
So silly me...I started this group and didn't think to introduce myself.

My name is Hannah. I am the proud mom to five beautiful children. 1 girl and 4 boys

McKenna - 10
Jalen - 10
Ra'shaun - 7
Dartanion - 6
Braydann - 2

My fiance, Raymond, and I are in the middle of planning our wedding. We just celebrated our 6th year of engagement this past November. (I was the one dragging my feet, not him....Lol) We have set the date for October 18th the year. Lots to do but things are progressing nicely. And no bridezilla moments...yet. :tongue:

I work full-time as well as run my own e-commerce business. My fiance works two jobs as well as coaches youth basketball and semi-professional football. We stay very busy with the kids and their activities. Basketball, football, soccer, swimming lessons, and tae kwon do....Run, run, run...

But I am learning to make time for my workouts and meal prep to be able to eat healthly while doing all of our running.

If there are topics you would like to see, please feel free to share. I want this page to be as open as possible. We can do this!!


  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member
    Nice to meet you, Hannah!:)

    My name is Beth and I have two kiddos (Gianna-4 and Michael-2). They are both June babies born 2 weeks apart but they both had the same due date. Guess I know when I'm most fertile, huh!

    My husband and I just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary and we have been together for just about 10 years. He is an Army veteran who now works as an auto/heavy equipment mechanic. I work for an educational software company.

    I enjoy running, lifting weights almost all sports. This summer I would like to join a softball league or get back into boxing (I was part of a boxing league in college). One of my other passions is baking. I love decorating cakes and cupcakes and creating recipes. I've done a few wedding cakes and lots of birthday/special occasion cakes. Where I'm from it is quite difficult to license a home baking business so at this point I don't make a profit and just share my creations with friends/family, but someday I would LOVE to start my own bakery. Luckily my favorite snacks/treats are salty food so having sweets in the hosue doesn't really bother me.

    Our daughter is involved in figure skating and loves it. We are looking at getting her involved in music lessions soon because she has shown interest in learning an instrument. Looking forward to all the fun activites we get to do now that the kids are older. Keeping my health and energy in check so that I can keep up with them!

    Looking forward to learning more about you all:)
  • lad323
    lad323 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi everyone,
    My name is Lynn. I an a married working mom of 2 (Madison 6 and Grant 8 months). I am still trying to figure out how to balance my life now with 2 children, work, hubby, friends…everything!

    I love the outdoors and I used to be very active and sporty, but I have a hard time getting out lately. I’m also a bit of a science nerd. I am trying to find ways to fit physical activity back into my life and loose the last bit of pregnancy weight and a bit more:) Since I work with almost all guys I can’t wait to learn other tricks for how to balance everything.
  • driii123
    driii123 Posts: 39 Member
    My name is Adriana. I am a stay-at-home mom to 3 kids.
    Eden - 4 (almost 5)
    Taya - 3.5
    Ronan - 1.5

    My husband and I will be celebrating our 7-year wedding anniversary on March 1st. He works from home 4 days a week so it is very helpful with my workouts (he is my "squat rack" for the time being until I start lifting heavier and we can find one for a decent price).

    I have decided that 2014 is going to be the year to try and get my body in the best shape it has ever been in. I have been trying to get my workouts in on lunch hour while my oldest is in school and the younger two are napping. I have also done a 30 day Paleo challenge last year and am trying to incorporate more 'Paleo food' into my whole families diet. I am trying to slowly eliminate the processed food from our house but it is tough! Right now I am done the first week of Focus T25 Alpha phase as well as I have been following the StrongLifts 5x5 program since Jan. 1st.

    We can do this indeed!
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    Hello All-

    Heather Here-

    I have 4 girls 11 ys, 3 yrs, 2 yrs & 3 mo LOL so yes I do have my hands full LOL

    but 3 kids with in 4 yrs has done a toll on this almost 40 year old body and i am ready to reclaim what has been lost to me-
  • proudjmmom
    proudjmmom Posts: 145 Member
    Hi Ladies, I am Robyn, 29, and I live in a very isolated community in the Great White North. DH and I have been married for 8 years, together for 12. We have 2 children, DS 10 and DD 6. We are also a foster home, so we usually have another child residing with us as well. We also have 2 Lab Retrievers (4 year old Chocolate and a 2 year old Black).

    I work 12 hour shifts, alternating nights and days. DH works full time as well. Both my children are in piano lessons, and DS is also in a Brass Band at school. DH and DS are big hunters and enjoys being out on the land.

