear
    hellosunnybear Posts: 2 Member
    I am a vegetarian and trying to vegan,
    My partner still eats meat though.

    Where are your issues stemming from? Do you make all the meals and dont want to touch meat? or he isnt supportive?

    So far my partner has been great, except he forgets. We usually eat separate anyway as he is an active gym goer and makes his own food to stick to his Macros, and we always did eat differently. =)