Hi there, I had GBS 13 years ago …

JECole2013 Posts: 65 Member
Hi there,
I had gastric bypass surgery 13 years ago and lost 140 pounds. I kept it off for 10 years, then started to gain back after a number of medical and emotional traumas.

Now I'm working to take off 45 pounds and would love to hear from others and their journey with this.

My name is Julie and I look forward to hearing from you all.


  • ih8it4ya
    I Julie. My name is Bryan and I had Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery 19 years ago. I went from 353 to 218 (135 pounds) before I plateaued. I could never get below 218 and it was frustrating and discouraging. I started finding ways to cheat the surgery to the point that I gained back up to 306. In July of this year, I saw some information about revision surgery and called the surgeon who did my surgery 19 years ago and he said to come in and talk. Turns out, he does do revisions so I decided to work his plan - nutritionist and exercise goals - in order to qualify for insurance approval. There was no nutrition support when I originally had surgery. Anyway, I had revision surgery on December 3rd. When I checked in to the hospital, I was down to 248 just by working hard on my own. My surgeon built in about three times more malabsorption than was factored in to my first bypass. This means i have to really concentrate on protein and supplements since my body doesn't absorb them as well as it did. I try to take in about 110 grams of protein daily. It is difficult as I am only eating 1000 calories a day - 3 ounces meat and 1 ounce veggies per meal with two to three protein supplements between meals. As of today, I weighed in at 210. I am down 38 pounds in just under eight weeks since surgery. I am now going to the gym six days a week and doing elliptical or treadmill for no less than 60 minutes each visit. Tonight was elliptical followed by 25 minutes of water aerobics. My ultimate goal is to reach 180 pounds and to take up kayaking. I am well on my way. I hope my story helps in any way. It is rare to find people who had the surgery as far back as we did. Have a great evening.
  • nichinic
    nichinic Posts: 2
    Hi guys,

    I had my Roux en Y gastric bypass surgery 11 years ago. I lost 141 pounds in 16 months. I kept it off for almost 10 years. My doctor changed my medication and one of them had the side effect of gaining weight, which he never disclosed, and I rapidly gained 63 pounds. I kept trying everything I knew from post-surgery nutrition watching my protein/carb ratios, water intake, 6-8 small meals a day, exercise...nothing worked. I was totally stressed. Finally I told the doctor and he said that it was probably the medication. I am still furious. I told him I was quitting it immediately. However, we worked out a deal and he put me on something else. I lost 19 pounds in a little over 2 weeks and was ecstatic. Unfortunately, soon after I ended up with a neck injury and had to be put on steroids for 16 days; I gained 11 pounds back. Grrr!

    I am trying everything. So far I have gotten some of it off again, my loss is down to plus or minus13 pounds. I haven't been able to work out very much, but I am going to try and start again tomorrow.

    I am glad to be able to discuss this with like minded people who have experienced similar situations and look forward to our discussions.