    When I am not working, I am usually undoing the damage of me working long hours ie: cleaning up the mess from DH and the kids. I love to sew. For exercise, I usually walk or hike in the summer/fall, and because I live way up North, I have just recently taken up skiing, and maybe I will give snowshoeing a go! We do a lot of snowmobiling as a family. I also attend Boot Camp 1-2 times a week, depending on my work schedule. Hoping to get back into running when the snow is gone, maybe in June.

    For the most part, I am just about done losing weight, a few more pounds would be ok, but if not I am ok with where I am. I would like to get back into my strength training I was doing on my own, but I can't seem to get the motivation back to get into it. Hopefully soon. I have very limited weights to use, and space as well.

    Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    My name is Miranda and my hubby & I were lucky enough to welcome twin boys last June and our beautiful daughter turns 4 in March. We are freezing our butts off in MN - anyone else in the tundra??

    We both work full-time and somehow, have managed to build in 30 minutes a day (well M-F) for using the kick-*kitten* T25 workout system. We were avid 10 Minute Trainer users after our daughter was born and decided to up the ante after our boys arrived.

    We are on day 5 of my first juicing detox/diet and I have loved the results. I have lost 7.5 lbs so far and look forward to continuing the loss progression over the next few months. It's great to see so many active mommies out there! I look forward to being able to find encouraging tips, tricks and words here! So many forums on MFP are full of snarky people; I had a moment earlier this week where I was called feeble-minded and it just pissed me off! I hope to be a source of inspiration and will look to you ladies for some as well!

    Cheers to a healthy 2014 & beyond! :drinker:
  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    We are finishing Alpha today & start Beta on Monday!
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    forgot to add

    happily married 14 yrs in march

    born and raised PA

  • We are freezing our butts off in MN - anyone else in the tundra??

    I'm in Iowa!! I feel you on the freezing your butt off...:grumble:
  • sleepingtodream
    sleepingtodream Posts: 304 Member

    We are freezing our butts off in MN - anyone else in the tundra??

    I'm in Iowa!! I feel you on the freezing your butt off...:grumble:

    I'm in Wisconsin...and am ready for Spring!:)
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member

    My name is Jolee, I am north but not to North, more like central Alberta. I am a working mom of 2 children 7 and 5, finally I am making time to work out 6 days a week. My husband and I have been married for over 8 years and together this Valentines for 15 years.

    I am turning 40 this year and my goal is truly to look fabulous at 40, since I have had such a low self esteem about myself and low body image since I turned 35.
  • busymomma97
    busymomma97 Posts: 75 Member
    Hi, I'm a mom to four kiddos..three girls (16, 8, &6) and one boy (13). Quite the age span!!! Teenagers, oh the joy!! Haha Married for 17 years to my awesome hubs who is in the Air National Guard. I had an awesome weight loss in 2008, then assumed I could maintain by not trying...surprise, those pounds found their way right back. Thankfully I didn't gain it all back, but I am horrifically embarrassed and a little disappointed in myself to admit 40 pounds came back..yikes!! I'm no longer discouraged though..if I lost it before I WILL loose it again!! I went back to where I had the most success and that is 30 day shred and watching those calories..and water!!

    I'm also freezing my butt off here in Indiana...So over winter!!
  • ketoandbarbell
    ketoandbarbell Posts: 189 Member
    Hello Ladies!
    I am Darcy and I live in North Dakota with my husband of almost 5 years and my 3 kids, ages 14, 9 and 10 months. I have been a self employed, massage therapist for 17 years and I will soon be semi-retiring. My husband is also self employed and needs the extra time to work his job so i have to take on more with kids and house. Well, NOT really more, just don't have to work my job nearly as much. LOL

    I have always had extra weight and right now is the skinniest i have been that i can remember!! :happy: But there is still more to go. I haven't exercised in almost 2 years and just started up again and am loving how it feels. I was lifting and running before the last baby but it was a hard pregnancy and am just finishing breastfeeding (this weekend, i think) so it is time to get at it again! I started 2 - 30 day challenges of planking and squats on January 1st and this week started jogging again. February, i will start a Jillian video along with some jogging.

    So happy to meet you all! Anyone can friend me, we all need support during the challenges and changes we will be going through!
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    Hi guys! You seem like a really great group!!

