What do you do for fun & comfort instead of turning to food?

judgejess Posts: 36 Member
I've had a hellish ten days. So only gaining three pounds--but still not losing anything since I started (since I had a huge gain a while back)--isn't the end of the world. HOWEVER: When you're "down and out, feeling small..." or want to celebrate or just have a fun afternoon, what do you do? I need to stop planning my activities around food e.g. dinner reservations, looking forward to a street fair today b/c of the food, etc.



  • tracy_getsfit
    tracy_getsfit Posts: 106 Member
    When I get bored I drink water and I get up and move...even if it is just doing some laundry or reading a book. I do not set and let myself get more bored I have to find something to do!
  • JustMeee333
    Go for a walk.... or visit YouTube, and find some old/new songs that make you feel good! I love doing that.
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    When I'm down or stressed I swim. I call it my patented "swim til you don't give a *kitten* program."

    When I socialize I have some firm rules:
    1. I don't celebrate with food.
    2. I don't do buffets (right now it's a hard and fast rule, I think I'm wired to try and get my money's worth, and even "just trying" a bit of everything ends up being a lot of food.)
    3. Plan ahead & stick to the plan.
    4. When I splurge, I try to splurge small. I really wanted a funnel cake during Fiesta this year, so I ordered one, shared it with everyone in sight, and passed the remaining half off to a guy. Guys will eat anything ;).

    I hope the hellish time got better.
  • mscountrygirl39456
    mscountrygirl39456 Posts: 113 Member
    I cook....... there in lies my problem!!!!!! When I cook..... I eat...... made Chocolate chip cookies yesterday........ I ate 10.........
  • FierceLisa
    FierceLisa Posts: 38 Member
    I suffer from this very same problem. Right now I'm currently trying to drink more water when I'm "feeling" hungry. It seems to help a bit and if I want to "munch" on things I've found that chewing gum helps a bit.
  • dianantownsend
    dianantownsend Posts: 5 Member
    This is my problem as well. I am an emotional eater, I eat to celebrate, mourn, etc. I am trying to keep my mind off food by doing Just Dance, reading, and focusing on work and school. Good luck.
  • melissa3324
    melissa3324 Posts: 33 Member
    I started playing Magic the Gathering in October. Now, when I have a little extra money and want to splurge, instead of going to McDonalds or something and getting a cheeseburger, I go buy a Booster Pack instead. I also play MTG a lot and it really helps to keep my mind occupied so I am not thinking about food.

    Also, when I have the munchies really bad, I make myself a huge salad with salt and some seasonings, depending on what I'm in the mood for. Since when I am craving chips I am really craving salt, so it helps. I don't put salad dressing on my salads, with the exception of Raspberry Vinaigrette Fat Free Dressing by Kraft.

    Also, i rarely drink soda, even diet soda, because that makes me crave chips and fries and stuff like that. Instead, I drink lipton iced tea, and do not put any sugar or splenda in it. Or water.