How Do YOU make the time?

lmhbuss Posts: 282 Member
I get up at 7am with my daughter, take care of her until 2pm, then shower and go to work. I get home at midnight, do a few chores, then rinse and repeat. On my days off, once the baby goes to bed, I study for school (it's online). In addition to all of this, I am responsible for the house, the meal prep, paying the bills, running the get the idea. My own personal solution to the problem of fitting activity and meal planning into my life has been to join a gym with a daycare area (although I'm still waiting for it to open at the end of the month). What I'm wondering, is how do YOU make time for it all, in your situation? We all have different scheduling dilemmas and I'm curious to know what works for you?


  • ProjectYummyMummy
    ProjectYummyMummy Posts: 98 Member

    I have a gym with a daycare, but one week into my new programme, my youngest "decides'' to get chicken pox. This means no sleep for a week, and I can't take him with me after I've "put in" more sleep time. I've just decided to start taking him for walks around the neighbourhood. I work in the daytime, so I've also decided to take public transport instead of my car to give me approx 20-30 mins of exercise. That helps quite a bit, but also takes me a bit longer to get to work. I hope the walks with my baby will help. I'll keep you posted.
  • Making time for workouts is one of the biggest struggles we all face. If it was easy sites like MFP wouldn't be in business...Lol.

    I get up at 4:30 am everyday and I am at the gym from 5:15 - 7:15 shower at the gym and get to work by 8 am. But it was not always this easy. But finding a gym with a daycare or taking the kids along with you while you walk. If the gym scene isn't for you, go to the mall and walk a few laps around. Just make sure to avoid the temptation to grab that cup of prezetl bites or cookie. If it's too much avoid the food court altogether or go walk through Wal-Mart or Target a few rounds through the store and you have put in more than you would have thought. Little steps will add up qucikly. Take the stairs at work even if it's only one floor at a time and ride the elevator the rest of the way. (I work on the 6th floor, I'm not quite to being able to climb all of them.....yet...Lol) A good friend of mine always says you make time for the things you really want. I could make a thousand and one execuses for not getting up in the morning and going to workout but then I look down at my belly and roll out of bed and head to the gym.
  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    We have 3 kids - a 3.5 yr old daughter & 7 month old twin boys. We both work and the kids are in daycare full-time. Once we get home (around 4:45 pm), we get changed and head down to the basement for our daily T25 workout. It takes 28 minutes total so it's just enough time to get sweaty but not too long where the kids start to melt down. Then it's upstairs for dinner! This works really well for our family! 2 nights a week, our daughter has ballet & swim lessons. Those nights we TRY to squeeze in our 5:00 pm workout but sometimes have to do it around 7:30/8:00 pm instead. Either way, we've built working out TOGETHER into our day and show our kids that it's something that we just DO.
  • SoniaBlenkhorn
    SoniaBlenkhorn Posts: 11 Member
    I usually only make it to the gym every other week. My ex and I have a week on/week off arrangement with our children, so when they're with him I try to fit in 3 or 4 workouts that week. During my weeks with them, if I'm lucky, my BF'x daughter might sit for a couple of hours so I can go to the gym or get a run in. Time seems to be my enemy.
  • I've had a hard time getting up early these days now that the baby sleeps through the night. It was easy to stay up after my 4am pumps,lol. I am lucky enough to have a gym at work so I workout on lunch usually. I also will bejoining a gym with a daycare soon. Good luck!!
  • randa- how do you like t25? I really want to get it. I have insanity which i was super into, but its too long of a workout now to fit in with the baby.
  • lad323
    lad323 Posts: 82 Member
    I've had a hard time getting up early these days now that the baby sleeps through the night. It was easy to stay up after my 4am pumps,lol. I am lucky enough to have a gym at work so I workout on lunch usually. I also will bejoining a gym with a daycare soon. Good luck!!