    I work full time outside the home, I am 38 no wait almost 39 (gulp!) and have two lovely daughters 10 and 5, one is naturally slim her dad, one is naturally chubby like me :-P
    I was pretty much at my happy weight before Christmas, then we went on vacation and that rolled into the holidays and I ate and drank a lot, as will happen. I must admit I enjoyed every minute lol. Now I have 10ish to lose again. I let myself get really out of shape, after being consistent in my workouts for years. I am in a slump I guess. My goal is to start back with an hour a day of walking/gardening/ yoga a day.
    I must confess I am having trouble getting back on track after Xmas...usually I am right on track in the new year, but this year I just feel kinda too relaxed, like my mojo is missing, so I am hoping that you guys will rub off on me lol.
    We are also getting a rescue dog next week so I hope that will get me on my walks!
    I'll come back and read everyone's intros, gotta get chores done though
    Oh PS I am generally doing low carb/ 17 day diet so I don't track calories. I find cal counting messes with my head too much!
    Looking forward to a skinnier spring!
  • sandigirly163
    sandigirly163 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello Ladies!!

    My name is Portia and I am a mother of 4 crazy and beautiful children 10, 7 and 4 year of twins. I have been on my weight loss journey since June of last year and although I have only lost 16 pounds I feel so much better and have a lot more energy. I am currently a sahm but I am looking for part time work.

    To get control of my weight I am eating clean and tracking calories. I also workout 4-5 times a week. I want to lose 30 pounds. I am not focused on putting a time limit on this goal because I just wanna focus on one day at a time.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend and also follow me on instagram @newlifefitgirl. I look forward to getting to know you all!!!
  • SoniaBlenkhorn
    SoniaBlenkhorn Posts: 11 Member
    Hi All - nice to meet such a varied group of ladies, all with a common goal :)

    My name is Sonia. I'll be 43 this Thursday, and live in Nova Scotia. I have 3 children (boys are 10 and 8, my daughter is 6), divorced from their father. But we have a good arrangement and get along well enough, so can't complain. I have my kids every other week, which gives me no free time when I have them and lots when I don't.

    I managed to lose 40lbs when the ex and I split, and have been maintaining. But I still have about 15 pesky pounds that simply won't leave. My friend Laura and I are hoping to take a trip down south this spring, and I sure would like to be able to walk around in a bikini. Hoping I'll be able to stick with MFP to achieve my goal.
  • wetzellori
    wetzellori Posts: 1 Member
    Hello everyone.
    My name is Lori. I live in Pittsburgh, Pa., and am a stay-at-home mom to three daughters ages 7, 5, and 3 and a large German Shepherd. Each of the girls just had their birthday (they are each about 24 months apart)... and it hit me that in 3 years since coming home from the hospital the last time, I have not lost a pound in spite of doing WW here and there, doing boot camp, running a few 5Ks, etc. Problem is that I start a weight loss journey, don't lose much, get discouraged and quit before things really get started. And I have a thyroid disorder so weight doesn't fall off easily. But I have 50 lbs. to lose and it is time for a change. Recently, my husband and I joined a biggest loser challenge at a nearby gym. So far each of us has lost 3 lbs. I am hoping to keep up the exercise and make many lifestyle changes (forego the wine!) to continue to lose. Good luck ladies!
  • wshg
    wshg Posts: 6
    Hi All!

    My name is Wendy. I am a 44 year old elementary teacher in MN. Married to my husband 19 years. Have two very busy kids 14 and 16. They are both 3 sport athletes, in choir, active in our church - so that keeps us running.

    For 12 years now I have done a cleanse every January. It was recommended by my chiropractor when nothing else was working for ovarian cysts I had that were bursting every month. The cleanse did the trick. This year I want to wrap up the cleanse (Saturday - can't wait!) and continue with some really healthy habits. I am seeing habits that our kids are picking up from us and I want to be a better role model.

    I have lost weight before by counting claories (weight watchers) and I have lost weight just by watching the foods I eat (atkins, 17 day diet) and now I just want to get rid of diets and just be healthyand make it a life style. That's what they all say to do...right? So I am going to give it a try.

    I have been walking or snow shoeing just about every day since Christmas. The treadmill gets old, but the winter we are having I don't have much of a choice. I watch my DVRed shows while I'm walking - makes the time go a little faster. I want to start doing something strengthening when my cleanse is done - like yoga. Anyone have an app they recommend?

    Excited to see my and your progress!
  • wshg
    wshg Posts: 6

    We are freezing our butts off in MN - anyone else in the tundra??

    I'm in Iowa!! I feel you on the freezing your butt off...:grumble:

    I'm in Wisconsin...and am ready for Spring!:)
  • wshg
    wshg Posts: 6
    School is already called off for tomorrow...we are going to be going to school on the 4th of July!