Almost there

Hi I am Mary I have been trying to get approved since march of last year now I am almost there. I have my surgery February 4th and I am a little nervous and very excited. I was wondering how recovery was for you all. what should I expect because the unknowing is what makes me nervous.

Thank you all!!:smile::smile: :smile:


  • airdale8263
    airdale8263 Posts: 2,155 Member
    Had my surgery on the 8th of Jan this year.
    I was nervous prior but the "happy juice" took the edge
    Recovery went very well.....stay ahead of your pain. I fell behind and felt some pain like I had never felt before. Finally got it under control.
    No problems at all so far.
    Sip you water after the "leak test".....sip and sip. Make sure you walk as quickly as you are allowed. The walking really helped.

    Wishing you the best for your surgery.
  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I had my surgery Oct. 9th. I think I must have been exceptionally lucky, because I had hardly any pain - in fact once I got home from my one night stay in the hospital, I only took pain meds my first full day home then I stopped. I recovered very well and very quickly. The first couple of weeks I was just tired, so I made sure I got plenty of rest. Like Bowler said, stay ahead of your pain. Make sure you stay hydrated and get the protein you need. I took two weeks off work, but I felt like I could have gone back sooner (my job isn't strenuous at all.) Looking back I am glad I gave myself that time off to adjust.

    I was definitely nervous before surgery, but it was an excited nervous. It's a big turning point in life when you have WLS. I am so glad I did it, and I am sure you will be glad too!

    All good thoughts for you while you go through this process!
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    I was sleeved October 14, 2013. I walked as soon as I was lucid, (which took a while) and then often afterwards. They released me from the hospital the next day. Never took narcotics by mouth, though I'm sure there was a nice "cocktail" in my IV initially. When I needed to take the edge off I chewed 3 Tylenol Jr, (not near a full adult dose). I was back at my desk job the next week. No regrets!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Sleeved 11-20-13. I have pain med allergies. I requested regular Tylenol but they insisted on trying everything else and making me sick for 3 days before they gave up and gave me Tylenol. I walked as soon as they would let me. I am sure I looked like a zombie dragging myself gagging up and down the hallway. :sick: :sick: The biggest adjustment was the extreme fatigue combined with the need for constant drinking. I am a lifelong gulper. It was a battle to get down all that fluid in tiny sips. But If you get behind you feel even worse. I went back to work after 3 days. I have a non lifting job and I knew I would be depressed at home. As the weight falls off you get more motivation. The more you hit your hydration and protein the faster the wt falls. I have lost 50 lbs so far. Good luck.
  • shoppinglady1972
    shoppinglady1972 Posts: 72 Member
    I was sleeved on dec. 30, 2013. I was really nervous, but very excited. All went well was on pain meds for about a week, recovered pretty quickly. It's a big adjustment, but I'm finding that old habits die difficult not to graze! I agree with the others when they say, walk, walk, walk! Best way to feel better!
    Good luck to you!
  • thank you all this made me feel better I am very excited an helps to see that all of you are doing well. congratulations on all of your success