    I do have a small gym at work, I guess I need to start doing some quick lunch workouts. Thanks for the tips everyone.
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    i am a SAHM of 4

    love this site-

    i do what i can when i can

    i try to get the little ones to help or do it with me but always have a favorite show on so that will entertain them not mommy jumping around looking like an idiot :laugh:
  • One thing we have really gotten into with the kids is Dance Central games on the Kinect for xBox. I can turn on the workout mode and it logs exactly how much time I am spent dancing even when we are doing the challenge modes. The kids have an awesome time and hubby and I get a great workout in. :happy:
  • fludderbye
    fludderbye Posts: 457 Member
    OH my yes- I loooove doing just dance with my oldest we have sooooooo much fun- makes me feel like a kid again LOL
  • proudjmmom
    proudjmmom Posts: 145 Member
    My kids are getting older now, both in school full time, and we live in a very small town. I try to get something in when they are at school, if I can't, DH is home in the evenings. Some days, when i work a 12 hour day, depending how I feel, I may not get out. I prefer to work out outside, or at Boot Camp. I don't do well with videos online. I am struggling with motivation to do strength training on my own. In the summer, I take my kids with me hiking, or let them ride their bikes while I walk or run. For the most part I do something about 5-6 days of the week, depending on my work schedule.
  • jocop2003
    jocop2003 Posts: 468 Member
    I found it was hard when my kids were young. I remember I used to work out to DVD's while my son played on the floor and well the same when I had my daughter, as they got older it was when my husband was home would I go for a run in the morning or get up early. When we lived in a bigger community I did use child care at a gym. But where we live now that is not an option. Last year I got up at 5 to work out and I was so tired when I got home, but now I have changed. I run Monday and Wednesday when my son goes to hockey and my daughter comes with me who is 5 sometimes she runs sometimes she doesn't. I kinda feel bad but I take her to dance every tues and thurs and sit there so there should be give and take (is that mean).

    For the past 4 and a half years or more I have been miserable, hating what I saw in the mirror. I am in Law enforcement and feel that police should be in shape and I feel that I have let myself down and am not a good role model for my kids.

    For the first time in a lot time I feel
    happy because in 2 weeks I have seen positive results for hard work.

    I think if my kids see me happy and in good spirits it will be good for them.

    I love my kids but I we do have to take time for ourselves. Just a little.

    Even if it is 30 mins a day. You are worth it.
  • frameloss
    frameloss Posts: 92 Member
    It is so hard! Some weeks are better than others! I feel like I can never get into a grove!

    But, I agree with what someone else said, if you want it bad enough, you will make it happen. I guess I just haven't wanted it bad enough! :)!

    I can always get down a certain amount of weight, but can never loose those last 8 to 10 pounds!

    I try to either work out at 5am for half an hour or walk during lunch at work. Just really try to fit it in little bits where I can :). On weekends, I should have no excuse, because I don't work on weekends. Not perfect but I usually work out at least one of the weekend days, if not both :)

    Here's to a fabulous 2014!!!!!
  • wshg
    wshg Posts: 6
    I have been pretty consistent with my workouts since Christmas. I am not a morning person. I like to work out after school before my kids have games or what not. At our house we focus on one week at a time and I do that with my work outs now too. I look at the week and if there is a day I won't be able to fit in a work out after school - I have to get up early on that morning. Ugh! But worth it.
  • stephanj
    stephanj Posts: 898 Member
    We have 3 kids - a 3.5 yr old daughter & 7 month old twin boys. We both work and the kids are in daycare full-time. Once we get home (around 4:45 pm), we get changed and head down to the basement for our daily T25 workout. It takes 28 minutes total so it's just enough time to get sweaty but not too long where the kids start to melt down. Then it's upstairs for dinner! This works really well for our family! 2 nights a week, our daughter has ballet & swim lessons. Those nights we TRY to squeeze in our 5:00 pm workout but sometimes have to do it around 7:30/8:00 pm instead. Either way, we've built working out TOGETHER into our day and show our kids that it's something that we just DO.

    I just wanted to 'second' this - I do JMBR and T25 and I have to stick with a short workout, it's the only way it happens, and having a workout space in the basement where I can go whenever I can steal the time is key. I also work full time so I take 30 minute walk at lunch. Lately I have had a hard time prioritizing though!
  • RandaRae16
    RandaRae16 Posts: 36 Member
    Hey! I love love LOVE T25 - it's a fantastic routine that actually works. We used the 10 Minute Trainer to shed baby weight after my first pregnancy and this is a great step-up. Very cardio-centric, lots of plyo type moves and you will sweat your butt off. It's just long enough to know you have worked out but in under 30 minutes so the kids can survive. We usually put the twins in their walkers and our daughter bops around while we workout.

    Timing is getting hard as the twins get bigger; they want to have dinner at 5:30 which affects our workout time-frame.

    We had to take a few days off this month since the kids have been sick, work is nuts, etc. I have missed ShaunT a lot! I'm looking forward to finishing up Beta and starting Gamma in a couple of weeks. Then he built a mix of the 3 levels that should be interesting.